Cant loose weight



  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Dilvish wrote: »
    most calculators also require your age and activity level to be accurate, you didn't post your age so it's a guess.

    switching your routine from cardio to resistance/weights may improve your weight loss. Your body can start to adapt to the same exercise routine and this is typically responsible for when people "plateau" in their weight loss goals. Change up your exercise...if you can, add swimming. Swimming at a moderate to vigorous pace uses muscles you thought you never had!

    You also should look at sodium and carbohydrates. Sodium makes you retain water and carbs make you retain fat. Adjust your carbs to 50g-150g per day, increase the protein and try to stay around 1600mg or less of sodium per day. And don't weigh yourself's not an accurate measurement because like blood pressure it can fluctuate during the day.

    Lance Armstrong exercised about 3 to 6 hours a day and his efficiency at doing the same exercise improved by about 1% in a year.
    It simply isn't a significant factor.

    Also weighing yourself every day is an accurate measure, it tells you your total body weight at that point in time. And that is all it tells you.
    That your weight fluctuates for many reasons is also true and weighing daily helps many people understand and accept why.
  • Deviette
    Deviette Posts: 978 Member

    Can you open your diary up as public? Sometimes the most common issues can be identified by having a look at it. Unfortunately with such a small calorie deficit even a little bit of discrepancy can wipe out a decifit. So things like condiments and the odd 5kcals here or there can often add up and make progress very slow.

    Also is that 1kg weight loss since September? And has that been steady, or up and down?
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    What @apullum said.