cheat day

i was discussing with a co-worker whether a "cheat day" is ok and i was wondering what some of you think about it. i haven't decided how i feel about it but i told her whenever i overindulge (which i try not to do, but it does happen now and then) i make sure to log it in so i can be accountable for what i've eaten.


  • nicki7584
    i was discussing with a co-worker whether a "cheat day" is ok and i was wondering what some of you think about it. i haven't decided how i feel about it but i told her whenever i overindulge (which i try not to do, but it does happen now and then) i make sure to log it in so i can be accountable for what i've eaten.
  • running4myhealth
    Oh yeah I cheat.

    Do I feel bad about it?

    Not at all!

    I ran 10 miles today and am heading out to Chili's for dinner.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Cheat days don't work for me. I tend to REALLY CHEAT. And then, well, why try, because I really blew it, so might as well have a cheat year. :sad: The one thing that does work for me is having just a bite of something.

    But, everyone is at a different place. Some day, I hope to be where running4myhealth is and be able to cheat and not worry. Then, I suspect it won't be cheating, it will be living.:bigsmile:
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    I can't do cheat days, same as stillkristi, it'd turn out to be a year :noway:
    I have tried, about 6 weeks ago, I had a cheat weekend, yeah well, it ended up the whole bloooming month! :grumble:
    I had to kick my own butt hard to get out of the cycle too. Oh boy did that hurt :sad:

    I can have a little of something - but only occassionally, like last night, I had half a bag of minstrels - my fav sweet :tongue:, sadly hubby then made cheese on toast, and it smelt soooo good that I ended up having 2 slices with him :noway: I did burn 700 calories yesterday, so that did a bit of damage limitation :ohwell:

    This weekend, I have told myself will be a healthy one, and I will not crumble - hmmm I hope :frown:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    a cheat day, simply put, is a bad idea. I could easily overeat a pound or more worth of food in a day and undo my entire week. Should you treat yourself occaisionally do something that you normal wouldn't eat? Absolutely. Should you occaisionally allow yourself to eat a meal wherein you aren't stricting counting the calories? Absolutely. Should you choose a day of the week, most pick saturday, and allow yourself to eat anything you want? Absolutely not, unless undoing your week's progress is ok with you. Most of us have trouble stopping once we start, myself included. If I tell myself I can have as much pizza and ice cream as I want, I promise you I won't stop until the pizza and ice cream are gone. None of us decide to have a cheat day and then proceed to order a salad and a healthy portion of meats and grains, right? That's not exactly the point. If you make a "cheat day" your reward for the week, you'll do great all week and then undo it all in one day. Instead, try to find treats that fit nicely into your day, even if it takes an extra workout to afford them. :flowerforyou:
  • pegm
    pegm Posts: 119 Member
    I'm with the majority.. cheating is too big if a temptation for me.. BUT, there are ways to have foods you like with out going bananas (which throw my sugar numbers off, but that is a different topic). I typically have 550-600 exercise calories and I have a hard time eating more than 200-300 of them. For my "cheat" I'll have a portion of baked chips or an ounce of dark chocolate. (1-2 times a week) I have to count out my chips and weigh my chocolate and put the rest away so that I don't continue to munch. I haven't felt deprived at all and have still been putting up nice losses.
  • hopeitworks
    hopeitworks Posts: 284 Member
    I usually allow myself a cheat treat on Saturday. I get a two scoop real ice cream cone on Saturdays (not the sugar free or low fat stuff). I'm pretty good all week and I can have my ice cream on Saturday and get back on track on Sunday. I don't eat any sweets during the week and I don't actually miss them, but I really look forward to my ice cream cone on Saturdays.
  • Thamber
    Thamber Posts: 194
    I don't call it a cheat because i'm not cheating its part of my plan ;) About once every 7 or 8 days I either go out to dinner or order in or eat something that I normally don't eat because I will go over calories or because its not healthy. I do not make a whole day of it because Its not worth it to undo the progress of the week and I dont think i would feel very good anyway.

    I dont usually go totally hog wild either. For example one time I went out and ordered steak and mac and cheese with bacon yummmmm. As I was eating I realized that yes i could eat the whole thing since I had planned for this but did I really want to? Ive been doing so well and its a big portion and so I ate 1/2 but I knew i could eat the rest if I wanted so i didnt feel any pressure. I gave 1/2 away to someone else at the table and I enjoyed what i had and I felt really good because I didnt have that stuffed feeling but even if I had it would be ok because i had planned on it :)

    Another time I had a whole big bag of buttery popcorn for dinner lol...but since I am on low calories i know that I can't do stuff like that all the time because I need other nutrients...but it sure was yummy.....

    I have trouble stopping at a little with some things (popcorn, milk chocolate etc..) so having a little of those doesnt work for me..that needs to be at my planned going over meal day but other stuff i can have a little of so as long as I can fit it in my cals I dont consider it a cheat or anything. i think you have to try some stuff and really find something that works for you..I know that having one bite of milk chocolate a day does NOT work for me it sets off crazy cravings I just dont set myself up for failure ...but some people find a few m&ms or a bite of something makes there cravings go away

    ..sorry for the long post all i really needed to say was find something that works for you, that you can live with and wont stop your progress :flowerforyou:
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    i was discussing with a co-worker whether a "cheat day" is ok and i was wondering what some of you think about it. i haven't decided how i feel about it but i told her whenever i overindulge (which i try not to do, but it does happen now and then) i make sure to log it in so i can be accountable for what i've eaten.

