Hey. Chefs life. Must change.



  • lucyricky2
    lucyricky2 Posts: 450 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend. My sister has a new challenge starting in January. It is very motivating
  • hillarysmith0529
    hillarysmith0529 Posts: 43 Member
    Congratulations! That’s amazing! You’re doing great!! I wish I could lose 15lbs in 20 days lol
  • mizzjessicac
    mizzjessicac Posts: 1 Member
    Kitchen life really messes with your relationship with food. There are way too many gaps between normal meals eaten in a calm and relaxed manner. That leads to continuous mindless nibbling of whatever you find to get by, and then late meals that are way too big, and your whole day is so rushed that you tend to eat far too quickly and have no sense of when you are full until it's too late and you're too full and you've eaten too much. I too am a chef and reprogramming how I eat. I am finding that my portion sizes are way too big and I have a heavy hand with fats. Despite 15 years of cooking I am only now really getting an understanding of what the caloric impact is of what I am eating.

    Baby steps. Right now I'm working on learning to not eat until I feel full, and that if I FEEL full I probably ate too much.

    The other thing I do when I am line cooking at really intense jobs where there is truly no time to eat properly is bring big glass jars of smoothies to work to sip throughout the shift. Keeping my blood sugar stable usually keeps me from mindlessly stuffing carbs in my face when I get too hungry.
  • mainelylisa
    mainelylisa Posts: 375 Member
    I've always wondered- what's it like working as a chef and cooking food for a living?

    Hard work. Long hours. Under appreciated.

    Welcome--this is a ridiculously supportive community--which, when you're not feeling appreciated, is pretty awesome. What would you like to be doing? Are you working towards a goal, such as your own business? I know my over-eating and drinking is sometimes triggered by resentment for being...well not in charge, lol. But have found if I'm working towards a goal, I can shift my thinking.

    Feel free to add me if you have any room for more friends. My diary is open. However, I'm more on the low-fat vegetarian/plant-based path, which is different from most people here. Disclaimer: I fell off the healthy and controlled drinking bandwagon this December--damn holidays. But hopping back on. I'm getting ready to eat veggie soup with leftover gingered carrots, rice pilaf, chick peas, sauteed onions, sauce, fresh herbs, and of course, chipotle.

    As many have said, start with little changes--I think there's research that's the key to lasting change.
  • Amyata1
    Amyata1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey BigYin, just a thought.... Congrats on the 20.5#!!! But I'd be careful losing too much too fast. I completely get that it's great to lose the weight and (no surprise) I'm no pro but your electorlytes could get out of whack. I toss a Mio with electrolytes into my gallon of water to ward off problems and you might consider it too. I take potasium/magnesium to help too. I was keto from June-Oct which totally screws with your system so I learned the hard way to watch my electrolyes. I once watched a 400# cook go down on the line (terribly hot even for a line) and he nearly crushed the other guy he took down. He was dehydrated. I think the "weight loss gods" suggest 1-2# a week. I bet you're losing water weight. Great job but I hope you're careful and don't hurt yourself. The Mio will make it look like you're drinking nuclear waste! Just tell everyone it's pickle juice. That will keep them from drinking from your jug! Haha. Keep going!
  • Oliieolive
    Oliieolive Posts: 2 Member
    My fiancee and I are both chefs as well and trying to lose weight for our upcoming wedding. I've been struggling with this and honestly I've actually gained about 15# since we got engaged and I've finally realized that it's affecting my health. Happy to meet some other chefs who understand long hours and constant temptations.

    Love the idea of the 'boxed lunches'. I struggle with meal prep since when I get home from cooking all day I'm tired and the last thing I want to do is cook more.
  • Sophiejane1993
    Sophiejane1993 Posts: 3 Member
    Fellow chef here (sous chef) and looking for help, advice and friendly motivation. Particularly late night when I'm bashing out the orders or early morning when it's breakfast shift time. My weight fluctuates up and down constantly and I've put some on since becoming a sous. I keep trying to use MFP but all the tasting and checking seasonings makes me wonder how to input into the diary.
  • goodasgoldilox165
    goodasgoldilox165 Posts: 333 Member
    Well done on finding a system that works for you in this first stage of the battle - great weight loss so far.

    While still winning so well, this would be a good time to think ahead to the long term.

    For lasting weight loss, you need a lasting plan.

    The main trick seems to be setting up a way of eating/exercising that will keep on working for you in the longer term AND which you are happy to live with.

    Someone with will-power and motivation (like you) can exercise this and see great change - for a week - or a month or for 2 months or three or even four. However, will-power is stretched during this time and it will get tired.

    Prep for this if you plan to win.

    Can you find a way that uses what you have learnt about eating and living well and which you can sustain for a year or two years or ten?

