I can't do this!

I don't know what it is, but I cannot seem to control my diet. I have no self-control sometimes.
Last night I binge ate...mcvities digestives, lindt balls, cookies and cream ice-cream, chocolate sauce...
It was a 'last supper' meal...because I resolved to start fresh today.
I've gained a lot of weight since my holiday to Barcelona (I came back so skinny!)...It has been 1 month since I've been back in Scotland and I feel terrible...over tired, sugar high/low all the time, skin bad, and MOST OF ALL I DON'T FIT COMFORTABLY into my clothes.

I feel really sad and depressed about this.
I just can never seem to get it right?!

I'm such a disaster...


  • frankie2637
    frankie2637 Posts: 66 Member
    No your not, just start again and take one day at a time. You CAN do it! Dont give up
  • Whiskey_Byrne
    Whiskey_Byrne Posts: 58 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself. It can take a few tries to get things sorted and stick to it better. You will get there.

    I took a while to get on track and the only way I can stay on track is to not cut out the odd treat but factor it in for to my calories for the day.

    You CAN do this and I believe you will do this.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    I'd even say to take it one meal at a time.

    I think you need to really ask yourself why you're eating. You know it can't be hunger, we usually binge because of something else like stress/anxiety/etc. Once you realize why you're doing it, you can try to figure out alternative behaviors to calm yourself down.

    As for practical stuff: plan ahead, plan your meals so you know what you'll be eating and you can try to stick to it.
  • Tabby1980
    Tabby1980 Posts: 75 Member
    I've had a terrible weekend with food and drink - I seriously couldn't even begin to count up what I ate yesterday but today is a brand new day and the start of a brand new week. Just start over like yesterday didn't happen and I'm sure you'll find you CAN do it :)
    I have a sweet tooth too but I really love experimenting with homemade low fat recipes and treats, like frozen yoghurt instead of ice cream and a tiny bit of bitter dark chocolate instead of a big bar of sugary stuff.
    Keep positive, I'm sure you'll manage xxx
  • teens62
    teens62 Posts: 39
    Ive been there too,, a million times..but since ive been here I find I keep control,,, cos everyone sees what you are eating, lol I think when youre feeling like that, its a good idea just to make your self go have a good work out, I binge all the time, and when I do do it,, I wake up the next morning with a food hangover, I feel so bad ,and say to my self,, Did I eat all that, last night??? Dont give up, stay with this MFP every day, I think the important thing is ti be honest with yourself, dont deny treats as thats what makes us Binge,, like theres no tomorrow,, Always plan for tomorrow,, and look foward to it,,..Good luck:)
  • pinkplaym4te
    pinkplaym4te Posts: 14 Member
    I used to be exactly the same. But i have started losing Paiyouji plus and have lost nearly 2 n half stone since 16th June. All it is a Caffiene based substance you put in your morning tea or coffee as caffeine ihas really work for me. maybe you s a appetite suppressant it should try something caffeine based.You can do it, good luck x
  • staceymclaughlin
    I do this too so you're not the only one - I've come to the conclusion that it's is emotinal eating / bad habit eating as most of the time I'm not even hungry, but still polish off a whole tub of ice cream and then feel horrible with myself afterwards!

    I think as frankie says you need to take things 1 day at a time and log everything you eat. The thought of having to account for every bit of food and seeing it written down is a good incentive to try and curb the binges. You are NOT a disaster at all, you are just in a bit of a rut with certain foods and that can be changed :)

    Today is my start afresh day after some appaling eating over the last week (my excuse was I'd been ill and couldn't exercise but that is NO excuse!!) so take today as the start of something new and better :) As I binge on alot of sugar I do get awful sugar cravings so I have a cup of options hot chocolate on hand and make it with water for a low calorie 'sugar fix' but I find the longer I eat good foods, the less I crave the bad ones, so stick with it!! You can do this!!

    Good luck - and remember everyone on her is on some kind of a journey and is here to support you x
  • minnie22
    minnie22 Posts: 60
    Do one day at a time, that's what I'm doing, I'm finding it hard & I need to get to my goal by May next year, if you want to do this together add me ok. :o)
  • baffy232004
    First and foremost, you can do this :) You do need to be in the right frame of mind when you choose to do it and know why you are doing it. Although like you, i also live in Scotland and with the dodgy weather we get it is easy to comfort eat and sit in our jimjams all day as its so miserable outside. I have found what works for me which is the Atkins lifestyle and drinking 3ltrs of wather a day. I have lost 22lbs and still going strong, dues giving i have avoided the gym the last two weeks with no real excuse apart from being lazy so finger out today and of to the gym tonight. You need something to keep you distracted at thoses weak moment. I swear by downing a couple of pints of water. Creates the sense of fullness, no calories and you pee more than you drink so win win :) xx
  • RayofSunshine73
    RayofSunshine73 Posts: 24 Member
    Take a deep breath and relax. As many earlier posts have said, we've all been there and we've all done that! That doesn't make you a horrible person or a disaster. You can do this. Take it a meal at a time. Find something to do/eat when the terrible feelings wash over you. Make sure to record all you eat, even when you cheat! Sometimes just knowing I have to fess up to myself keeps me from putting that extra digestive in my mouth! And be nice to yourself!
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    You have lots of support here - and the main thing I'd say is that in the current situation your not happy - so think of it as making yourself happy, not quick fix instant gratification stuff but long term happy and healthy. I take it a day at a time, and don't think of it as a diet - is a change of life, and in life we al have slips and better and worse days, balance is the key. Hope you feel better and love yourself a bit more :)
  • hellnbackellis
    You can do this. I have just started on my MFP journey and I too have a sweet tooth and this is very hard to curb. Everytime I have a treat i work out what excercise i need to do to burn it off and then try and go do it. You soon realise that one chocolate biscuit is not worth it.