Shedding my fat suite...

Hi! I have been in the group for about 2 weeks now and thought I would finally say hi! I love this place, it is a god send.. I have always been big, but I no longer want to be that "fat girl".. I have over 200lbs to lose (yes I said 200), but my husband is doing it with me and I think I can do it this time..


  • karo224
    karo224 Posts: 292
    i still have 150 to go we are very close to what we need to lose. this website is a Godsend and we can do this together. Your friends on here become an extended family who completely understand where you are coming from. the love and support are beyond words! lots of support and hugz!
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    You can do it.

    Log all of your food, eat as clean as possible, and move as much as possible.

    Know you'll mess up and just keep going.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • abirdy
    abirdy Posts: 36
    This site is great, it helps keeping you aware of what you eat and what you should not eat.... It did help me a lot.. you can add me for support if you want .. Good luck....
  • rosie38c
    rosie38c Posts: 25 Member
    good luck :) really hope the site works for you.. everyone is really supportive

    Rosie x
  • nadiaez
    nadiaez Posts: 132 Member
    Hi!! You sure can do have the support of your husband plus all the great people you are sure to meet on this site.....weight loss can actually be fun! (At least it now is for me....I'm a little addicted to this site!)

    Good luck on your weight loss journey! x
  • ajanmillie
    ajanmillie Posts: 241 Member
    I know you can do it!
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    wow..thats going to be quite a journey, but keep on it all, and you will be able to get thru it..i love the fact your hubby is doing it with you..that's excellent..he won't be able to eat junk in front of you and get away with it:wink: ..very best of luck, and feel free to add me if you like :flowerforyou:
  • Butrfli
    Butrfli Posts: 50
    First, I want to say Cograts Smiley for making, first, the hardest decision to want to change and getting your mind ready to be disciplined with your food intake and make healthy choices! Secondly, is your motivation to post on MFP and get team support behind you! We are all here in the same boat...with weight to lose and want to feel good with how we look. Your stepping in the right direction and I wish you the BEST! There's someone on here that has lost 215 lbs so far! You can do this too. Stay connected, make friends, and log your food daily. Surprisingly, I've found that I didn't eat certain foods bc I would have to be accountable for it in my diary so I didn't eat it. It really makes you more aware of what your eating. Good luck and add me for me support if you'd like. I log and read everyone's post daily to help anyway I can, but you've got to be willing to help yourself first and you've done just that by making this first step! Good Luck!!!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    You can do this! Will it be quick? No. Will it be easy? No. Will you have good days and bad days? Yep. But, keep the end goal in your sights.

    This site will help you tremendously. Log your food (learning what is a true portion size vs what we think is a portion size will be a BIG eye opener!) because seeing it in black and white everyday DOES help. Exercise as much as you can. Not only will help speed up the weight loss, but it'll also help your body change as you go through this journey. Drink lots of water. Your body needs it to flush out the toxins. And remember - YOU HAVE TO EAT TO LOSE. I know it sounds counterproductive, but I'm telling you.. your body NEEDS fuel to function and to feel comfortable enough to lose weight. Not eating is like not putting gas in your car and then wondering why you can't go anywhere. Food is what makes your body go - so fuel it!

    It sounds like you have an excellent support system at home and this site will just top it off for you!

    Good Luck!
  • smily_001
    smily_001 Posts: 135 Member
    Thank you guys! All the support is amazing!..
  • SwtKittN
    SwtKittN Posts: 176 Member
    Thanks for the add :) I've got probably 250ish that I'd like to lose.. but have to take it one bit at a time because when you think of that much all at once it's enough to do my head in :( haha. I hope we both can motivate eachother on the long journey ahead :D I never would have gotten anywhere if not for this site.. Best thing I ever did was join :)
  • darkcowboy
    darkcowboy Posts: 59 Member
    baby I know you can do it
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    Welcome! I'm glad to hear your husband is supportive. It's always better with home support. My best friend and my roommate and I all use MFP and we're all seeing results without the sense of shame and stress that we've felt trying to diet.

    You can do this! We're with you.