Checking this out after Fitbit...

Loved tracking on Fitbit but had some frustrations with the food tracking and community aspects, so thought I'd check this out. Starting weight was down to 135....goal range is 130-135 so I'm petty much there. Focusing more on toning and moving more. Would love to connect with some friends...


  • Fflpnari
    Fflpnari Posts: 975 Member
    Welcome. I love using my Fitbit and MFP. I don't sync them. I go off the calorie burn on FIT bit, but logging on MFP is better. The community is pretty helpful here
  • JaniceVACPA
    JaniceVACPA Posts: 19 Member
    Why do you find the calorie burn on Fitbit better to follow? What's different?
  • JohnnytotheB
    JohnnytotheB Posts: 361 Member
    You can do this. I've found so far that logging and keeping active on this site and reading others stories helps. I still use my Fitbit but I stopped logging food on it. I like this app better for logging food.
    I will send you a friend request.