Bananas - Diet Friend or Foe



  • sitstaygimmeeakiss
    sitstaygimmeeakiss Posts: 130 Member
    I lost faster & felt better when I was eating several portions of fruit a day - bananas included. (not budgeting my food money well enough - but HOPEFULLY next month I can leave enough for my daily fruit). I didn't eat the same everyday, though - I like to mix up different types of fruit. I usually would have them frozen, mixed in the food processor to taste like ice cream. Yum!! (So I'd end up having several bananas in one sitting).

    Right now it's killing me not to be able to buy the fruits that are in season now. But, you can only spend what you have, so I'm currently doing without, which is such a shame. I feel better when my foods are as unprocessed as possible, as much fruits & veggies as I can possibly eat. I lose fast (I think because I was so full & satisfied), stay full & feel SO great.

    And - one more thing - YES - you SHOULD be proud to stick to this through the stress!! I have taken a few 'breaks' (as my son called it - bless him!!) during real bad stress recently, but I'm back to it.

    Good for you!!
  • JolieBlonde
    Wish the board had a Like button for all your great posts! I'm so grateful for all the feedback :) Really appreciate it. Everyone made good points. Thanks especially for the breakdown of their sugar content and how if I don't burn it, I'm going to store it. So true. Congrats to all who have lost so much weight enjoying bananas.

    As some of the posts mentioned, I think my weight gain was eating a high-sugar breakfast and no protein to prevent a sugar spike. I do love bananas and esp w/peanut butter. I have eaten them w/peanut butter and didn't experience the weight gain. Also like the idea of eating half a banana.

    I think most important is that I haven't been able to work out. So I saw a weight gain from this one meal change. From now on, I'll try to combo it w/protein. But until I can get back my weight down and my cardio up, I think I'm going to stick w/a higher protein breakfast :)

    Yay for this super food and all your great advice about how to eat it :)
  • JolieBlonde

    Even the sugar in fruit can stop weight loss in its tracks if you get too much of it. Sugar is sugar regardless of where it comes from. The difference is nutrients in fruit and no nutrients in refined sugar. The body isn't saying 'this is sugar from fruit so this is okay. I'll treat it differently". It doesn't. It's all treated the same. Even "complex" carbs (like grains) are broken down into simple sugars and raise blood glucose levels. Unless you are doing excessive exercise the body has no other choice but to send sugars/carbs that aren't used immediately off to fat for storage. Carbs are just instant fuel.

    If you do a lot of excessive cardio (which the body sees as stress) then carbs will get used. If you don't then drop the carbs and increase your fat.

    Bananas are one of the highest sugar fruits (funny how all the GMO fruits are highest in sugar. The granny smith apple is the one apple that resembles the original apple the most - and it's the tartest - the "true" apple is very very tart). Bananas are also GMO fruits. I eat very little fruit but when I do it's berries. They are very low sugar - especially strawberries and raspberries.

    Thanks so much for taking the time to share your knowledge on this subject and for the great advice. Super helpful :)
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Friend. :love:
    I eat the frozen ones constantly -

  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Protein helps you feel full. So is it possible that since you've cut out the chicken, you snack a little more throughout the day to stay full?
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    People get fat from over eating/drinking. Everybody should eat several servings of FRUIT EVERYDAY. There arent very many natural eating fat people.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    If you are going to change something in your breakfast I would keep the banana and lose the processed cereal - at least the banana is in its natural form with all it's micronutrients intact, who knows what they have taken away and added in to make your cereal. What about oatmeal and banana instead of cereal?

