8 lb Challenge! (Closed group)



  • digitalsinner
    Mini goals all met Monday and Tuesday. Buuuttt, had a little issue with Wednesday because I got a Mirena IUD and I'm still feeling the pain. Made the mistake last night to do some ChaLean Extreme and my uterus nearly jumped out and started beating me with the weights. Good news, though, that means I met my weight training goal and have 3 days down of crunches. Been doing fine with water intake all but Wednesday, as I was asleep most of the day after knocking myself out with Advil PM :). So, 2 days of crunches to go, and keeping up the water!!

    On a terrible note...... Friday is my normal weigh-in day, but I've been looking for the motivation to switch to Monday, so this challenge is perfect for that. However, I was on the scale twice this week when I shouldn't have been and it didn't work out so well:
    Tuesday: 288.3 (YAY)
    Friday: 293.0 (O.M.G. - what the heck?!?!?!?!)
    So, even though I somehow managed to gain almost 5 lbs in 4 days (hey, if you're gonna do it, you might as well do it right!), I am chosing to use this GIGANTIC setback to motivate me through the weekend.

    Okay, I feel much better having talked about that :). I'm so glad that we have this mini support system!!!

    Way to go! I'm sure the gain is just your body adjusting.

    We need to decide what our new goals for next week are going to be. I figure we'll change them up come Monday weigh-in day. Personally, I like the 10 cups of water for myself...it really keeps me on track. What do you guys think?
  • moor9559
    moor9559 Posts: 22 Member
    I really like the 10 cups of water a day too. Will be thinking of new mini goals too. Not sure I met all mine for this week but I suppose I have today to see what I can do. Looking forward to seeing what tomorrow brings!
  • scante60
    scante60 Posts: 106 Member
    So, my Monday AM weigh-in was.... 186.4

    Only lost a pound, but it was a loss, so I'll take it.

    Met all the mini-challenges, and I'm ready for more! I'd love to keep the 10 glasses of water this week.

    How about one extra mile (above and beyond your normal workout) three times this week? Any takers???
  • dandy_mandy
    Challenge CW: 288.4
    Challenge SW: 290.4 (weight at beginning of August)
    End of year goal: 249.4

    Exactly one pound lost for the week, but I'm down 4.7 since Friday, so yay!!!!! I think last week's fun did a number on my hormones, so back on track!

    Last week my goals were almost met: Water met all but Wednesday, weight training three times, and crunches four times.

    I totally agree with the 10 glasses of water, I'll add a mile to my workout three times this week! I'm going to challenge myself to 20 push-ups (on the knees for myself, of course :) ) if anyone would like to join me??

    Last week was good, but this week will be even better!!!!!
  • moor9559
    moor9559 Posts: 22 Member
    I lost .4 lbs this week - would be disappointed but I think it's fair after losing 5 last week. I met all of the mini challenges except for I only drank 8 glasses of water on Saturday. =(

    I will continue on the 10 glasses of water per day, try to add a mile to my workout 3 times this week, do 20 pushups (on my knees of course), and I still like the 25 crunches 5 times per week if anyone would like to continue on that path?

    I agree with dandy_mandy, this week will be even better. I'm jonesing to get out of the 270s and into the 260s because then I'm that much closer to getting to the 250s and below!!
  • digitalsinner
    8/8/11 SW: 230
    8/15/11 CW: 229
    End of year goal: 190

    Not great, but down is down. I feel like I've been yoyoing my water weight without any REAL success. So, starting today, I have a different strategy. I made myself a daily calendar and every single solitary day is going to be a series of mini goals. I haven't figured out the details yet, but I think I'm going to give every mini goal a point. After maybe every 100 points, I'm going to do something nice for myself. I'm realizing that small goals are the key for me.

    So, that said, happy Monday ladies. This week, I challenge you with the following:

    1. 10 cups of water daily
    2. Stay UNDER your alotted calories, even on the weekend.
    3. 25 Mountain Climbers, 25 squats (preferably with weight) AND 25 pushups 5x this week. OMG!!!!! :)
  • dandy_mandy
    Holy moly!!!! Well, I accept the challenge! I had to look up Mountain Climbers, and I have to be honest here......I think I'll have a hard time with those, so if I can't seem to get them, I'm going to substitute 5 total minutes of plank 5x this week.

    Great challenges!!!!!
  • digitalsinner
    I think I'll have a hard time with those, so if I can't seem to get them, I'm going to substitute 5 total minutes of plank 5x this week.

    So long as we're moving, that's what counts!
  • moor9559
    moor9559 Posts: 22 Member
    Ok - so as I see the challenges for the week I think we have 10 cups of water daily; 5 times this week do 25 mountain climbers, 25 squats, 25 push ups, and 25 crunches; 3 times this week add a mile to our workouts and stay under our allotted calorie goals for the whole week. Is that everything? Boy if this is just week 2, I tremor just thinking about week 3. =)
  • digitalsinner
    Let's stick with 3 challenges per week. That's not daunting.

