Back on track ... 60 to lose 😣

ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
[/b]Hello everyone!
I used to be an avid mfp user years ago , which helped me with my weight loss so I could reach my goal of 120 lbs. ( I’m 5’2”).
I was happy, using whatever jean or sweater I wanted living my life, till BAM 💥 I’m pregnant !
I didn’t gain too much. I was around 140 lbs when I gave birth. Lost more breastfeeding. But suddenly I didn’t know how to manage my time , being a SAHM and taking care of my son all day while husband worked.
I stopped working out, I was so effing tired. So I started gaining weight 😟
Has been a year.. when winter arrived I noticed the clothes I used to wear didnt fit anymore,I wasn’t happy ( again) with what I saw in the mirror, with pics of me taken ,, so I decided to stop and start over again.
I still don’t have that much free time since I’m already starting my home-business again. But I know at least eating well I’ll be able to lose the weight even if it’s not that fast.
I want to use my old clothes 😔 and look pretty and feel healthy.
I weighed monday morning ... after months of avoiding the scale : 183.2 lbs 😭 .. I had to , it’s easier for me to eat healthy seeing a number.
Let’s see if I get rid of some weight in a week.

Send your good vibes 🙂 Anybody with a story like mine ?
Who wanna add for motivation ?


  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    :( no one
  • meghanhommy
    meghanhommy Posts: 3 Member
    I added you! I have 44lbs to drop as my first goal. First time mom, 3.5 months postpartum and ready to tackle it! You got this too!
  • bobsfakih
    bobsfakih Posts: 6 Member
    Lets do itttttt
  • khcrmo
    khcrmo Posts: 40 Member
    My yongest boy just turned one. I have been gaining and loosing and gaining more again since my first son. I hang on to about 10 extra lbs per pregnancy, so im hoping to loose around 30. I did mfp this summer and lost sone, but then fell off the wagon and went back up. Im at about 160 right now and shooting for around 130... You can add me if you want!
  • ktmartyniak
    ktmartyniak Posts: 5 Member
    You got this! What are your plans to loose it? Will you cut out certain foods or eat the same in moderation? I am cutting out white flour, white sugar and white rice basically nothing white! LOL....I am allergic to yeast so any kind of breads that rise don't like me so makes it pretty easy I guess....
  • cmartelli1985
    cmartelli1985 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi, my name is Carmel and I’m 33 years old. I have 4 kids under 7 and over the years have put on weight with each pregnancy. Work from home and struggling to do exercise. This year I have decided no more excuses. My goal is everyday to walk on the treadmill for 30 mins and to feel confident in myself. Feel free to add me. Need to lose 39 kilos
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    edited January 2019
    You got this! What are your plans to loose it? Will you cut out certain foods or eat the same in moderation? I am cutting out white flour, white sugar and white rice basically nothing white! LOL....I am allergic to yeast so any kind of breads that rise don't like me so makes it pretty easy I guess....

    Eating less junk, breads and sodas. I still eat it but in moderation. Also eating less salt , as minimum as possible since I deal with high blood pressure.
  • Chubbymarz
    Chubbymarz Posts: 1 Member
    I am 3.5 months post partum... ready to do this with you!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,428 Member
    If you search in Groups you will find several dedicated to SAHMs.

    Go get'em!
  • jessimia
    jessimia Posts: 130 Member
    I’m 5” 1’ and weighed 187 after first was born and 179 after second one so I really feel you. I remember just wanting to feel comfortable in my clothes again, and be confident at least a little so I worked hard those the weight. I have kept most of the 60-ish pounds off for last 6 years but had some injuries and gained about 15 back because I couldn’t exercise and wasn’t really watching food. Please feel free to add me 😊 We can do this!!!