Looking for others on 1,500 calories a day

On 2nd January I'm starting my calorie counting again (I lost 12lb this year and in 2019 I'm hoping to reach my goal weight and lose 10lb).

I'd love more friends on MFP who will also be around 1,500 daily for accountability / ideas for meals :smile:


  • dark_sparkles37019
    dark_sparkles37019 Posts: 114 Member
    I'm looking to restart in January around 1500 calories
  • tecat810
    tecat810 Posts: 4,592 Member
    Feel free to add me. I hang around 1520.
  • NicoleLynnJack
    NicoleLynnJack Posts: 4 Member
    I am at 1580 for my daily intake! I am starting again come Jan 1, feel free to add me too!
  • BellaNoel1112
    BellaNoel1112 Posts: 1 Member
    I am doing 1,500 calories a day. I workout 4-5 times a week but I just haven’t been tracking my food like I should. I started seriously logging my food a week or so ago. I’m also trying to be low carb as well.
  • SMR1013
    SMR1013 Posts: 3 Member
    My goal is to be between 1500-1600 a day. I will send you a friend request
  • valmhanna
    valmhanna Posts: 1 Member
    Jumping on this thread and adding everyone!!
  • all4n
    all4n Posts: 2 Member
    I’m new to this and would more fitness pals so we can all encourage ourselves to hit our target weights and feel amazing in 2019,I’m looking to aim for 1300/1500 calories a day to lose 2lbs a week,we can do this
  • atheistred89
    atheistred89 Posts: 28 Member
    Been averaging around 1500. Sometimes less, sometimes more. Just kinda depends.
  • witchaywoman81
    witchaywoman81 Posts: 280 Member
    I’m refocusing in the new year and trying for around 1600 calories/day and seeing how it goes.
    Will start adding folks for support. Anyone who joins later is free to add me, too!
  • Mcorwinde17
    Mcorwinde17 Posts: 1 Member
    im on about 1800. I know thats a lot more but I am also a bigger guy and need a little more :D. Still in it to win it!
  • sallieseb1
    sallieseb1 Posts: 18 Member
    I try to stay between 1300/1500...feel free to add me. My diary is open
  • mtnstar
    mtnstar Posts: 125 Member
    I am also around 1500, feel free to add me!
  • simyglove
    simyglove Posts: 1 Member
    I'm at 1450, feel free to add me.
  • arizonadesert3
    arizonadesert3 Posts: 8 Member
    Me, too - 1500.
  • danetteh31
    danetteh31 Posts: 8 Member
    I want to be between 1200 to 1500. I have 45 lbs to lose. Please add me.
  • Guard_Dog
    Guard_Dog Posts: 6 Member
    1500 on the button
  • Deviette
    Deviette Posts: 978 Member
    I aim for around 1500, normally get around 1600-1700
  • musicblaring
    musicblaring Posts: 8 Member
    My fitness pal has my plan at around 1300 calories. Restarting after 2 years and I'm really trying not to give up this time around on the scale I'm the biggest I've ever been also need so new friends in the community with recipes. 😂
  • camillekg88
    camillekg88 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm doing 1300-1500 calories starting today! I'm going to add you!
  • swirlybee
    swirlybee Posts: 497 Member
    I'm doing about 1450 calories per day. Feel free to add me [that goes for others as well].