Bariatric patient....UGH I can't believe I have to lose AGAI

Hi! I'm new to this site. Can't believe I am here AGAIN!!! I HAVE to get my my pouch shrunk. I'm so upset with myself that I have gained :(
Encouragement PLEASE!!!!!


  • PageSalyers
    PageSalyers Posts: 51 Member
    It sucks I know. Ive been doing so good this week and I didnt lose an OUNCE!!!
    You can do it!
    I heard somewhere 80% diet. 20% excercise....
    AND heres your inspiring quote....
    "Today, there's less of me"

  • dreese1974
    Did you have gastric bypass previously?
  • beach_bum_gurl
    You can do it! This site is most helpful. Put in your goals, follow the plan, aim for the calories that MFP tells you to shoot for! Make time to exercise. I have found exercise to be the key to maintenance, at least for me, being 5 years out! However, in the spring I injured myself and was not able to run for almost 4 months. I had a creep of almost 10 pounds and said enough is enough! Came here to this site on a recommendation from a friend. SInce joining here in June I have lost 15 pounds!

    Remember, protein first, don't drink with meals, and stop when you feel full!
  • sandy358888
    It is going to be fine. You can do this! I have been "morbidly " obese for over half of my life. the first time I read a doctor's notes using that term was a shock for me. But I have never been strong enough to stick with something. A couple of years ago, I started exercising for the first time in my life. DIdn't really change my eating habits, but just that one change helped me see this was something I could do. Then I slowly started to change my eating habits and on June 13th, I signed up for a strict diet program. Since then, I have lost 31 lbs. A total of 90 lbs since the first doctor called me "morbidly obese". I went parasailing last month! I wore a bathing suit for the first time since my teen years. Soon, I will weight less than I did in high school...

    I sometimes give in and eat something I know is not good for me, but go work extra hard and tell my self I am stronger than that. You an do it too. Don't be discouraged by the days you don't lose any weight. You didn't gain the weight overnight, so it might take longer to get rid of it the right way!
  • cownancy
    cownancy Posts: 291
    Angie: Spend a few minutes being upset, then, put on a positive attitude and become determined to get back to the mindframe that allowed you to lose all of the weight in the first place and practice all of the tools your doctor and nutritionist gave you. YOU CAN DO IT! Your pouch may have stretched, but I bet it is still small enough to help you! Just put one foot in front of the other and take each day hour by hour...minute by minute if that's what it takes, and make the healthy choices and get yourself back in a good place!!! Cut the carbs and sugars way down, re-start your protein shakes and get back on the path to healthiness!

    I am a lapband patient and my doctor says that if you choose the lapband, he does very little work and the patient has to do the hard work; if you choose RNY, he does all the hard work and the patient doesn't have to work as first. Eventually, you hit the point where you're like a lapband patient and have to use the surgery as a tool. I'm NOT saying that ANY part of wls for any of the procedures is EASY....I know you go through hell recovering and learning what you can eat, etc. But, remember that you're now at the point where you have to work HARDER to make your tool work for you.

    YOU CAN DO IT! You've done it before and you can do it again. You're in the right place and there are lots of people, wls patients and non-wls patients, to help you, support you and cheer you on every step of the way. No one expects you to be perfect, just be honest, log your food, set up realistic goals and be accountable! You have a great advantage because you've learned the HOWS, not you just have to DO IT!

    I wish you the very best and have faith in you. Stop feeling guilt and regret and start feeling determined. OK? LOL. Now, start selecting your friends, getting to know the site and ask your friends for help when you need it. We all love to see your progress!
  • ali_burns
    Good Luck i'm positive you will suceed.