Do you blow it on the weekends?



  • cchristman12
    cchristman12 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks everyone for your helpful tips! I will put my foot down to my family. I'm so tired of feeling like crap! They all eat way too much and could try to loose some extra pounds too. We are all so obese! It is rediculous. We are going to Disney in November and I want to shed at least 10lbs by then.

    Hope I can do this. Thanks for the encouragement. I love being on mfp!!
  • Tonilynn70
    Tonilynn70 Posts: 59 Member
    I do. I work from 11am-8pm and my job is non-stop; so during the week, I drink water and don't have time to snack. I get home at 830 eat dinner and study (in college full-time) So I do pretty well M-F, coke the weekends when I am home with my son... its cookies and ice cream. I don't know if its boredom or what but every weekend its the same thing. I do exercise on the weekends, but end up eating all my calories and then some.

    I hate it an wish I could do what I do during the week...
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Sometimes I do just because I have more time with my boyfriend and if he's feeling lazy, we'll eat out or order pizza. The last couple weekends, however, I've been trying to be good because my weigh ins for a challenge I'm in are Sunday-Monday.
  • Felesina1
    Felesina1 Posts: 142
    I also have the same issues on my days off. My family isn't a huge help with my diet, even though they try. So when you go out, use your phone or the internet before you leave to look at the nutritional menu items of where you are going before you go. Plan your meal or at least get an idea of what you are going to eat in calories. Maybe suggest alternate places to go to so you can get things you want to eat also OR suggest at home cooking challenge nights to your family to help teach them about better choices and healthy cooking.
  • ClaireShepherd
    I manage my intake on the weekend to maintenance but plan everything.

    However it is worth remembering that when you are at the end of your journey you will have to maintain your weight so adjusting the way you eat on the weekend will support that.

    Its a lifestyle change long term not a short term solution
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    I ate like an absolute saint last weekend, but I completely blew it this weekend!

    Not sure why I did it, but I was properly craving chocolate, so I had some, and then some more, and then....

    I didn't feel quite so guilty as I did a lot of walking over the weekend, but I feel rotten this morning! I'm actually looking forward to having my veggies at lunch time
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    I think its good to not get into a calorie routine for your metabolism's sake. If i didn't like my weekend beer's i would of lost this last 10 lbs which i'm still losing every week sooner. Over doing it once or twice a week is not really going to hurt squat in the ultimate goal of losing fat.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Normally i am OK on the weekends, I may have one night that I go out for a few drinks / meal but other thna that I exercise, I keep within my calories.

    This weekend was acomplete mess though! I have been off plan since Thursday and I need to reign myself in.

    In fact my body is crying out for it's usual healthy food!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I eat massive quantities at weekends and inevitably drink too much. Until recently, I went over nearly every weekend. Now, I just do massive quantities of exercise and although I still eat lot, it's mostly good food (home cooked roasts etc.) and I don't go over. Sad but true, I log as I go and as soon as I reach my daily calories I just stop!
  • Scoobies87
    Scoobies87 Posts: 379
    Me too! It's usually alcohol and takeaways with me, although this weekend I decided to stay in and make cakes instead

    You will still lose the weight, just at a slower rate.

    What about staying in and making the Mexican meal? You can get extra light mince (or chicken), half fat cheese etc and it will still taste great (and save money!)
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    Girl plz...why do u think my weigh in day is friday morning???

    Amen Sistah! Friday is weigh day because the weekend is reserved for margaritas and making merry with friends and family.
  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    Yep, did a beauty this weekend, to the extent I stopped tracking. It was great! Back on track now.......
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Thanks everyone for your helpful tips! I will put my foot down to my family. I'm so tired of feeling like crap! They all eat way too much and could try to loose some extra pounds too. We are all so obese! It is rediculous. We are going to Disney in November and I want to shed at least 10lbs by then.

    Hope I can do this. Thanks for the encouragement. I love being on mfp!!
    Now this is a game changer for the meaning of your post. If your whole family, including children are obese, then you need to hold your head up high, and stage an intervention. This is a path filled with medical costs, bad health, pain, and death. I've seen it happen in my family. Insulin needles, heart surgeries, muscle infections, almost 3000 bucks in medical care a MONTH. That's what my inlaws are dealing with after a lifetime of over eating.

    BEWARE of the taco salad. Usually just as bad as anything else on the menu. How did you order it? It's usually chicken or beef with tomato/lettuce/sour cream/guac/ and in a fried tortilla shell. Usually over 1000 calories. For the salad. But chips and salsa on there and it's a killer. Basically....Chinese and Mexican are places we don't even bother considering except on rare RARE occasion. Finished with Pizza Hut...which isn't even very good pizza....and that can mess up your week. Yeah..I said can mess up your week. How do I know this? I would do it ALLLLL THE TIME. I'd be "so good" during the week..not eat enough calories and then make up for it in a day or two, and I'd lose/gain the same two pounds over and over again.

    You are STRONG, Mama!! Put your foot down for the LIFE of your family. You sound like you are at that point of having ENOUGH, and that's a great place to be. Find restaurants that have their information online and go there...pre-plan your meal before you go, and drink lots of water...maybe even have an apple before you you're not hungry looking at a menu. Workout the morning of a trip makes me want to not blow it even more.

    You can DO THIS!!!!! :drinker:
  • luckyandme
    luckyandme Posts: 19 Member
    I've only been on here for like 15 days I think but yeah...I have noticed weekends are tough for me too and I typically end up going over my calories. Our kids are with us Fri-Sun so I find myself eating things that the kids like which I too love but might not typically eat on a normal week day. Good Luck. That is awesome that you and your husband make time for date night.
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    No suggestions here due to the fact I am in the same boat as you! It seems i can keep Good meal plans at the beginning of the week and throughout the week but come Friday-Sunday all my hard work goes out the door! :( my boyfriend also can eat anything and everything without gaining a pound which makes it very hard to make healthy meals. It's also very frustration watching him eat all the junk food I want to be eating but know the damage it will cause later! one of my biggest issues is drinking on the weekends :/ any advice here would be great as well!

    I think we are one in the same .... my boyfriend can also eat all the junk and not gain a pound and I love drinking ....sigh