Friends needed!

I lost 50 pounds last year! Gained about 6 pounds back from thanksgiving-today lol wanting to lose 50+ this year! Addddd me


  • MarieRosekenji85
    MarieRosekenji85 Posts: 147 Member
    I friend requested you.
  • joycepricewriter
    joycepricewriter Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I can be your friend. Pretty lonely but very serious about losing weight and talking. Some days pretty happy sometimes not so much. I know I control my self No one forces food into my mouth. I choose what my hand does. I only put it in motion I am always in control of what I put into my hand and what it puts into my mouth. I can hide and stick my tongue out at my hand and tell it silently to throw the candy bar in the trash. This makes me smile. I like this a whole lot.
  • shaf238
    shaf238 Posts: 4,021 Member
    Hi fraaandd :D
  • joycepricewriter
    joycepricewriter Posts: 2 Member
    Hi friends ... I have friends, I love that . I have been using my fitness app for years for the food diary and the exercise and water and daily steps if I could ever keep phone with me but that rarely happens all day long. I love the app. I am a calorie counter and a food planer. I use portion control. Cannot follow a diet. I am pretty sure that a diet list makes me into a maniac eater. If I can eat anything I want but maybe half of it or even just a few bites of it then I’m fine. Just don’t take bread away from me. Ha. I am losing again this year. I occasionally get bigly fat so have to get my head on straight in start food diary again and be patient. Also I have found out I get older every year. Does that happen to you? It makes me less enthusiastic on my Exercycle. Let me hear from you friends
  • sarahjoyfrost91
    sarahjoyfrost91 Posts: 14 Member
    Back on here again! - gained back a chunk of the 60lbs I lost 2 years ago. So here to get it back off again, add me, could do with some re-motivation :smile:
  • shazland
    shazland Posts: 63 Member
    Hiya. I lost weight last year too on MFP, been back for 5 days, will add you ☺️