    (I haven't had many bananas lately as they are SO expensive ($16/kilo!) but my sister just came back from holidays with a big box of bananas for the family so I'll be eating one a day for the next week or so :smile: )
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    I'm gonna eat more bananas!
  • Countrymade
    Countrymade Posts: 183 Member
    I pretty much have a banana everyday. I buy the small ones no more than 3 oz. because the large ones actually counts as
    2 fruits. I have been losing steadily.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I have cut out bananas since joining here. I can't afford the sugar in my diet, and I get potassium from baobab powder.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I agree with the person who pointed out it's one big sugar rush. Your past breakfast had some protein in it (chicken). If you don't wanna go back to that, I would lose the cereal and replace it with cottage cheese or yogurt (and keep the banana if you want it). Good luck!
  • daisymae25
    daisymae25 Posts: 14 Member
    Bananas are the only fruit I pretty much eat as is...and I always go over my sugars too.
  • MyNewLeaf
    I read somewhere that while bananas are high in potassium, it's the worst place for us to get potassium from, because the human body can't absorb much (if any) of banana's potassium. You can go to the USDA site which lists the nutrients in food, and click potassium and see a list of many other sources.

    And i totally agree about needing to keep your breakfast with protein. Bananas aren't wrong, per se, but if your only reason is the potassium, try something different!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    You don't need to be as concerned about sugar in fresh fruit. Bananas are so good for you with potassium, potassium is water soluable so you need to make sure you have a good balance between sodium and potassium every day. Really it's the refined sugar that isn't good for you.

    Absolutely FALSE. "Refined sugar" is sucrose, which is glucose and fructose. The sugar in a banana is glucose and fructose. The human body doesn't care whether glucose and fructose come from fruits, vegetables, white bread, rice, or sucrose, it's the exact same chemical, and the body processes it the exact same way.

    Sugar is sugar is sugar is sugar is sugar.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I was doing so well losing about a pound a week. This week I replaced my breakfast chicken muffin with Trader Joe's Multigrain Os, a banana, and 1/2 cup TJ's fat free milk. I've gained 3 lbs in 5 days!

    I was just trying to get some potassium. But the sugar in that one meal ended up being 45grams!

    Does anyone have insight on this otherwise super food? I hope to add and exercise/cardio routine to my life soon. But for now, the only thing I have control over is my diet and trying to lose weight. I'm going through an unbelievably stressful time and was super proud of myself for sticking w/my diet and not trying to cope w/food. So seeing the scale climb over that one change is a big deal for me right now.

    Thanks for your input :)

    Even the sugar in fruit can stop weight loss in its tracks if you get too much of it. Sugar is sugar regardless of where it comes from. The difference is nutrients in fruit and no nutrients in refined sugar. The body isn't saying 'this is sugar from fruit so this is okay. I'll treat it differently". It doesn't. It's all treated the same. Even "complex" carbs (like grains) are broken down into simple sugars and raise blood glucose levels. Unless you are doing excessive exercise the body has no other choice but to send sugars/carbs that aren't used immediately off to fat for storage. Carbs are just instant fuel.

    If you do a lot of excessive cardio (which the body sees as stress) then carbs will get used. If you don't then drop the carbs and increase your fat.

    Somewhat true, but not quite. Your body is constantly moving glucose into and out of storage, it has nothing to do with whether you've worked enough to burn it off right away or not. Excess calories lead to excess fat storage, if you eat a high carb meal, don't burn it off, and still eat a calorie deficit, you will not increase your fat stores. Your body will burn it off as needed. The human body is a very efficient machine when it comes to storing and utilizing energy. Think of fat cells like a gas tank, a car uses a fuel pump to dose out fuel from the tank as needed to the engine, rather than dumping it all in at once, even if you are flooring the accelerator. The human body works the same way. You eat, your body breaks down the food, uses the glucose it processes to recharge any glycogen stores that are running low, and stashes the rest away. As you use energy going about your daily life, the body is constantly transferring energy from fat cells to recharge glycogen stores in the muscles as they work.

    Fat storage and retrieval is a 24 hour a day process, and has absolutely nothing to do with the timing of what you ate and when you exercised. If you eat too many calories, then obviously the net storage goes up, if you eat less calories than maintenance, then the net storage goes down.
  • futurefitgirl88
    Friend!! :) better than a freakin chocolate bar any day!