    Hi..I wouldnt consider it a cheat day ..unless you are eating whatever you choose and going over your calories? Im not sure thats the best way to reach a healthy lifestyle.... Perhaps just eat what you want in moderation and in the proper servings...sometimes I think we might set ourselves up for failure by labeling it a cheat day. If you allow yourself the things you like in moderation then your really not cheating yourself out of reaching your goal faster. This is just how I view it I personally dont have cheat days ..if I want something that I wouldnt normally have I account for it within my calories...Good luck!!:drinker:
  • Heather125
    Heather125 Posts: 433 Member
    a cheat day, simply put, is a bad idea. I could easily overeat a pound or more worth of food in a day and undo my entire week. Should you treat yourself occaisionally do something that you normal wouldn't eat? Absolutely. Should you occaisionally allow yourself to eat a meal wherein you aren't stricting counting the calories? Absolutely. Should you choose a day of the week, most pick saturday, and allow yourself to eat anything you want? Absolutely not, unless undoing your week's progress is ok with you. Most of us have trouble stopping once we start, myself included. If I tell myself I can have as much pizza and ice cream as I want, I promise you I won't stop until the pizza and ice cream are gone. None of us decide to have a cheat day and then proceed to order a salad and a healthy portion of meats and grains, right? That's not exactly the point. If you make a "cheat day" your reward for the week, you'll do great all week and then undo it all in one day. Instead, try to find treats that fit nicely into your day, even if it takes an extra workout to afford them. :flowerforyou:

    Girl I love your logic just had to tell you so
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Cheat days don't work for me. I tend to REALLY CHEAT. And then, well, why try, because I really blew it, so might as well have a cheat year. :sad: The one thing that does work for me is having just a bite of something.

    But, everyone is at a different place. Some day, I hope to be where running4myhealth is and be able to cheat and not worry. Then, I suspect it won't be cheating, it will be living.:bigsmile:

    LOL yea a cheat year, that'd be me! And the one bite thing doesn't work for me, yet at least... I think, well, just one more bite... just one serving... just one container... GRR
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    I usually allow myself a cheat treat on Saturday. I get a two scoop real ice cream cone on Saturdays (not the sugar free or low fat stuff). I'm pretty good all week and I can have my ice cream on Saturday and get back on track on Sunday. I don't eat any sweets during the week and I don't actually miss them, but I really look forward to my ice cream cone on Saturdays.

    That's not cheating, that's a treat and it doesn't undo your whole week. :smile:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    :laugh: adopt4 that was pretty funny. I should have qualified my bite. What I mean is, if I am out with friends or family, I can have a bite of someone's desert. BUT, if I'm home with a container of Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia, well, all bets are off. So, there is no Cherry Garcia in the house at this point.:sad:
  • llmgold11
    llmgold11 Posts: 44 Member
    I find if I allow myself a cheat meal (usually on a day I've worked out EXTRA hard) it tends to keep me in line for the rest of the week/day. I tend not to overindulge on things I know I shouldn't be eating and then I don't crave anything else.

    Someone told me that cheat days are essential to the success of your overall weight loss.
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    I try to work stuff like going out with friends into my overall calories for the day. I've even been known to do some exercise...see how many I'm still some more...etc. once i get home. :embarassed: It's more balanced than anything else. If I want pizza...I have pizza. But I don't have pizza, AND chocolate AND fries...etc. If you screw up on day (which we've all done). Then just be extra good the next and get on track. This is a lifestyle change, so you have to work for the balance that works for you.

    Good luck!
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    I usually allow myself a cheat treat on Saturday. I get a two scoop real ice cream cone on Saturdays (not the sugar free or low fat stuff). I'm pretty good all week and I can have my ice cream on Saturday and get back on track on Sunday. I don't eat any sweets during the week and I don't actually miss them, but I really look forward to my ice cream cone on Saturdays.

    I could have posted this myself =)
  • moonport
    moonport Posts: 97 Member
    I think the best idea is just to account for anything you eat in your calories. If you go over, work out a little harder. If you can't make up for it with excerise, don't worry about it. You can't live life depriving yourself of everything you love. Just don't make a habit of it.
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    Weigh it, record it, control it.

    If you're over on calories or carbs a little, it's not the end of the world, so long as you don't jump into a pit of despair. It's not likely to be a lot if you're recording it, right?

    And you can always create some exercise calories (i.e. work out) to absorb the impact, too.
  • sslin2535
    You are so right, just be honest to yourself and everything good will happen.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    If you eat all your calories all week - including exercise - and your cheat day results in you going, say 1500 over your intake level for the day - you may see poor results. You might cancel out your whole week of good - especially if you are not doing some high intensity and daily (or often) exercise. Just watching what you eat will help you lose weight, but in those cases it basically ads up to calories in - calories out. If you are working out pretty hard and shaking up your routine and really creating a fuel burning machine of your body - a cheat day can help you keep out of a slump or plateau (both physically and mentally). But, if your cheat day is you have 4 donuts for breakfast, a candy bar for lunch, and a #4 super size for dinner... probably a bad idea. If your cheat day is you put syrup instead of fruit on your oatmeal and you have ice cream for a snack or you even go out to eat and order something, god forbid, fried (!!) that's probably just fine. Part of this is you have to be able to stick with it mentally and depriving constantly is not likely going to work. I dont do cheat days, but i do allow myself to go over sometimes - sometimes petty bad like 1000 calories. But, i log it all and I am very conscious of what i am doing and learn things (like just how many calories are in that Olive Garden dish!). I also now I never eat a whole meal out to dinner but order whatever I want because I am out to enjoy myself the rare instance I am at a restaurant.