Starting Insanity tomorrow? (22nd)

Right, im starting insanity tomorrow on the 22nd of Augusut, i was wondering if anyone fancied joining in and doing it with me and we could all help and support each other?


  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    I don't know that I will start it tomorrow with you but I know I will be in Sept. 1. I am finishing up 30Day Shred not sure I could handle another exercise video. Good luck with it and I will follow along just to see what you think about it.
  • Hello,
    Congrats to wanting to start INSANITY...I just had my 30-Day Anniversary with INSANITY...and let me tell you. MY body has changed DRAMATICALLY!!!!

    I can now do about 15-20 (boy) push-ups in a row...and I lost 6-8 pounds.
    It is INTENSE..but for me its all worth it for the cool-down.
    Please let me know how things go for you...I believe in this work-out.
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    Enjoy the ride!! I'm on day 38 and I love it!
  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    GOOD LUCK! You know I don't have the dvd but i'll be powering through workouts with you...just not the same ones!
  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349
    No one wants to do it with me then ? :) lol
  • Noonoo757
    Noonoo757 Posts: 280 Member
    you know what my husband got me the dvds and i took the fit test and never did it again lol, iwill do it with you and stay committed if you want, ive always wanted to do it but had no one to do it with so im in.
  • I'm in ...DEF need the motivation/support. I have had the DVDs sitting here and then got injured was never able to start them.

    I AM IN!
  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349

    Excited now! Write back on here, let me know how you got on with your fit test! Good luck!!!! xx
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    I'm in!! I will start tonight after I get off of work.
  • spongela
    spongela Posts: 107
    What's the schedule and timeframe for this workout
  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349
    Insanity is a 60 day workout video course :)

    How did everyone get on with their first fit test? I struggled on the push up jacks so just did girly push ups instead such a whimp =D
  • slovag01
    slovag01 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in!!

    I actually just started today with my girlfriend. The Fit test was truly insane. I cannot even imagine what the rest of this is going to be like, but after hearing from people who do it they say it works.

    I am a little down after the fit test cause I was just thinking that I'm not sure if i will be able to do it, but im going to need the support and motivation to keep going with it.

    I couldn't even finish the full 1 min on some of the exercises.

    Good Luck all!!!
  • tracielinn
    tracielinn Posts: 113 Member
    I'm in! I've started and stopped a few times, but it will be good to check in with folks each day. :)
  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349
    Dont worry if you couldnt finish the full 1 minute, i had to stop every now and then- its about getting your numbers up. So dont worry and focus on the whole raising your numbers! =) im going to make a table on my computer so i can see all my results lined up :)

    Going to attempt day 2 later....anyone done it yet?
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    I agree...the fit test was truly insane!! Can't even imagine what the rest of the workout will be like. But I realized how out of shape I am when I struggled to complete the fit test. So bring on the rest of the workout. Hopefully I will have time to take before pictures tonight too!!
  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349
    I struggled with day 2, i broke the workout up so i could calm my heart rate back down :) i also took some before pics and will measure in the morning or tonight :)
  • slovag01
    slovag01 Posts: 12 Member
    Day 2-- HOLY ****! that was tough. I wasn't able to do the whole thing straight through, but i did the whoel 45 minutes. I almost had to stop at around 20 minutes left, but I pushed through.

    It really does make me realize how out of shape i am. I cant wait till this feels better!
  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349
    And Day 3? My thighs are burning!!!! Lol
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    For everyone new to Insanity don't worry if you are struggling, just do what you can do. Don't give up, it will get easier (at least until Month 2, hahaha!). Enjoy it though, it is so worth it.
  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349
    How is it all going everyone? Still with us guys? :)

    I will be honest, i missed day 5 and 6 but got back to it today and regretted missing those days - hope your all doing ok! :)