Stretching before workout performance question

So for years I have never had very good flexibility. Even in my 20's I could never bend over and touch my toes. So last year I started stretching once a week on days that I was really sore. Seemed to help and keep things loose. I have been trying to increase my hip and shoulder mobility so I have started stretching for 10-15 minutes before working out. I have noticed actual decrease in workout intensity or sets I can perform when I stretch certain muscle groups. When I stretch my legs and hips I seem to be able to get a few extra reps and not feel as sore. When I stretch my shoulders and back it actually decreases my reps and sometimes I actually get muscle cramps. Should I go back to not stretching? What is causing these types of problems? Any advice is always appreciated.


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,120 Member
    Completely my observations of myself ...

    Stretching doesn't seem to matter when I'm cycling, although it can feel good on long rides. Just nice to move the body a bit.

    However, I need to stretch before running.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I never stretch before working out, whether it's running/cycling/weights, but always after.

    It's been slow but over the years my range of motion has increased.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Don't to static stretches before exercise would be my advice, the issues you are describing were found way back in the 1980's (Australian Institute of Sport) if my memory serves me correctly.

    Warmup, exercise, stretch may work better for you. My personal preference for weights is warmup sets rather than a general warmup.

    Dynamic stretches may be useful before some exercise though.
    Stretching when not already sore would also be a good idea!
  • Strongfitmama100412
    There is no need to stretch before. I have never stretched before any workout. Warmup yes. For 5-10 min although its not really necessary either.

    I would always stretch after and one day doing yoga will help with flexibility

  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Really shouldn't be doing static stretches while the muscles are cold.
    For most things I don't stretch first, mostly I run to the gym so I'm nice and warm when I get there, then if I'm working upper body I'll do some dynamic stretching and movements to warm those muscles/joints up. Some windmills, rotator cuff movements, alligators. Then just start with a couple of light sets before starting on my lifting proper.