Join my small intentional Group:Women over 40, Need to Lose 70-100, will close group after 20 member



  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member
    I think there is room Gretchen. There are only 20 replies.
  • gwcollins71
    gwcollins71 Posts: 12 Member
    I hope so. I feel lost in this big message board. Smaller is better for me.
  • tljohan2
    tljohan2 Posts: 7 Member
    I just literally found and signed up for MFP one hour ago, 11PM. It looks like I have found this too late. Like the previous post, I feel a bit lost on the big message board. If you have room for me, I would like to start my journey here. I haven't even had time to create my profile yet but since it's after midnight, I will have to begin in the morning.
  • JulieNedelko
    JulieNedelko Posts: 9 Member
    Hello, My name is Julie and I’m 49. I am a teacher and school administrator. I have 5 kids (ages 12-22). Like many of you, I have lost weight only to gain it back plus some. I have done the yo-yo thing too many times. I need to stop trying to “diet” and just keep moving forward every day with healthy choices. I’m taking it day by day and hope to see not just physical changes, but mental changes since those seem to be the hardest. Support is a good way to stay motivated and reach goals through consistent choices. We all know what to do; but we are here because there is a “knowing - doing” gap. Here’s to closing the gap in 2019!
  • ercelray1
    ercelray1 Posts: 12 Member
    I need to loose 130 lbs. please add me thanks
  • nolagirl1970mfp
    nolagirl1970mfp Posts: 65 Member
    Not sure if there is still room but I’d love to join. I am a mother of 2 teens. I’ve lost about 70 pounds in 2018. I still need to loose another 60. Would love to support others and keep on track!! It’s a lot harder at 48 to loose but where there is perseverance there is a way!
  • carolkittydavis
    carolkittydavis Posts: 647 Member
    I sent another batch of invites to the group to everyone who responded (and is Female). Sorry to the male, but I'd like to keep this group very specific for women over 40.
    If you didn't get my invite, please just send a request to join "Kitty & The Losers" Group.
  • leecha2014
    leecha2014 Posts: 385 Member
    Hi ladies. I’m interested if it’s not too late! I’m 46 and joined MFP in 2014, lost 80lb and put 30 on over the last year due to feeling great and celebrating too much then work stress. Then take out food stress. I’m past the point of comfort, the only clothes I can wear are yoga pants. Stretchy. I wasn’t at my goal before so would like to lose 70. I’m serious and would like to be part of a support group. :)
  • winodini
    winodini Posts: 135 Member
    Hi! I am 40 years old. I live in the US and am an accountant, so I spend most of my day sitting at a desk and working on spreadsheets. I'm also 5'7".

    I was a healthy weight until I graduated from college, but I always thought I was 30 lbs overweight. Once I had a desk job, I quickly put on 30 lbs in 3 months. The weight gain slowed down, but I kept gaining throughout the years. I started MFP in 2011. I lost around 30 lbs and it really boosted my self esteem. So, I decided it was time to go back to school and become a CPA. Slowly, I set my healthy eating and exercising aside and gained back all of the weight I lost plus another 30 lbs. When I turned 39, I was at an all time high of 255 lbs. I lost 40 lbs before my 40th birthday. I decided to give myself a week off to celebrate. That week has now turned into 7 months! Fortunately, I only gained back 10 lbs.

    I'd like to slowly lose 70-75 lbs. This time, I'm trying to be more realistic about what I need to be successful in losing the weight and keeping it off. I want it to be a lifestyle and not a diet. I need to consistently log my meals, even if it's a bad meal or bad day, because if I don't the bad day will turn into a bad week and then a bad month. I need to start exercising on a regular basis. I need to cut back on sugar and processed carbs. I need to cook more, because I eat out far too often.

    I'd love to join a small group that helps motivate and support each other!

    I spend my days at a desk as well! I’m looking to lose 75-100 roughly and hoping to redefine my life not yo-yo like I have been. I think a smaller group of ladies seeking the same would be so helpful! Please count me in!
  • gwcollins71
    gwcollins71 Posts: 12 Member
    I don’t understand how to request to join the kitty and the losers group. I’m new on the message boards and I feel lost. Please help.
  • DaniMerc72
    DaniMerc72 Posts: 188 Member
    I would love to join is there is room. I am 46 and have fought my weight all my life. I was 222 and started working out, eating healthier and was totally motivated--I lost 35 pounds and was feeling great. Then I fell off the wagon hard and gained back 28 pounds. I want to get back into my healthier habits, and get back to the gym. I am 215lbs now and my goal is to get down to 125, so I'v got a long road to lose 90lbs.

    I'm going to focus on 10lbs at a time, and eventually reach my goal. I am looking for support, encouragement and maybe even some humor to get me there!
  • carolkittydavis
    carolkittydavis Posts: 647 Member
    Sending invites to leecha2014, winodini, gwcollins71 and danimerc72
  • winodini
    winodini Posts: 135 Member
    Sending invites to leecha2014, winodini, gwcollins71 and danimerc72

    Thank you!
  • scd78
    scd78 Posts: 77 Member
    I would like to join the group if there is still room. I am 40 years old, married, and have two kids (15 & 11).
    My starting weight was 257.6, CW 252, GW 150. I am really focusing on logging and keeping my calories within my goal, but will add exercise in soon.
  • Yvette2u
    Yvette2u Posts: 35 Member
    Please add me!

    Looking for Motivation and Accountability.

    I am 44 yrs old. Ideally need to lose 75lbs, my baby step goal is to lose 20lbs.

    And I working in Accounting! 😉
  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Yay, maybe we should set up an accountants sub group so we can all b1tch about excel and people who don't understand budgeting :D:D:D
  • 911Nrs
    911Nrs Posts: 42 Member
    Am I to late to join? 44yo with 3 grown children with 70lbs to lose. Part-time nurse and part-time medic for fire dept who is pretty sedatary off shift. Looking for group for motivation and support.
  • travlingal216
    travlingal216 Posts: 28 Member
    I would like some support in losing another 40:pounds. I am a senior and not as active as I should be. Have basically been on 1200 calories and do not eat pasta, potatoes and bread and so far have lost 35 lbs.
  • FrostysHouse
    FrostysHouse Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I'd like to join if I may. I'm a 49-year-old editor and widowed mom to teenage twins. I've lost about 50 pounds in just under a year, but want to keep going -- at least 75 more.
  • carolkittydavis
    carolkittydavis Posts: 647 Member
    Sending invites to the latest ladies!