    What is your new normal going to be?
  • cheapspkrs111
    cheapspkrs111 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey folks.
    Time to start doing something about my health.

    Diabetic, and have been a while now. Uncontrolled. Type 2.
    Was at the docs a few days ago, and was informed I have high cholesterol. To the number of 12.
    And told out of all his patients this week, I’m the one he is most worried about.

    So that brings me here.
    Started logging my food on Tuesday. Love the way it works.
    My eating habits are out of wacky because of my work. I’m a chef. And work long hard days. Don’t eat and just pick at whatever is lying in kitchen.

    So yeah. Hi everyone.
    Hey folks.
    Time to start doing something about my health.

    Diabetic, and have been a while now. Uncontrolled. Type 2.
    Was at the docs a few days ago, and was informed I have high cholesterol. To the number of 12.
    And told out of all his patients this week, I’m the one he is most worried about.

    So that brings me here.
    Started logging my food on Tuesday. Love the way it works.
    My eating habits are out of wacky because of my work. I’m a chef. And work long hard days. Don’t eat and just pick at whatever is lying in kitchen.

    So yeah. Hi everyone.
    Hey folks.
    Time to start doing something about my health.

    Diabetic, and have been a while now. Uncontrolled. Type 2.
    Was at the docs a few days ago, and was informed I have high cholesterol. To the number of 12.
    And told out of all his patients this week, I’m the one he is most worried about.

    So that brings me here.
    Started logging my food on Tuesday. Love the way it works.
    My eating habits are out of wacky because of my work. I’m a chef. And work long hard days. Don’t eat and just pick at whatever is lying in kitchen.

    So yeah. Hi everyone.

  • Oliieolive
    Oliieolive Posts: 2 Member
    Fellow chef here (sous chef) and looking for help, advice and friendly motivation. Particularly late night when I'm bashing out the orders or early morning when it's breakfast shift time. My weight fluctuates up and down constantly and I've put some on since becoming a sous. I keep trying to use MFP but all the tasting and checking seasonings makes me wonder how to input into the diary.

    I've been wondering this as well since this is the first time I've talked to other chefs about weight loss. Does anyone set aside X amount of calories for what they have to taste at work? Do you track every single thing you taste?
  • TheBigYin1984
    TheBigYin1984 Posts: 286 Member
    Wow. I didn't expect to find so many chefs on here. And I don't know why I'd think that.

    I never meet my daily calorie count. So I I'm always about a thousand under it. I don't count what I try etc. But I know I've had it.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    I'm not a chef, but is it possible to do your tastings like a wine connoisseur, sniff, rinse, breath, and spit??
  • kplumm88
    kplumm88 Posts: 32 Member
    The chef life is hard. My husband is a chef and is currently 408lbs which is pretty good since he was pushing 500 at one point. He is by no means finished but he has started to turn things around. Stay strong! It sounds like you have started to make changes and that is the hardest part!
  • Ahanaz
    Ahanaz Posts: 353 Member
    Hi and welcome! Please feel free to add me for some support in your journey :)
  • 2O2OisMyYear
    2O2OisMyYear Posts: 27 Member
    Sent you a request!
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    Fellow chef here (sous chef) and looking for help, advice and friendly motivation. Particularly late night when I'm bashing out the orders or early morning when it's breakfast shift time. My weight fluctuates up and down constantly and I've put some on since becoming a sous. I keep trying to use MFP but all the tasting and checking seasonings makes me wonder how to input into the diary.

    Hi there...I used to try to calculate things to the tablespoon, but then that got to be a real pain in the *kitten*...then I tried giving myself a flat 500 calories each day, but that wasn't accurate, and I knew there were days I was probably over...so I spent a day (literally 6-8 hours) entering in recipes to MFP, and then calculated the number of servings by tablespoons. it took FOREVER but when I was done I was able to accurately measure what I was tasting/eating in my kitchen. After that, entering recipes one at a time, as they were added to the menu got easier and easier.

    If you don't have time for that, then you can look up a chain similar to your kitchen, and find items that are similar to yours for an approximate set of numbers.
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    Oliieolive wrote: »
    Love the idea of the 'boxed lunches'. I struggle with meal prep since when I get home from cooking all day I'm tired and the last thing I want to do is cook more.

    I totally get that...I actually resented meal planning, and prepping for myself since that's what I did for a living lol! By the third week it was easier, and by the 6th I had a good 6 week week meal rotation for myself, and I didn't have to really think about it anymore, just get groceries, and spend two hours in my home kitchen. the nice things about meal prepping at home is I could have a cocktail, put a great movie on, and be in my jammies while I did it! I could also get my hubby and kids to help me out! My hubby is an electrician -great as dishwasher, not so great at meal prep, but he is cute and I think I will keep him! Your soon-to-be-hubby is a chef and is probably fantastic as meal prep (probably cute, too, and good to work with?)...Bet y'all could knock out prep in an hour of actual work, not including waiting for things to simmer, bake, etc.

