Least Favorite Foods



  • skateboardstef
    skateboardstef Posts: 164 Member

    Baked potatoes (they are good with all the cheese, sour cream, butter, etc...but by then it's not good for you so what's the point?)

    Crab/Lobster (I am allergic)
  • shelbygeorge29
    shelbygeorge29 Posts: 263 Member

    Baked potatoes (they are good with all the cheese, sour cream, butter, etc...but by then it's not good for you so what's the point?)

    Crab/Lobster (I am allergic)

    Two lobsters, baked potato (I even like with keptchup, not that butter, s/c, etc. isn't tasty, but I don't eat much white food any more), and grilled asparagus is a favorite meal of mine . . . I guess we are not food twins!
  • tragicpixie
    hamburger helper and those noodle packets
    fat free/fake diet foods - too many preservatives and dubious substances
    jelly beans, those weird "circus peanuts", peeps, ...
    Lunch meat.
    Fried chicken.
    Butter sauce on just about anything
    Fake cheese - cheese wiz, "cheese sauce" whatever... and don't even get me started on cheese in a can
    ** Edited to add a food so hated I forget it exists: Eggplant. My nemesis.

    I'm not going to list the foods I have never tried and probably couldn't/wouldn't such as headcheese, tounge, livers, organs, etc.

    ... Brussels sprouts are one of my favorite foods. So all you sprouts haters can pass your shares to me! :)
  • Salknight
    Salknight Posts: 3 Member
    Pineapple & celery, mayonnaise.
  • BodyByButter
    BodyByButter Posts: 563 Member
    Raw onions
    Peppers (make me burp for hours)
  • bree2012
    bree2012 Posts: 179

    Baked potatoes (they are good with all the cheese, sour cream, butter, etc...but by then it's not good for you so what's the point?)

    Crab/Lobster (I am allergic)

    Ugh, asparagus!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Mushrooms! :sick: :sick: :sick:
  • beccau_20
    beccau_20 Posts: 191 Member
    Raw Onions - No.

    Hot Dogs/Sausages/Breakfast Sausages (in either patty or link form) - Barf.

    Brussel Sprouts - They smell like feet. It is gross.
  • MJStory
    MJStory Posts: 42
    Any crustacean, i.e. lobster, crab, crayfish, shrimp, etc.. The smell of any of them makes me nauseated before I realize what it is. The scientific term of this disorder is "aversion". There was a time in my early life that I enjoyed shrimp -- go figure!
  • MyouTakara
    I despise macaroni and cheese of any kind. Homemade, boxed, it doesn't matter, I won't eat it. (Bad childhood experiences)

    Mushrooms (texture)

    Most fish if it's too fishy (salmon and tuna are usually good, but only certain people have been able to get me to eat anything else.)

    Diet soda (I gave my housemate money to buy me ginger ale when I was sick. She bought me diet and I almost cried.)

    Sweet-tasting meats. blech.

    Miracle whip (I love Hellman's mayo, though)
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    I hate pies. Stodgy, flaky, ergh. I generally don't like pastry, but can just about get on with filo. This goes for pork pies too.
    Liver - tried it, hate it.
    Whole milk - makes me feel sick.
    Cottage cheese - tried to like it, nay, forced myself - still hate it.
    Butter beans - bad childhood experience.
  • kimziebaby
    kimziebaby Posts: 133 Member
    Seafood, especially fish. Ew

    That's about it for me! haha
  • rachelw16
    Eggs - The smell alone is enough to make me gag
    Fish, except tuna
    Cheese, unless it's melted - yeah, I don't even know
  • sarad777
    sarad777 Posts: 210 Member
    I can't stand even the smell of fish. I also can't stand raw or near raw beef. I just can't look at it! Next items I would never eat are olives, turkey or chicken pot pie. I smelled a chicken pie all the way from Canada to England on a midnight flight. I can't believe they served that at 2am. I wanted to barf.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Kim chi!
    i moved it over on my plate and used the same fork to take a bite of another food and it Still took me two weeks to get the taste of kim chi out of my mouth.
  • PalmettoparkGuy
    PalmettoparkGuy Posts: 212 Member
    Meat, mushrooms
  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    Celery, no question, I hate everything about it. The sound, the taste, the look, those gross strings that come out when you bite into it, how it turns into mush when you cook it, the smell, etc. I could go on and on.

    And yogurt... it's more a texture thing though.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    My absolute HATE is mayonnaise. I hate hate hate hate hate it. I can't eat anything that has touched it, or even watch other people eating anything with it in. It actually makes me throw up just thinking about it.

    All meat. Not that I hate it taste wise, but as a vegetarian I am morally opposed to it.

    Gherkins - Bleurgh

    Red peppers - they make everything they are in taste bland.

    Okra. They are just wrong.

    Orange - majorly allergic

    I also hate white bread sandwiches with tomato in. I hate soggy bread.
  • Teeladog
    Teeladog Posts: 157 Member
    Well...the list is pretty long really but the very top of my hated food list is EGGS. I don't mind them baked IN stuff but I can't stand eggs on their own. My husband loves them and eats them most days. I can't be in the house when he cooks them because the smell of cooking eggs makes me want to throw up.