How Bad Is It To Skip Breakfast?



  • jeanine89
    jeanine89 Posts: 95 Member
    I think this all depends on your sleeping habits if you sleep til ten lunch is your breakfast.
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    It's pretty well proven that your body doesn't burn fat when in fasting mode. Fasting mode starts a few hours after you go to bed and lasts until you start feeding again. And recent studies suggest that people who eat a low GI breakfast within an hour of waking generally have 5% less bodyfat than those that eat high GI breakfasts or who fast until mid-morning.

    This is very interesting, thank you :)
  • It's pretty well proven that your body doesn't burn fat when in fasting mode. Fasting mode starts a few hours after you go to bed and lasts until you start feeding again. And recent studies suggest that people who eat a low GI breakfast within an hour of waking generally have 5% less bodyfat than those that eat high GI breakfasts or who fast until mid-morning.

    This sounds interesting, I'm gonna read something about it. That would be a good motivation to force myself to eat ^^
  • My pleasure guys, glad I could help. Have researched this a lot in recent years and now of all my routines, getting breakfast down me as quickly as I can after waking is now number 1. It really gets me going and I find it incredibly motivational thinking that I've kicked my metabolism in to overdrive!

    I can point you at the reference material studies but in the first instance I recommend Dave Zinczenko's Abs Diet, which explores the importance of breakfast in some length and is a very informative reference.
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    Breakfast absolutely. But it can be as simple as a bowl of oatmeal. I used to eat like you, and I couldn't lose weight. Once I started eating breakfast and putting in my small healthy snacks during the day, I've been losing like I never have before. Find something you can tolerate and do it!

    I have my Trader Joes gummy bear vitamins and take them first. I get the low sugar oatmeal which is only 110 - 120 calories, depending on the flavor, and I'm good to go.

    Think of your body as an engine. If the engine doesn't have enough fuel to burn, it will compensate and run less effectively, trying to store resources so it can keep running (low metabolism), but if you've got fuel going to it in a constant stream, (eating every 2 - 3 hours, meals and snacks) it will run more efficiently on a continual burn. That's what you want your metabolism to do. That's why eating and exercising together are so important, and why not eating slows your metabolism down, and that leads to diet disaster. The biggest change I've made since I've come here is to eat breakfast and eat all my calories, but it's made a huge difference.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    It's pretty well proven that your body doesn't burn fat when in fasting mode. Fasting mode starts a few hours after you go to bed and lasts until you start feeding again. And recent studies suggest that people who eat a low GI breakfast within an hour of waking generally have 5% less bodyfat than those that eat high GI breakfasts or who fast until mid-morning.
    I'd love to read these studies, because they completely seem to contradict intermittent fasting, which seems to work extremely well for many people as both a complete lifestyle and a way to lose significant weight. And it also seems to contradict the fact that the body lives off of fat reserves during fasting in general, for several days at a time. If your body suddenly stops burning fat while you sleep, then how is it continuously burning fat during multi-day fasts? Also, what does the body burn when your sleeping, if it doesn't burn fat stores? The human body is constantly burning and storing fat 24/7, as part of the metabolic cycle.

    Also, I think that study had more to do with GI foods than fasting, as if you compare low GI foods to high GI foods eaten at different times, then you can't make an actual correlation between the meal times, as the foods are different.
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    There is a lot of one side or the other comments so far. I find personally, eating breakfast helps me stay on track but I don't really like to eat in the morning either.

    One comment I haven't seen is breakfast doesn't have to be a whole meal. A handful of almonds or grapes, a couple of strawberries or a small orange can be just enough at 6am. I know I'm probably stoking the know-it-alls fires recommending fruit and no protein in the morning but I like the fruit bc it's watery and easier to get down and you can have it with your coffee.

    Try to keep it light if your not into it. For me, even a banana, yogurt, or smoothie just seems like way too much. Although the coffee smoothie sounds rockin! I think I'll try that one for an afternoon snack/pick-me-up.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Breakfast is important, especially for people with a health problem, such a diabetes.

    I don't believe a person has to feel hungry to eat. To me, the hungry feeling is there to let you know that you haven't eaten anything.

    I don't wait until I'm thirsty to drink water.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Not that bad as long as you eat as much total food as you should. I often just have coffee then have hard boiled eggs or something at 10 or 11.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    No, skipping breakfast is not inherently bad for you, nor does it slow metabolism etc. Its just a myth.
  • Autumn15
    Autumn15 Posts: 213
    You really shouldn't skip breakfast...even if you just grab a glass of skim milk or something simple you need to get your metabolism up and running first thing in the morning and try to do 5 to 6 small meals through the day to keep that metabolism burning steady to get the most out of your calories all day long.
  • JohnGym
    JohnGym Posts: 34
    It isn't bad to miss breakfast. Sometimes I eat breakfast, sometimes I don't.

    Eat when you are hungry. Just make sure you eat enough, but not too much each day.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Think of your body as an engine. If the engine doesn't have enough fuel to burn, it will compensate and run less effectively, trying to store resources so it can keep running (low metabolism), but if you've got fuel going to it in a constant stream, (eating every 2 - 3 hours, meals and snacks) it will run more efficiently on a continual burn. That's what you want your metabolism to do. That's why eating and exercising together are so important, and why not eating slows your metabolism down, and that leads to diet disaster. The biggest change I've made since I've come here is to eat breakfast and eat all my calories, but it's made a huge difference.

    Yes, your body is an engine. An engine has a fuel tank that stores fuel, that it then calls for when it's needed, so that you do not have to constantly fuel the engine in order for it to run. The body is the same way. Fat stores are the fuel tank, and your body calls on calories to fuel itself as needed. Metabolism does not equal digestion. As long as you eat the proper number of calories and nutrients your body will use them appropriately. If you eat one large meal all at once, your body will process it all and store it away, to call upon as needed to keep you running efficiently. If you eat several small meals per day, your body will stop and process each of them, and then store them away to dose out as needed. It really doesn't make a difference either way.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I usually can't eat immediately after waking up, but I usually do within 2 hours or so. I have to say, when I had eggs at breakfast it changes the rest of my day. I usually don't snack very much at all on those days!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    MEAL TIMING IS A MYTH. It does not matter when you eat, as long as you are eating the appropriate amount of calories and nutrients each day, it doesn't matter when you eat them. Your metabolism doesn't randomly speed up and slow down based on whether you had breakfast or not. It usually takes 2 days of constant fasting, or months of underrating to slow your metabolism down.

    exactly this
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I do not eat breakfast until about 10 am because I am not really awake until then. It has worked for me. Waking up at 6 and trying to eat then is just too much for me. So, I wait until I'm hungry.
  • casie05
    casie05 Posts: 48 Member
    If you think that it's not important to eat breakfast, do not complain when your metabolism is so slow and you cant lose the weight you want to. Breakfast is SO important! There's a reason the saying "Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a peon" is what it is...
    Food is fuel..remember that.. Eat to live, don't live to eat :)
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    I didn't read the responses, but some research suggests that skipping breakfast for a long period of time can increase your risk for adult onset diabetes. Even if it's something small you really should try to eat something before your coffee.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    There's a reason the saying "Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a peon" is what it is...

    And what it is is a total myth. It's been debunked many times, yet people still remember the old saying, and think its gospel, when it clearly isn't.
  • NewVonnie
    NewVonnie Posts: 683 Member
    If you think that it's not important to eat breakfast, do not complain when your metabolism is so slow and you cant lose the weight you want to. Breakfast is SO important! There's a reason the saying "Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a peon" is what it is...
    Food is fuel..remember that.. Eat to live, don't live to eat :)