  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    Sous vide/vac seal is my go to life safer for quick meals. Check out my system.

    That is fantastic! I don't vacuum seal, I just use freezer paper and freezer bags. I don't know why I never thought to organize them in bins like that, but now I want to! I LOVE it!

  • WatchitBeginAgain
    WatchitBeginAgain Posts: 41 Member
    Hey, welcome to the platform.

    It is difficult to stop that automatic grazing urge when you are around food all day. One of the things that has really helped me is going vegan. I know that sounds extreme, and I didn't go vegan to lose weight, but it does have the very pleasant side effect that it stops me from grazing on all of the food around me. It is a lot easier to turn down the chicken strips, pizza, cheese sauce, baked goods with eggs or egg wash, because I am vegan, not because I am a diet or watching my weight. It really helps with my self control and mental health.

    Making similar food rules may help you. Good luck!
  • jrigby77
    jrigby77 Posts: 1 Member
    See Dr. Neal Barnard's book Preventing and Reversing Diabetes. Might not be for everyone, just saying it worked for me. I no longer measure my BG daily.
  • petethegamer01
    petethegamer01 Posts: 19 Member
    Welcome aboard. Also type 2 diabetic and my eating is always out of whack as I work rolling day and night shifts so I feel your pain
  • amagus
    amagus Posts: 71 Member
    I am a diabetic as well and based on your job, I suggest you look at low carb diets. I am not talking 8 carbs a day, but definitely research how many carbs at a time make your blood sugar go up. For a good book for learning how diet affects your blood sugar, I recommend Blood Sugar 101 or just check out Jenny Ryhl's website at https://www.bloodsugar101.com/

    Glad you are here!!!
  • duncan_mc64
    duncan_mc64 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Chef - Chef here! I completely understand the not eating properly thing... Sometimes I forget to eat and there is food all around in the kitchen. I have to walk away and make myself eat something healthy. Being from the south, I grew up eating a lot of fried foods and working in a kitchen does nothing to help with this. I have to pack my lunches(and dinners) or eat scraps all day. Long hours and running constantly make it difficult to eat properly throughout the day.
  • orangegato
    orangegato Posts: 6,572 Member
    Thanks for all the replies you wonderful people.
    Especially good to hear from so many other chefs!

    I have made a good change. Eating 3 meals most days.
    Usually starting with porridge and honey.
    With healthy meals during day.
    And a good meal at night.

    Cut out most of the picking as well.
    Going on a 3 mile walk daily with the dog also.

    way to go!
  • debdoc61
    debdoc61 Posts: 1 Member
    I find in the winter I don't like eating cold food, especially salads. I have found that my Instant Pot does wonders with whatever veggies I have on hand , just rough dice and add all to the pot with chicken bouillon or tomato sauce or canned tomatoes, and some spices and let er rip. Then you have basically just veggies with no fat added and easy to add to any protein or carb for a quick balanced meal.
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    Thanks for all the replies you wonderful people.
    Especially good to hear from so many other chefs!

    I have made a good change. Eating 3 meals most days.
    Usually starting with porridge and honey.
    With healthy meals during day.
    And a good meal at night.

    Cut out most of the picking as well.
    Going on a 3 mile walk daily with the dog also.

    You're making awesome progress, too!

    (I think it's awesome there are so many other chefs, too...!)
  • Safari_Gal
    Safari_Gal Posts: 888 Member
    Hey folks.
    Time to start doing something about my health.

    Diabetic, and have been a while now. Uncontrolled. Type 2.
    Was at the docs a few days ago, and was informed I have high cholesterol. To the number of 12.
    And told out of all his patients this week, I’m the one he is most worried about.

    So that brings me here.
    Started logging my food on Tuesday. Love the way it works.
    My eating habits are out of wacky because of my work. I’m a chef. And work long hard days. Don’t eat and just pick at whatever is lying in kitchen.

    So yeah. Hi everyone.

    hey @TheBigYin1984 - I feel ya! I have a non traditional job - I work nights, wake up at 2am for conference calls - days can be 4hours or 20hours long. I gained weight by eating whatever was handy and quick, at 1AM - I didn't want to be bothered either. Actually I still don't, lol - but I had to make a change.. My doc put me on meds years ago for prediabetes - I decided to make me a priority, lost 40+lbs and started eating healthier. I sleep better, I have more energy - but what I had to focus on most was discipline. You've already taken the first step by decided to make a change - the next step is to make a plan and act on it! You've got this! Being a chef and a foodie is great for diets - IMHO - you can bring all the creativity into your meals. Think of it as a positive adventure. Today is day one to a fabulous new you! :)