On the Keto train

techyrn808 Posts: 21 Member
Hi everyone and Happy New Year! I am on day two of Keto lifestyle change. I am type 2 diabetic for about 5 years now and I just keep seeing my weight and medications imcrease. I lovey carbs and love my cereals, pastries and chocolate. I weigh 185lbs and want to get to 150lbs by the summer or at least November 2019, when my daughter is set to be married.

How are you all managing? Have you stuck with Keto or changed? Looking for fitness and nutritional buddies. I live in Hawaii on the island of Kauai, so I would doubt I would find too many of you here. Regardless looking for motivation, sharing techniques, recipes and laughter. I am also a nurse (RN) but that doesn't keep immune from poor habits and I definitely DO NOT know it all. Have a great weekend!


  • sgtrice
    sgtrice Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm starting back on the Keto diet...first try wasn't as successful but I am determined to try. I started 1 January and will exercise 5 days a week monday through friday walking 5 miles a goal I have set for.myself. I am stationed on Oahu. I am a part of the FB group "Push for your better" you can get plenty of tips from there and testimonials from people who have been in your same situation.
  • vpocino
    vpocino Posts: 6 Member
    I am currently on Keto diet (about two weeks) and have just started logging food again into MFP. I am 56 years old and married and enjoy cooking. On 1/1, I weighed 215 and my goal weight is 173. I am exercising (running and walking) 4-5 days per week and trying to run 500 miles this year which equates to about 10 miles per week.

    Keto diet fits me very well. I love everything coconut. You could actually call my diet Coco-Keto. I miss cheesecake, chocolate ice cream and m&m's etc but I find the more I exercise, the more my brain zeroes in on perfect eating.

    Feel free to share your favorite Keto recipes as I will mine. Motivation should be that that the diet certainly works but be careful of sneaky carbs that keep you out of ketosis.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I've been doing keto about 15 months for migraine control - it's amazingly easy to follow (for me).

    I'm still working on perfecting my keto cheesecake, but almond flour makes and amazingly delicious crust. I just don't like the aftertaste of sucralose, so I'm going to try the next one with stevia and see if that's better.

    For the beginners, make sure you keep your salt intake up to keep away the "keto flu", no one needs to suffer through that, and good luck!!!
  • kayleen_longworth
    kayleen_longworth Posts: 147 Member
    Hello everyone! I've been doing keto/low carb since October 1. I am down 24 pounds with no exercise and no gimmicky shakes and other items that allow you to cheat on this way of eating. I only use MCT oil and collagen peptides for supplements and track my net carbs. I'm down 24 pounds and have about 60 more to go, but this has been doable. I lost the puffiness almost immediately and ultimately feel so much better. I love seeing the weight drop day by day.

    I'm not super strict, but am definitely being more conscious about what I'm eating. My kryptonite is pasta, rice, breads, sweets. I've been working at finding some keto friendly substitutes. But ultimately I still want to eat them all so it's just best if I just stay away from those items.

    I enjoy not starving between meals. I've tried low fat dieting before and was always hungry. I find keto/low carb is much easier to maintain for me. I'm hopeful once I reach my goal weight I can switch to a maintenance level and maintain my weight loss.

    The hardest thing for me is to get enough water in. There are some days where I feel just parched if I don't get almost 12 cups in. Yesterday I managed a full gallon. They say half your body weight in water and that was basically it. I want to start adding in some light exercise when I can find the time. Would love to get back into yoga. Plan to do more hiking this summer and get out in nature more.

    Again hello - here's to the new year and new us!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I eat near keto with exactly the same blood results as I had with keto, but less overall stress. As in, keto was actually stressing my body, not just my mind. As a matter of fact, I have had more days under 100 with this slightly lax version of keto.

    I notice that exercise generally has a bigger effect on my blood sugars than a few carbs here or there. It won't make up for a binge, but it sure helps me stay healthy when I am also being consistent with my diet!

    That being said, my FBG was 108 this morning despite <60g carb yesterday and plenty of exercise, so *kitten* diabetes.
  • 2bhealthyin2023
    2bhealthyin2023 Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2019
    I did Keto years ago and lost but had a hard time adjusting my diet after I lost the weight. I went on vacation and ate things I shouldn't have and gained it all back within months. This has to be a life style change in the long run. Once you get off of your sugar and carb addictions then find that balance where you are able to maintain while slowly introducing modest amounts of only a few things back into your diet. I really messed it up back then and have learned my lesson.

    I am now 49 and have been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and Hashimotos. (Basically, Hashimotos disease is where your body is attacking your thyroid gland and trying to kill it. In the process, your metabolism slows down so much that it's an incredible struggle to even lose a pound. Your thyroid plays a huge part in regulating your metabolism. Oh the frustration!) Because of this condition, I now weigh 171 and should weigh no more than 120 for my stature. This has also created a pre-diabetic condition. I am in a fight to get myself back together and healthy again.

