Keto newbie


One week into keto and this! I feel so much better already, 15 pounds down and ready to get healthy for my family and myself.
Today I got my 21 carbs in... but was slightly off on the fats and protein levels, not much, but still I’m worried that this might kick me out of ketosis. Can anyone help a newbie out with advice, what can I eat to get those 2 up without adding in carbs?


  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,130 Member
  • AnthonysBride
    AnthonysBride Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, Im new to Keto as well. Congrats on your first 15 down!! I have a question for you, did you do any work outs to achieve losing the 15 in your first week?
  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    Hi, Im new to Keto as well. Congrats on your first 15 down!! I have a question for you, did you do any work outs to achieve losing the 15 in your first week?

    Depending on starting weight, you can have a very large drop the first few weeks of doing keto as you lose water weight. No workouts required. When I started keto I lost something like 9 pounds the first week and 7 the second. But I started at nearly 260 so it wasn't surprising and I was doing no exercise at that point. I then normalized to losing right in line with my calorie deficit.
  • drdales
    drdales Posts: 6 Member
    Fat bombs like the one Megha is cooking up. Just coconut oil and pure protein powder.

  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,365 Member
    The only thing that is required to maintain ketosis is to keep the carbs low - 20/30 grams (not %, grams). Protein goal should be treated as a minimum - getting more will not hurt. Use fat to fill in the rest.

    Also, you do NOT need to pound down the fat - use fat only to satiety (until you are no longer getting the hangries). When you are losing weight, you want the fat to come from your body, not the food that you are eating.