Kinda new here...

Hi, my name is Amy. I have been using MFP on and off for a while now, but never jumped in on the message boards. I think I could use the support now to stick to my goals and not "fall off the wagon" as I often do. I would love to lose 10-15 more pounds and then maintain. I find that tracking my food is the key to my success. As soon as I stop doing it, I start putting the pounds back on. I would love to share in other's journeys, offer support and have somewhere to turn with frustrations.


  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    Hi! I'm from Mount Prospect! Welcome to MFP. I've been here since July but started my weight loss "lifestyle" change back in March. I've lost 32 pounds to date and am working on the belly fat. I have three kiddos that start school SOON. :) I'll send you a friend request if you're looking for support. Always gotta reach out to the locals! :D

  • amylynn3_2000
    amylynn3_2000 Posts: 13 Member
    Melissa...would love a to be "friends" with you here. It's so tough staying healthy with kids too. I have a kindergartener and prekindergartener. They keep me busy and distracted from taking care of myself. Looking forward to the journey together.