5'5 gals! Show me your progress!!



  • christinechipchase
    christinechipchase Posts: 76 Member
  • 86rollyb
    86rollyb Posts: 72 Member
    Hey everyone! Add me to the list of 5'5"ers!! My highest weight was somewhere over 170. I didn't weigh myself much back then. I got down to 125 for my wedding in 07 and then lost my motivation and snuck back up to around 150 before I got pregnant with my son. The pregnancy weight came off by nursing and took a couple extra lbs with it (easiest weight loss I've ever had! :) ) I started MFP about 8 weeks ago at 139.5 lbs and weighed in yesterday at 129.4. So I've lost 10 lbs and have hit my original goal :). I think I'd like to lose 5 more and get back to my wedding weight though! I haven't taken any pics recently but when I do I'll come post em here!!! I'm thinking I must be small boned since any extra weight seems to show and I'm pretty sure I could weigh 115 and not look unhealthy. I just think it would be too hard for me to maintain!
  • lipsticknlattes
    lipsticknlattes Posts: 49 Member

    Starting weight: 160
    Current weight: 138
    Goal weight: 130

    Sorry the pics are so big!! I am still figuring out how to post pics.

    My favorite progress is my abs!!

    This is the most recent, taken about 2 weeks ago. :)
  • I'm 5'5 and weigh 252 ... I'm big boned and was very thin as a child and teenager. When I was 135 - 145 range I looked sickly but thought I was fat. When I have pictures to share, I will do so. Here's to us big framed girls!!! :)
  • I'm 5'5" and just starting. I was at 213 and am now at 207. I'll be very happy to be under 200. I'm also big boned so I am shooting for 175 right now. I'd love to be in a size 14 again. Once that is accomplished I will reevaluate. I am seeing so many great success stories on here that I am staying motivated. I don't have before and after pics to post yet, but I can't wait until I do.
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    I don't have any pics but...
    CW 252
    GW 150
    UGW 135

    I started out here on mfp at 267....I feel like I am stuck in the 250's....it is SOOOO hard to get out of the 250's for me.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I started on MFP exactly 8 months ago today at 160#. I might have been more to start with, but I didn't get on the scale until I started here.

    I've lost a hair over 30#, and I'm happy to maintain my weight now. If I lose a little more, that's fine. If I gain a little while strength training, that's fine, too.

    Starting weight and stats...
    December, 2010
    Height: 5'5
    Weight: 160+
    Waist: 30+
    Hips: 41+
    Neck: 14+

    Body Mass Index: 26.7 kg/m2
    Waist-to-Height ratio: 0.46
    Percent Body Fat: 30.8%
    Lean Body Mass: 110.8 lb

    August 2011
    December 11, 2010
    Height: 5'5
    Weight: 129.5
    Waist: 25.5
    Hips: 35.75
    Neck: 13

    Body Mass Index: 21.6 kg/m2
    Waist-to-Height ratio: 0.39
    Percent Body Fat: 19.2%
    Lean Body Mass: 104.6 lb

    So... about 25 of the 30 pounds I've lost have been from fat. :smile:

    I'm happy to only have one chin again! Size 10 jeans in the first, size 2 now!

    Before Zumba in January, when I'd already lost a few, to right after a run a few weeks ago.

    Same swimsuit, last summer (I gained about 8 pounds or so after that) to this summer.
  • geicko
    geicko Posts: 151
    Wow, lots of amazing body transformaions here !

    I'm 5'5 and went from 135 to 115 in 2009 when I quit smoking and decided to be fit and healthy. I maintained pretty easily and got pregnant last summer. I've put on 35 pounds during pregnancy. My daugther is now 4 months and I still have a few pounds to lose.

    SW: 132 (after the initial delivery loss)
    CW: 123.5
    GW: 116-118

    I have a very small frame (big hips and tights, which look even bigger since I have no breast lol ! but still a small frame). According to the freedieting.com Ideal Body Weight Calculator, that puts my ideal weight to 116-120 which honestly really is where I feel good.
  • No pics but..

    Height: 5'5.5
    Starting Weight: 166
    Current Weight: 154.8
    Goal weight: 125
  • bump
  • I am 5'5 and my journey has started a little over 30 days ago with Isagenix 30 day program. My mother in law introduced my husband and I to this website and so far it has been great!!!!

    SW 7/23: 188
    CW 8/22:173
    GW: 135/140
  • carrielofton
    carrielofton Posts: 89 Member
    I am 5'5" as well. I started MFP on June 21st at 208 lbs as of this past Tuesday the 16th I weighed 191.4 lbs. So I have lost 16.6 lbs. I have set my GOAL weight at 137 lbs. When I graduated from high school in 1993 I weighed around 130-135 and no one ever said I was too skinny. Sorry I don't have any pictures - I will get some soon. I have been battling my weight since I turned 21 15 years ago. I just turned 36 and decided that it was time to quit playing around with the one and only body God gave me and take care of it so I can be around a long time for my only child (daughter) that is 5 years old.

    Heaviest Weight - 214 lbs
    SW MFP 208 lbs (JUNE 21)
    CW 191.4 lbs (AUGUST 16)
  • PenTool
    PenTool Posts: 50 Member
    Fantastic! Thank you all for the amazing inspiration.
  • Will post when I finally have some after pics next month.
  • Cosmic_Unicorn
    Cosmic_Unicorn Posts: 150 Member
    Getting there, slowly but surely.

  • Nette2172
    Nette2172 Posts: 16 Member
    SW: 230
    CW: 196.4
    GW: 150
  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    Heh - i'm big boned, and after my DEXA scan last week, i've got the numbers to prove it. I've got bone density of 111% of average. :D

    My "goal weight" is around 135 lbs, but i'm more concerned with getting my bodyfat down to about 20%. Those numbers should be in the same range, though, based on current numbers and predictions.

    My heaviest was about 212, i was at 199 in December, started at the gym in mid-February at 185, and this morning i'm at 166. Slow and steady, right? I've lost about 12% bodyfat in that timeframe.
  • jackalaylee
    jackalaylee Posts: 5 Member
    Keep up the good work, ladies! :)

    I'm 5'5" as well.

    SW: 161.0
    CW: 155.4
    GW: 135.0

    Does anyone else weigh thesmelves every day, just for your own day-to-day accountability? I used to hate weighing in and thought it was a bad idea to do so every day (I fluxuate a little), but now I feel motivated to not eat before bedtime knowing I get on first thing in the morning...
  • 86rollyb
    86rollyb Posts: 72 Member
    I'm a daily weigher too... I can't help it!
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    I weigh every day and log my weight on a free site called Physicsdiet.com which does statistical smoothing of the numbers to show you a trend line, even if the daily weights fluctuate all over the place. I'm pretty much a science geek and like seeing my real trend hidden in the zigzagging daily weights.
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