If everyday were like today..you'd weigh.....

Blah..blah..blah...I watch my calories..fat..sugar..protein..and carbs all day, everyday......I stay well within my intended calorie goal....so if everyday were like today......why isn't the scale moving? For over 3 weeks it's been saying...you'd weigh so n' so.......but the needle 'ain't' movin....wth!!!!!


  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    yup, i hear ya. mine didn't move for 3 weeks, and "if every day were like today" kept telling me a weight that worked out to 2 pounds lost per week...it finally started to slip off, but it is 1/2 pound to a pound a week. and I log EVERYTHING too. frustrating sometimes. keep going, you will have a scale victory or non scale victory soon, that will motivate you.
  • jodie0520
    jodie0520 Posts: 36 Member
    Your body has hit a plateau. That's normal for everyone. If you've been eating the same foods or doing the same exercise program, you may just need to change them up a bit to give your body a new challenge.
    Don't get discouraged. According to your tracker, you've been doing great so far. Don't let this break in progress ruin all the hard work you've been doing. Keep it up and get creative. Good luck!!!
  • dcgonz
    dcgonz Posts: 174 Member
    I know this may sound counter intutive to what you have been doing but you may need to adjust your calorie intake up. You may have reached a plateau. If you are resticting your calories to a low amount, your body will adjust to that level and be able to survive and holds on to fat. You actually have to eat more than you think in order to lose weight.
    I had the same issue a couple of months ago, that's why I joined MFP. I was working out eating what I thought was the right amount around 1300-1500 calories. When I actually started tracking my calories vs excercise I found out I was not eating enough. I upped my calories to 1800-2000 and have lost 10lbs. Just an idea.

  • TishaDawnMc
    40+ days the scale didn't budge. I worked out, I eat very well, within my goals, I ate back most calories when I worked out blah blah blah and nothing. NOTHING. I was at my wits end, when holy shizzballs I finally lost a pound this week. :| I keep thinking its because prior to packing on 20 pounds I was in very good condition (runner) and so its taking me longer? I have no idea, age, metabolism, muscle gain whatever. VERY VERY frustrating
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I know what you mean, that little feature is so misleading! It's just using the basic calories in/calories out formula and doesn't take into account the real biochemical/hormonal factors that also go into weight loss/gain and which are different for many people but then again it can't really, since it's meant to be general and applicable to everyone.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    DITTO but today I clanged my calorie intake from 1650 to I think 1710 so we will see
  • mazza2marilyn
    read blog "not losing weight " by chevy88gr it was on page 4 of the blogs a few seconds ago,
    worth reading
  • smallerthighs
    I know this may sound counter intutive to what you have been doing but you may need to adjust your calorie intake up. You may have reached a plateau. If you are resticting your calories to a low amount, your body will adjust to that level and be able to survive and holds on to fat. You actually have to eat more than you think in order to lose weight.
    I had the same issue a couple of months ago, that's why I joined MFP. I was working out eating what I thought was the right amount around 1300-1500 calories. When I actually started tracking my calories vs excercise I found out I was not eating enough. I upped my calories to 1800-2000 and have lost 10lbs. Just an

    Wow..that's incredible. Mfp has my caloric intake set at 1200 cals per day..I'm usually under by atleast 100cals...afraid to go over too much, because I'd seriously give my scale a beat down if I saw a gain..instead of a loss. Confused...and really pissed!!!
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    keep active, keep eating right and it will move. It has to!
  • Stuartm1
    Stuartm1 Posts: 101 Member
    You are taking it too literally lets face it how can it know individual metabolism rates etc it is only a guide. MFP has been great for me as a check on calories taken and burnt and it is a great monitoring tool. That said I have also carried out changes of routine such as eating back / not eating back ex cercise calories (some or all) and by doing this I have lost an average of 1.8 pounds per week top loss early on 3 lbs lowest .5 lbs. However my routine may not suit you you have to find your own system. Also why weigh daily? I weigh once a week and where possible same day same time. Sometimes I cannot so wait until the next day same time.

    This has not been a diet for me it's been a lifestyle change I still eat things I like, I still have an alcoholic drink but in smaller portions and smaller quantities. I still eat Chocolate daily and when I get to my target (11 lbs to go) I know what I can and cannot eat to help maintain. My Wife has also lost 32 lbs doing simular excercise and portion control she has had 1 or 2 weeks occasionally where she has not lost weight but hasn't got downhearted.

    Hope this helps and good luck
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    I hate that too! I've been at it for 3 weeks and didn't lose a lb. I did, however, lose 7 inches overall. Body composition is changing, I would guess. Things are shifting...

    Also, just keep at it. FINALLY, this week, after upping my calories, I lost 4lbs!!!! I was exstatic!!!

    Good luck! :-)
  • dcgonz
    dcgonz Posts: 174 Member
    I know this may sound counter intutive to what you have been doing but you may need to adjust your calorie intake up. You may have reached a plateau. If you are resticting your calories to a low amount, your body will adjust to that level and be able to survive and holds on to fat. You actually have to eat more than you think in order to lose weight.
    I had the same issue a couple of months ago, that's why I joined MFP. I was working out eating what I thought was the right amount around 1300-1500 calories. When I actually started tracking my calories vs excercise I found out I was not eating enough. I upped my calories to 1800-2000 and have lost 10lbs. Just an

    Wow..that's incredible. Mfp has my caloric intake set at 1200 cals per day..I'm usually under by atleast 100cals...afraid to go over too much, because I'd seriously give my scale a beat down if I saw a gain..instead of a loss. Confused...and really pissed!!!

    If you are also excercising this 900 calories a day is not enough, is that your net calories? This is how a friend of my put it "The rule of thumb that I understand is that 1200 calories is the low water mark (if you will) that you want to stay above. Anything less than that and your body goes into the 200,000 years of training it's had. In short it says. Ok, we are not eating, there must be famine heading our way, it's time to store fat. You can actually get fatter and gain weight by eating less! Amazing. I'm over simplifying that, but you get the picture".