New and need help

Brand new and not sure how I got here. Tomorrow is day 1. I'm nervous cause I have failed so many times before. But with that said.. I'm gonna try like heck!


  • StefanieBerger88
    StefanieBerger88 Posts: 36 Member
    I feel like it’s so common for everyone to fall off the wagon every now again. What matters is that you’ve realized that and are taking the steps to correct it. Good luck! Feel free to add me if you’d like!
  • always_smilin_D
    always_smilin_D Posts: 89 Member
    My biggest success has come from knowing my why - this why, must go beyond a number on the scale or how my body looked...

    Concentrate on how you feel, the energy, the clear-mindedness, how your mood is affected as you start making the little changes. This journey isn't only about your body - if you only concentrate on that, you are bound to get discouraged - this journey is about overall mind, body, and emotional health. The same way you will track your food on this site, also keep a journal of the little changes you are experiencing...

    DO NOT DEPRIVE YOURSELF OF ANYTHING - just be mindful. I assure you before you know it you will start replacing low-nutritional high calorie foods with high dense nutritional lower calories foods. I am talking to you from experience.