Back at it

Hi all,

I've tried this app before and it was really helpful. Unfortunately, life got in the way. Now, I'm back on track. Great place to give support to others, we can do this!

Paula Cree


  • MyEvolvingJourney
    MyEvolvingJourney Posts: 369 Member
    I'm back at it too after taking a break. We can do this!
  • adef5
    adef5 Posts: 2 Member
    Same here! Back at it after gaining far too much weight over the summer and holidays! It all just crept up on me LOL and I barely noticed! We got this!
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Same same. I've been fairly inactive on the site over the past few years, and slowly gained weight through a combination of eating out to undo all the hard work I'd done through exercise and keeping a food diary and then justifying it by complaining, 'I'm getting older, it's hereditary, or I'm just built like this'.

    Anyway, I'm determined to lose weight and feel better inside and out. Also, I'll be 38 in March, so I wanna be a hot 40 year old in two years.
  • JimmyStewert
    JimmyStewert Posts: 8 Member
    I lost and found weight this is my third try at MFP I need fun active friends that will call me out.