Hi I am 17 and weight 127lbs and I need help (diet and exercise)

I’ve been exercising in my house the past year and i reached my peak i can’t grow more muscle mass with the exercise i am doing and I am going to a gym now but honestly I have no idea how to grow more muscles in my butt and thighs.
I also don’t know how many macros I should take or what diet to do for getting bigger. I can do 70lbs leg extension with one leg (individual) comfortably 3sets 15reps.
If you have any recommendations on routines and nutrition please help me ! Thank you!


  • gore_caitlin
    gore_caitlin Posts: 5 Member
    edited January 2019
    Tried lifting? What kind of workouts have you been doing?
  • Mithridites
    Mithridites Posts: 595 Member
    You look like you're in top physical form. Like a 17 y.o. should be. Well done!
    It's up to you to set new goals. Give it some thought.
    You have SO many options at this point.
    Try sports and activities that you think might be fun and challenging.
  • Bobble11
    Bobble11 Posts: 49 Member
    If you're going to the gym there should be a personal trainer who can advise you about workouts and meal plans.