I Need to Walk My Dogs (and Myself)

I realize that although I fancy myself a great pet mom, I loathe the idea of walking my dogs...especially when it's cold outside. I have 3 dogs and one is a total spaz (2 yr old Springer Spaniel). I have to walk her separately, which then leads me to feel bad that I'm leaving the other two behind - or that I have to go on two walks - TERRIBLE IDEA. So I just haven't been doing anything. I recently moved and we have nearly ZERO yard for them, so walking is a must. I found an app called Wooftrax that allows you to walk your dog and raise money for an animal shelter of your choice. So I gave it a go yesterday, and have decided I'll just walk them on alternating days. Gotta start somewhere. Ideas? Motivations?


  • BZAH10
    BZAH10 Posts: 5,709 Member
    How about a dog trainer? It would make your life and the life of your dogs much easier and happier if they could all walk together. Don't get me wrong - I'm not criticizing you! Training dogs can be tough depending on their breed and personality. But, if you can afford it, it would really be worth it.

    I like the idea of the app you found. I'm going to look into that!
  • Kathryn247
    Kathryn247 Posts: 570 Member
    Energetic dogs (I'm looking at you, 2yo Springer Spaniel) ESPECIALLY need daily walks, if not more. Hire someone if you have to, but going for walks is great exercise for you, too!
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,676 Member
    Do you have any family members who can walk with you? Neighbors or friends? My husband and I walk our dog together every morning and evening. It is a chance to talk about anything and everything. Sometimes we just walk, lost in our own thoughts, but still together. I have always enjoyed walking dogs. I know my husband wouldn't do it as much if I weren't with him, but he would still walk our pup because he cares about the dog.
  • Slider678
    Slider678 Posts: 113 Member
    I am an avid dog walker! I'll check out that app!
  • reevess113
    reevess113 Posts: 29 Member
    We walk our dogs twice a day rain or shine. It has to become a habit I think - we’ve been doing it for 15 years now. When the kids were little we would have them join us. In order to get used to it, I recommend starting by doing it once a day at whatever time is best for you and then when you have that habit down, add in another time. I love the morning walk right after getting up because it wakes me up for the day. We only go a mile or so (longer if we have more time or the weather is great). We live in Michigan so understand the cold but it’s easy to layer up. Invest in long underwear if you don’t have any. Your dogs will thank you. Best of luck.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    i don't think you need to walk the dogs every day if they get enough exercise otherwise. my dogs run around playing tag in the fenced in backyard or go to the dog park. fetch, flirt poles, etc. there are plenty of forms of exercise for dogs. just like there is more than running and lifting weights for people.

    that being said, i do take my dogs on runs (not every day). anywhere between 1-4 dogs. with proper training it can be an enjoyable experience.
    there were actually three but someone needed to lift his leg
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    edited January 2019
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    i don't think you need to walk the dogs every day if they get enough exercise otherwise. my dogs run around playing tag in the fenced in backyard or go to the dog park. fetch, flirt poles, etc. there are plenty of forms of exercise for dogs. just like there is more than running and lifting weights for people.

    that being said, i do take my dogs on runs (not every day). anywhere between 1-4 dogs. with proper training it can be an enjoyable experience.
    there were actually three but someone needed to lift his leg

    OP said they don’t have a yard to run in, so they’re not getting basic exercise, that’s why she has to walk them.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Do you need really warm clothes? Motivating music?
  • smolmaus
    smolmaus Posts: 442 Member
    yirara wrote: »

    Why are you shouting? Dogs still need interaction with other dogs and not those in the house. If not by meeting them by sniffing their fluids.

    What a way to put it.

    Walking is the easiest way by far to get a dog some mental stimulation. I was looking after a friend of mine's dog for a while when she was on cage-rest and could only walk 5 mins outside per day and keeping her from tearing the house (and herself) to pieces with anxiety and excess energy was a trial. Toys, puzzles, training, hiding food, its a lot more work than just putting on a coat.

    OP you can't live the rest of your life with your dogs being unable to walk at the same time, that's ridiculous. I know your dog is 2 but get some puppy training classes.
  • FL_Hiker
    FL_Hiker Posts: 919 Member
    edited January 2019
    urloved33 wrote: »
    I'm sorry, but you really shouldn't have dogs if you're not going to walk them. When the weather is bad I may not always love the idea of taking mine out, but I know he depends on me and it's my responsibility to take care of his health and wellbeing.

    I’d find it even more difficult to do other things if basic training such as leash walking hasn’t even been achieved. Not all dogs have a drive to play ball believe it or not. I wouldn’t take an untrained dog on an off leash hike, or to do agility, or anywhere else for that matter. Just throwing your dog in a backyard isn’t exercise no matter how big your yard is, they need engagement. Dog parks can be very dangerous and often lead to bad behaviors (and goodluck catching your dog if it has no recall). Learning basic leash manners opens up a lot more doors for the dog and the owner.
  • Redordeadhead
    Redordeadhead Posts: 1,188 Member
    urloved33 wrote: »
    I'm sorry, but you really shouldn't have dogs if you're not going to walk them. When the weather is bad I may not always love the idea of taking mine out, but I know he depends on me and it's my responsibility to take care of his health and wellbeing.

    Why are you shouting?

    It would be more helpful if you actually gave the OP suggestions for what those "other things" are, rather than just yelling at me. Without a yard, I think it would be difficult to give the dogs enough exercise without walking but if you have better suggestions please offer them.