    1. Water
    2. Calories
    3. Pick at least 2 of the following exercises (25 crunches, pushups, mountain climbers, squats or an extra mile) and knock them out 5 xs.

    I don't walk or run, so an extra mile isn't a good measure for me. But, it's all about getting us off of our butts and moving.
  • moor9559
    moor9559 Posts: 22 Member
    Let's stick with 3 challenges per week. That's not daunting.

    1. Water
    2. Calories
    3. Pick at least 2 of the following exercises (25 crunches, pushups, mountain climbers, squats or an extra mile) and knock them out 5 xs.

    I don't walk or run, so an extra mile isn't a good measure for me. But, it's all about getting us off of our butts and moving.

    I think that is a wonderful idea!
  • scante60
    scante60 Posts: 106 Member
    Let's stick with 3 challenges per week. That's not daunting.

    1. Water
    2. Calories
    3. Pick at least 2 of the following exercises (25 crunches, pushups, mountain climbers, squats or an extra mile) and knock them out 5 xs.

    I don't walk or run, so an extra mile isn't a good measure for me. But, it's all about getting us off of our butts and moving.

    I am down with this!!!
  • moor9559
    moor9559 Posts: 22 Member

    I am in a fire camp for I do not know how long and so I apologize if I am unable to meet the challenges or weigh ins. Will try hard but have very little control over things right now. I'll be nack on track as soon as I can.

  • digitalsinner
    I'm sure all will be fine!

    Good luck in fire camp! Is that for fireman's training...what is that?
  • moor9559
    moor9559 Posts: 22 Member
    I work for the Forest Service and when we get forest fires or other emergency incidents, I sometimes get to go out to camp and help with administrative type work. I'd be in a lot better shape, physically, if I was actually fighting the fire but I have no desire to do that! This is my first year of getting out to camp and I'm finding that since the firefighters burn so many calories in a day they get fed an amazing amount of calories per meal and since I'm staying in camp and they don't fix non-firefighter meals you are stuck with these incredibly good but high calorie meals to eat and since you work from 0600-2200 there isn't really any time for exercise. Good thing is, I was so busy that I didn't have time to snack and barely had time to eat. We'll see what the scale says tomorrow though!

    And I'm back now, so I can get on track again!
  • moor9559
    moor9559 Posts: 22 Member
    Alright - was a bit off track as far as exercise this week. Working 16 hour days for part of the week in a camp, living in a tent so exercise was kind of out the window! Did pretty good on my eating....didn't go over my calories and met my water goal all but one day I believe. Lost 1.2 pounds - making my total for the month, thus far, 6.6 pounds - 1.4 to go to meet the goal but I am shooting higher!

    Will be working hard on getting more exercise this week. Can't wait to see what challenges come out this week. I can't think of any great ones at the moment but if I do I'll chime in later.
  • digitalsinner
    I am only down a pound this week. I'm not sure if I'm going to make 8 lbs this month sadly. I had to find the happy balance with eating correctly so not to sabotage myself on the weekends. I think I found it, but it might be too late for me to make goal this month. Regardless, it's still a win for me and I'm going to keep striving to hit my mark in the coming months. Though, the fat lady hasn't started singing just yet.

    Lemme get some thought in on these challenges, ladies, please feel free to chime in, and we'll get them up shortly!
  • dandy_mandy
    Challenge CW: 286.6
    Challenge SW: 290.4 (weight at beginning of August)
    End of year goal: 249.4

    Well, that puts me at a loss of 1.8 lbs this week. Not bad, but not great. I had a naughty weekend, starting with a celebration night on Friday, which caused me to kind of crap on the whole weekend. No fast food, though, so that's a major accomplishment for me! Generally the day after some cocktails will involve some tasty drive-through tacos, so big NSV! I have to lose 4.2 lbs to make my monthly goal, and I have complete faith that I can accomplish that by the first Monday of September!

    I managed to meet my 5x goals only 4x this week, and I met the water and under calories all but 2 days. I'm in school full-time as of today, and working part-time still, so my calories should be great, and hopefully the exercise can stay up.

    My goal for myself this week is to do yoga or stretching 3x, on top of my regular exercise. Anyone care to join me? It feels soooo good!
  • digitalsinner
    Sorry for flaking out yesterday. I started back to school and this full time work schedule/full time school schedule has got me all flustered.

    I'm in for the yoga. I used to do it religiously, but since I moved, about a year ago, I've done nothing. ...and definitely paying the price for it.

    I'm thinking I might go low carb for a short run to see if I can't make up some of the weight I've not lost, but I'm not sure yet. So much of what I eat is fruit and it'll be another tough adjustment.

    Anyway...challenges for the week.

    2. 10 minutes of stretching/yoga on top of your regular workout routine 3x week
    3. Squats! (we hates them!) 3 sets of 15, 4xs this week!
  • moor9559
    moor9559 Posts: 22 Member
    Sounds like a plan!