Losing weight with auto-immune disorders

bhur Posts: 6 Member
Not technically new to MFP, but it's been a couple years since I was on last. I was diagnosed with RA at the age of 16, and then Hashimoto's disease at 19. I was doing great until I had some hormone things happen and then my whole system went crazy! I gained 20 pounds in 2 weeks, started retaining water, started passing out when I would work out. Dr's sent me to the ER, but nothing was found. Finally after 3 months of dr visits, they found a large tumor that was removed, and I started feeling better.
But, my weight. It hasn't budged a single oz since then. So here I am, ready to take control. Ready to at least see if I can see a pattern in my eating that might help drop this weight. And it's working! Today is day 12, and I'm down 4 pounds. Hope to connect with other auto-immune folks ( or anyone really) who are trying to get healthy. :)


  • Tankiscool
    Tankiscool Posts: 11,105 Member
    Welcome and congrats on the 4 lb loss so far!
    No auto-immune disease with me but was born with hypothyroidism. I can tell you it's very important to keep on your meds but I'm sure you know that as well.
  • GoatishGoat
    GoatishGoat Posts: 5 Member
    I have a possible auto-immune disorder (alongside a heap of other medical issues including occasional hypothyroidism and potentially MS) that’s being investigated- One of my blood tests recently came back that could suggest Hashimoto’s, so there definitely are people like you here! I know for me losing weight is a struggle when you have things in your body going against you so it’s good to have support from others 😋
  • CreativeTara2018
    CreativeTara2018 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I’ve been recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called Pemphigus Vulgaris and to say it’s changed my life is an understatement... I’m currently on a very high dose of prednisone (and probably will be for a while, though I’m doing a slow taper) and the weight gain and swelling (never mind the other side effervescent) is awful, it sucks to see the scale go up a few pounds every time I step on it when I had worked so hard to lose weight before I got sick (and then lost almost 20 lbs prior to my diagnosis because I was unable to eat solid food). Anyways, I’m just looking for support and friends to add who understand the struggles!
  • jasamjak67
    jasamjak67 Posts: 1,421 Member
    I have battled Psoriatic Arthriris for the past 5 years and for the rest of my life! I'm an autoimmune warrior...let's support eachother!
  • jeannalyn1227
    jeannalyn1227 Posts: 14 Member
    Lupus, Sjogren’s, Barrett’s, Fibro - just to name a few... After being on long term extremely high doses of prednisone for years, I gained 175+. I have tapered down to 7to 10mg. Lost some weight, but have so much more to lose. Being mobility challenged at time make it very difficult. But I'm determined and motivated. Autoimmune Warriors are built tough! We can do this! Feel free to add me.
  • joggingalltheway
    joggingalltheway Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm back after a few years not sure if in the same position but after a double transplant 6 months today I'm on anti-reflection drug's to kill my immune system to prevent organ rejection. Trying to control weight. Not sure how to add ???
  • nevercanstayput
    nevercanstayput Posts: 2 Member
    I’ve lost 109lbs back in 2009 before I discovered my health problems. Managed to keep it off until I had a series of 5 TIA’s and a diagnosis of Lupus, Hypertension Stage 2 & currently being monitored for Chrohns or Colitis. After months of emotionally eating, I restarted MFP a few weeks ago. Not sure if it’s my auto immune or the fact that I’m 47 but I can’t seem to shake the 27lb weight gain. I’ve been off prednisone for 3 months now. I’m a vegetarian now due to the inability to properly digest the meat. Anyone else struggle with their auto immune hindering their weight loss?
  • lesleymatoaka
    lesleymatoaka Posts: 1 Member
    I have Lupus and at first was so sick I lost down to 115 lbs... now after a few falls from having Migraines with Aura I’ve gained it all back plus 30 lbs extra which has made my joint pain and back pain sooooo much worse that it’s hard for me to exercise! And I’m now 55 menopausal which has caused the fat to gather around my stomach area only! I’m more depressed now than I have ever been as walking was my only exercise because in my area we don’t even have a swimming pool which is the best exercise for those of us who suffer with joint and back pain! I truly don’t know what to do any more as my diet is 1,200 calories a day and I too have digestive issues so I’ve been a Vegetarian for over 10 years and I still am gaining weight not loosing 😢
  • Livhere
    Livhere Posts: 141 Member
    I have an autoimmune disease as well. Congrats on the weight loss. It's not easy when you're always in pain & trying to find a way to keep going when your body doesn't always want to cooperate. I've lost 5lbs in the last month & it's hard to keep at it when your body is fighting you for it. I don't mind adding people if they'd like.
  • LeslieAnn72
    LeslieAnn72 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi! I also have Hashimotos. I was diagnosed at 44. I'm looking to lose 100 pounds and regain my health. Good luck to you. Friend me if you would like. Blessings!
  • changeconsumeme
    changeconsumeme Posts: 229 Member
    I have Hashimoto’s hypothyroid. :) Feel free to add me.
  • leemckernan143
    leemckernan143 Posts: 6 Member
    I have Lupus and at first was so sick I lost down to 115 lbs... now after a few falls from having Migraines with Aura I’ve gained it all back plus 30 lbs extra which has made my joint pain and back pain sooooo much worse that it’s hard for me to exercise! And I’m now 55 menopausal which has caused the fat to gather around my stomach area only! I’m more depressed now than I have ever been as walking was my only exercise because in my area we don’t even have a swimming pool which is the best exercise for those of us who suffer with joint and back pain! I truly don’t know what to do any more as my diet is 1,200 calories a day and I too have digestive issues so I’ve been a Vegetarian for over 10 years and I still am gaining weight not loosing 😢

    I can really relate. Polymiositis and fibro for 16 years. And, now I'm 59 and postmenopausal. I gained 30 lbs because of long term prednisone use and, even though I'm off it now, I can't lose the weight. All I can do is watch my calorie intake because my mobility is limited. I am trying to walk to the mailbox daily. My doc recommended water therapy and I'm trying to talk myself into trying it. At this point, I should lose 45 lbs to be a healthy weight. MFP has helped me in the past so I'm giving it another try. One week so far and 1.5 lbs down. Good luck to you. Chronic pain makes it very difficult to control your weight, for many reasons. Just know that you aren't alone.