I lost 56 pounds and...

...gained 40 of it back. Hiw depressing is that? Sooooo....here I go again. Looking for commiseration and encouragement.


  • kam26001
    kam26001 Posts: 2,799 Member
    Well, you've lost 56 before and that is far from a depressing feat. You can do it again!
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,493 Member
    You can do it! The most important thing is to figure out what went wrong and stop it from happening next time.
  • Fflpnari
    Fflpnari Posts: 975 Member
    Look on the bright side, you didn't gain 56 back!!! You are regaining control, you can do this!!
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    You can do it! Small changes at first so you don’t get overwhelmed! Make supportive friends and log everything you eat and support your friends back! I’m here every day for mutual support
  • theowlbox
    theowlbox Posts: 912 Member
    i think gaining it back probably gave you a ton of experience that, at the time, you didn't pay attention to. But now you are back and starting again and you have all that knowledge to help you out. you put the weight back on and disn't stop at 5, 10, 15 lbs. you saw it happening and watched (for whatever reason, not judging) until you hit your limit. i think you have a really unique perspective and you should appreciate all you're bringing to the table! at the end of this we will all (hopefully) be experts on how we personally lose weight. I think you are ahead of the class on a lot.

    now it's just time to align your actions with that information and use it to your benefit. good luck!!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,297 Member
    allow yourself to be mad at you for a day or so..then just get back to it and learn from your mistake. We all have regained. figure out how it happened and don't repeat the mistake. did you weight yourself every week?