Funniest thing you've seen at the gym

cogirljb55 Posts: 155 Member
We've all seen funny things at the gym, lets hear your story!!! Mine...I was on a cardio machine, which was right outside the pool. The pool area could be seen as the whole wall was glass between the cardio area and the pool. The locker rooms had an exit into the pool area and one day a lady walked out into the pool area completely nude, I'm assuming she was walking to the showers in the locker room but wasn't paying attention at all. She walked about half way down the pool before she realized what she had done. Although, I'm sure she didn't find it funny, I about fell off my machine!!!


  • cogirljb55
    cogirljb55 Posts: 155 Member
    I dont know if this is funny

    But i only had an angle and saw this really thick booty and thighed lower body and in my head im like damnnn u fine. When i finally got up i realized it was a guy

    Omg hahaha, yeah thats funny!!!
  • newmeadow
    newmeadow Posts: 1,295 Member
    Funniest thing I ever saw in the gym is anyone going to one. Since anyone who goes to one eventually gets made fun of by their fellow gym goers in an MFP thread.
  • newmeadow
    newmeadow Posts: 1,295 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Funniest thing I ever saw in the gym is anyone going to one. Since anyone who goes to one eventually gets made fun of by their fellow gym goers in an MFP thread.

    Dis me

    I'm sure it's me too. I'd rather power walk in a suburban subdivision full of McMansions on a road with no sidewalks in 100 degree heat with 85% humidity.
  • cogirljb55
    cogirljb55 Posts: 155 Member
    So....the funniest thing...was me lol. I was doing small group personal training and our trainer had us warming up with a cardio competition - who could row 500 meters the fastest. Well, I'm super competitive, so I was ready for her to say GO! Unfortunately, I was not seated on my rower correctly, and when I flung myself back with my legs, I flew straight off the rower! My feet were strapped in, so the rower came with me as I flew backwards into the wall and landed with my butt straight on the metal bar on the bottom of the rower. My trainer almost peed herself she was laughing so hard...and it was SO LOUD. Like, it felt like the entire gym froze and looked at me. It was pretty hilarious. Needless to say....I lost the challenge hahaha.

    Omg thats great and the best part is you laughed at yourself!!! I'm sure I've done plenty of stupid stuff that had people laughing at me too!!!!
  • kindalikevelma
    kindalikevelma Posts: 1,337 Member
    I saw a person on these bouncy shoe things hitting the bag. It was quite comical.
  • jruch23
    jruch23 Posts: 1,069 Member
    This one guy was kicking a punching bag and everytime he did it, he would yell a "hiyeaaaaahhhh" lol everyone stopped and looked at him. He continued on.
  • Mithridites
    Mithridites Posts: 595 Member
    edited January 2019
    This old pothead in my condo gym ran on the treadmill wearing flip-flops, cranked the speed and incline to where he had to LITERALLY hang on for dear life, and jumped off to the sides of the treadmill to stand on it and watch Family Feud for 10 mins at the time.
    He did this repeatedly for years. No idea how he didn't seriously hurt himself.
    .... edited to say, maybe he did - haven't seen him around for a while :hushed:
  • BrandNewMan1970
    BrandNewMan1970 Posts: 373 Member
    Old guy (at least he’s there) not sure what he’s doing some sort of crunch but his head is the only thing that moves and he rolls over side to side as well. He will do it for half hour but it’s all he does
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I guess a lady forgot her gym clothes because she exercised in a camisole and PANTIES. When she went to get her clothes, I saw that she forgot her lock too.

    If someone had taken her clothes ... then what?????
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I've ripped the *kitten* out of my pants while squatting...pretty funny for everyone. I've never really seen anything funny in the gym other than that though.
  • diets_and_daiquiris
    diets_and_daiquiris Posts: 143 Member
    Someone hung up some resistance bands in the studio and one was round their foot. They hit the deck with style as they went to walk away!
  • EricL1144
    EricL1144 Posts: 44 Member
    I watched a guy "riding" an elliptical machine with both feet on one side..???
  • Bullet_with_Butterfly_Wings
    Bullet_with_Butterfly_Wings Posts: 5,545 Member
    edited January 2019
    kam26001 wrote: »
    I saw this lady one time using a kitchen towel for a gym towel. It looked kinda thin (no terry cloth vibes on this one) and it had that used-to-be-white yellowish color.... with a rooster on it lol. I didn't think it was that funny when I saw it. I was just like, "Ah? Hm." But then later on I started busting out laughing while I was driving. I remembered how she had that towel thrown over her shoulder like she was tending to a pot of spaghetti.

    ...when I got to the part of the rooster... :D The lemon print dishcloth was probably in the wash!
    You crack me up!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    This one time I was walking into my friends gym in urgent need of a restroom. My friend distracted pointed me in the direction of the restrooms. Without looking up at the obvious sign that indicated it was the male dressing room, I rushed in. The guy putting on a new pair of underwear politely told me I walked into the side of the doorway. Of course my friend noticed and she had a good laugh.

    Yeah I've walked into the men's room while distracted. Thank GOD no one was in there at the time. Oopsie.

  • M0n1KCR
    M0n1KCR Posts: 148 Member
    In my gym, there was a lady who came in about 5 minutes before the class I take. She would sit on a changing room bench, take a book out of her bag, and read placidly for about 45 minutes (the lenght of the class). When people started coming back after the class, she put the book back in the bag, had a shower and left. Every day for nearly a year.

    (I can just assume somebody made her go to the gym, so she went... but she never took any exercise at all).