Logging Weight Change

How often do you weigh yourself and how often do you log it? If you gain, as we all know our weight (or is it the scale?... ;-) fluctuates so much, do you also log the gain? Just curious. Thanks all!


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I weigh myself 2-3 times a week and log it on Libra, gains and losses.

    my official weigh in day on here is a Thursday, i log gains and losses.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,068 Member
    Usually every Sun I weigh myself.

    and yes, put in MFP progress whether up or down
  • amayk
    amayk Posts: 42 Member
    I only weigh myself once a month and log it then.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i may or may not step on the scale every day but only really pay attention to it once a week- saturday morning. that weight - up or down, is what i record.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    I log my weight every day. It helps me stay in tune with the program.
  • MarieRosekenji85
    MarieRosekenji85 Posts: 147 Member
    I weigh in on Fridays, like others have said it's a personal preference and to me weighing in more then once a week is counter productive to me. I log gains and losses.
  • Caralarma
    Caralarma Posts: 174 Member
    I only log my weight when there is a loss... which is why I have some huge gaps between weigh ins haha
  • NikkyT30
    NikkyT30 Posts: 91 Member
    I log weight about every other day. For me personally the weigh in holds me accountable for my choices. I don’t beat myself up for a gain. I look back at my diary so I can learn what is working and what isn’t. It’s all about personal preference and how it effects you emotionally. If it is a motivator.......do it! If not.... weigh in less. Ps. I also take measurements on the 15th of every month to see progress the scale might not show. Good luck everyone!
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    I log on my Apple Health app every day — it does a trending weight for me.

    I log only the new lows on MFP. I hate how MFP’s graphs show weight, and they don’t really do trends. So sometimes that means it can be a while before I log here, and sometimes it’s more frequent. Ditto with my bust/waist/hip measurements here.
  • HeatherT929
    HeatherT929 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks all for your responses!
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    edited January 2019
    If weight loss is your main concern, logging it daily and tracking trends is effective. A weight trend app like Happy Scale is a better source for knowing whether your weight fluctuations are really gains or trending toward a loss. I weigh myself every day and log it into Happy Scale. It also allows me to analyze the reasons that my weight fluctuates. For instance, I know that if I eat Pho for lunch on Tuesday my weight will be up by two pounds on Wednesday. I know that twice a month, my weight spikes up by two or three pounds then drops back down like clockwork. The day after I work with my personal trainer, I will show a gain of three to four pounds. One day later, it is back to normal again. Some people may not want all that data but I am an analyst by trade and like being able to see those numbers. I enter my weight into MFP when I remember to.

    If becoming leaner and stronger is your goal and you are strength training regularly, measurements are a much better guage of your progress. As you lose fat and gain muscle, the scale may not move much or it might even go up but you will be leaner and you will lose inches.
  • patrickaa5
    patrickaa5 Posts: 70 Member
    I weigh daily and log on Mondays and Wednesdays. I probably should just log one day a week, but it's interesting to see the differences. Wednesdays are almost always lower than Mondays due to eating out on weekends.
  • zeejane03
    zeejane03 Posts: 993 Member
    Daily weigher, track my trends on the app Libra (android).
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,642 Member
    I weigh myself weekly and then log the average at the end of the month. Loss or gain.
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    I strongly encourage finding ways to become okay with normal weight fluctuations. It seems like there are two ways people do this: 1) weigh less often, or 2) use a trend weight app, like Libra or Happy Scale. I prefer number 2. I weigh daily and record it in Happy Scale, but I only started doing this in maintenance. I wish I'd done it while I was losing weight. I think it would have helped me understand the small changes that were happening but masked by normal weight fluctuation.
  • zeejane03
    zeejane03 Posts: 993 Member
    edited January 2019
    Dilvish wrote: »
    Weighing in every couple of days sounds like you are in a hurry to lose the weight and that simply doesn't work. 85% of people who stop dieting or go back to old habits once they reach their target weight almost always gain some or all of it back. Weight loss and maintenance is a journey, not a destination.

    Long term success stats are dismal, regardless if the initial weight loss was done fast or slow. Neither has been proven more effective than the other for long term adherence.

    I've been a daily weigher for almost 7 years now, 6ish of those while being in maintenance. I track my weigh-ins on a trending app and learning my trends has been useful. I think more data/information is always going to be helpful.

  • kemoon0915
    kemoon0915 Posts: 113 Member
    I weigh myself daily just to keep an eye on things but I only log it once a week (Sunday mornings)
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,515 Member
    Daily weighing, because I'm a data nerd