    I am exercising twice a week for one hour in a class called, "Refit". It is much like Zumba and kicks my butt! This is the first week that I have started the Keto diet again. I've tried eating under 1,000 calories per day and I've only lost 5 pounds in two and a half months. My very young doctor (who looks 12) suggested the intermittant fasting diet. Eating once a day just doesn't cut it for me. I felt starved and my blood sugar bottomed out. Nope, not an option. I know Keto does work. I am looking for ideas of foods that are easy to grab or put together that fit this diet. I need easy at the moment (we just ripped our kitchen literally out and are replacing it.)
  • MissCreepyLovestruck
    Congrats on starting your Keto journey!!! I’ve been Keto for about 2 months (after months of only slightly successful dieting). I lost about 30lbs in a span of 7 months prior to going Keto, and 43lbs since. I LOVE this diet and plan to be a lifer. I feel fantastic and I don’t really feel hungry between meals. Feel free to add me! We can inspire each other!!! :)407jdx6rgbri.jpeg
  • kayleen_longworth
    kayleen_longworth Posts: 147 Member
    edited January 2019
    I am exercising twice a week for one hour in a class called, "Refit". It is much like Zumba and kicks my butt! This is the first week that I have started the Keto diet again. I've tried eating under 1,000 calories per day and I've only lost 5 pounds in two and a half months. My very young doctor (who looks 12) suggested the intermittent fasting diet. Eating once a day just doesn't cut it for me. I felt starved and my blood sugar bottomed out. Nope, not an option. I know Keto does work. I am looking for ideas of foods that are easy to grab or put together that fit this diet. I need easy at the moment (we just ripped our kitchen literally out and are replacing it.)

    @ICanDoThisIn2019 I'm not big on intermittent fasting either. The closest I get is only a bulletproof coffee for breakfast and nothing else. There have been evenings where I just wasn't hungry so I didn't eat anything until the next morning, but that's pretty rare. I usually eat something for lunch and supper and maybe an additional snack. But I make it all fit into my carb macros. I know they say don't count your calories, just eat enough fat until you're full, but I like to stay around 1200 cals minimum. Part of this is the mindset that your metabolism will slow down if too few calories.

    Since your kitchen is tore apart, what are your capabilities for cooking? Do you have a oven, microwave, instant pot, crock pot? I do lots of omelets or meat/veggie saute.
  • techyrn808
    techyrn808 Posts: 21 Member
    I wonder if my metabolism is suffering from my caloric intake. 🤔. Going to have to reexamine my daily logs to see why I'm not losing weight on Keto alone. I do know I need to get up and moving though. Feeling old and ugly.
  • tifano
    tifano Posts: 155 Member
    techyrn808 wrote: »
    I wonder if my metabolism is suffering from my caloric intake. 🤔. Going to have to reexamine my daily logs to see why I'm not losing weight on Keto alone. I do know I need to get up and moving though. Feeling old and ugly.

    I wonder if you're eating too little. I know for me when I ate too little I was stalled in my loss.

    I've been keto for 2 years. My first 10 mos of keto I lost doing extreme calorie restriction. At max I would eat 1200 calories a day. I was also losing energy, muscle and hair. I increased my calories up to 1500 minimum and as high as 2000 depending on what I was doing in the gym and I'm back to losing weight and have tons of energy and muscle. The last 6 mos I've been stalled however it's due to a medication I was on. I'm no longer on that medication and back to losing again.

    Also something to keep in mind...keto is healing your body and before you see a loss on the scale your body really needs time to adjust and heal. The scale should be the last measurement of success.

    Keep going you've got this.
  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 838 Member
    Still haven't quite got the hang of Keto. Either I don't meet my fat macros or I eat way too much protein. Haven't moved the scale much. Any tips from the veterans?
  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 838 Member
    I weighed today and I'm down 2.2 lbs. I just needed to trust the process.
  • ElC_76
    ElC_76 Posts: 3,054 Member
    I've been trying it and along with IF . I have seen a significant change in my strength. The transfer form cal burning to fat was lousy but I think the secret is to be patient with yourself and get plenty of quality sleep.
    I have pre diabetes and insulin resistance. For that I make up a little drink with no sugar cranberry juice( the one with stevia) acv, squeezed lemon, cinnamon and ginger. That evens your blood sugars , lowers insulin.

    I am feeling my way on this eating style. Out of all the diets I've done this one I feel it's working the best for me.
    Of recent ive been dealing with personal issues and Ive falling for comfort foods. I have started taking chromium to help with that and having bone broth and green tea for inbetween meals.

    I have lost 25+kg in last 12mths I still have another 6 to go , than maintaince. I don't want to go back to the old yoyo dieting again.

  • godsmackdoll
    godsmackdoll Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone. My partner, her husband and I have recently started Keto/low carb. She's doing the best of us, having lost over 15lbs already. I've lost 9lbs so far. I'm struggling because I get hungry between meals and am having a hard time finding myself low carb snacks. I miss my potatoes and chocolate.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,050 Member
    I am a keto'er....I just found out that I am a type 2 diabetic....Anyone is welcome to add me ....wishing everyone much success :)