Please help me stay on the Track

Hey yall I'm needing serious help with staying on track and I know I can do this as I've done it before and than I had the unexpected passing of my dad and that took a toll on me as I was his caregiver for his last 10 days of life and it was extremely hard and I was stress eating and now I've gained about 20 pounds of what I'd lost before so I know I can get this extra weight back off and start to feel good about myself again as at this point I'm not feeling very good about myself.


  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Very sorry for your loss. Be kind to yourself you are grieving.

    Just take small steps to start. Put your stats in MFP to set your calorie goal. Log your food, see where you can adjust to meet your calorie goal and give it a few weeks. By then you will have got back into the swing of things a bit more and can make a few more changes.

  • daligrrrl
    daligrrrl Posts: 33 Member
    I’m very sorry to hear this! I had lost 80 and kept it off for 3 years! But this last year was hard and I’ve put 25 lbs back on - feel free to add me
  • calico_cat
    calico_cat Posts: 17 Member
    So sorry for your loss. My father died 3 years ago; it was very hard for me. You lost the weight before. You can do it again. Hang in there.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,424 Member
    This might be a good home thread for you as you begin ... as the title says, "Just For Today One Day At A Time daily commitment". It is an open thread rather than a "group" or "challenge" and found on the Support and Motivation board. The link will take you right there.