

  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member

    My oldest friend (I’ve known her for 26 years) is getting married on Sunday and I’m the matron of honor (BTW is it just me or does “matron” just makes me sound old). Today was spa day, so much fun, and so relaxing. Tomorrow I’m spending the night at with her so I will try and check in before I head out.

    Everyone is doing so great this week. Let’s keep it up and have a great end of this week, and start next week off strong. Have a great night everyone!

    Yes, matron does sound awful so refer to yourself as "best friend of honor" :laugh: Have a wonderful time at the wedding, it sounds like it will be such a good time.

    Friday check-in for me isn't bad. Didn't exercise yesterday, still feeling stiff and achy. But...did not get up and eat and stayed within goal calories so I'm happy about that. This week, starting today, I'm dogsitting so I'll get forced exercise since I will be walking him at least once a day :smile: I also already started out today with a tiny bit of weeding, which HAS to be done. Ever notice how much weeds grow when you're away from home. Three weeks on the road leads to one messy yard :grumble:

    Have a great weekend everyone and keep up the good work. I know we ALL can do this :heart:
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    I ordered Jillian Michaels' Shred-It with Weights the other day and, according to FedEx's website it's out for delivery today! I am excited... I also ordered a kettlebell and heavier weights, too!
  • littlemount
    Trying to set my goal for next week

    1-Breakfast -tea with milk 2 biscuits [7]

    2-lunch- Soup or salads[7]

    3-Dinner - portion controlled mindful eating[7]

    4-Snacks- 2 fruits+ 2 chocolate milk or yogurt [28]

  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    littlemount,interesting goals. Not sure I understand them (is it a balanced meal plan for the week???), but as long as you do, go for it! Either way, the parts I do understand sound yummy. New thread will be up shortly for the coming week so you can get started. :)

    Suz, I hope everything ended well with your daughter and she is emotionally okay. Sadly, we deal with that problem far too often in schools. Your orders sound interesting. I'm a huge fan of weight training. In fact, my adjustable weights just came in today so I plan to start Chalean Extreme next week. Woo hoo!

    Danlyn, I've been stiff and achy too. Way too keep to the calorie goals and do what you could. Dogs are great to get you moving, unless you have a lazy lap dog like our family. LOL!

    mrogers, we're almost ready for our kids. How are you guys feeling about the start of the new school year? I hope we both manage to survive it with our lifestyle changes in tact. This group should help with that.

    Mak, thanks for your support. You are such a sweet person and it is a joy getting to know you. Your dedication to P90x is also inspiring. I got my weights in today, so I hope I'm half as dedicated to Chalean as you are to Tony.

    Crystal, we all need rest days. Glad you listened to your body and took one.

    Kris, all of us have our ups and downs. The important thing is that we "just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. Just keep swimming, yeah yeah yeah". Sorry, I watch too many children's shows. LOL!

    philsohoe, great job on the goals and reducing the sodium. Even when it's higher than the target, knowing that how you used to eat and how you eat now keeps that discouragement from taking over. Then on days when you're low, you can celebrate. I allow myself 1-2 overs a week, because I don't plan to deprive myself of anything completely that I enjoy (and eating out is one of them). Plus, I get tired during work, so quick is good too. They need to start a low-sodium movement like they do with fat and carbs. Geez!

    As for my goals, I did pretty well this week. The kids come back this week, so we will have a true test then. Also, I got a promotion that starts in less than 30 days, so I'm in work transition in more ways than my eating habits. Got to keep up the exercise to manage the stress in the meantime. Thanks for all of your support in getting there!


    P.S. Looking for next week's post? Look no more! It can be found here:
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    well went overboard again today DQ got the best of me large Mocha Moolatte was well over 1/2 my days calories and a double cheeseburger what was I thinking!?!?! So back to the treadmill tonight even though today was a rest day. did another level of C25K and some of Suz great dancing until my monitor said I burned 500+ calories. As you said we just keep swimming!!!
    Well here's to a better week next week!!!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    ate tooooo much today way over my goal I don't know what's the matter with me and I was way too embarassed tooget on here and say it without putting back the effort to reduce those extra calories
    SO I got on the treadmill and did a C25k W1 routine that was only about 300 calories so after I got the kids to bed I went out and did a second C25k W1 outside I cant decide if I like to run better inside or out still undecided. I managed to work off nearly 700 calories when I was done for the night.

    Kris, couldn't agree more. The accountable/support on here is an amazing motivation. I so need it!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    MAK-always enjoy your two cents, and I absolutely agree. It worked for that day, but I don't believe I should always deny.

    My check in:
    Yesterday I didn't check in, and went 300 over, so still logged. Was out of town and not near a computer for the message boards.
    logged in everything and stayed in goal (yay earned excercises calories)
    I excercised twice today, probably to make up for yesterday's inactivity and over eating
    I didn't try anything wiser today. Took every inch I could get. I'm exhausted but wanted to visit and go swimming with friends, and just now talking to hubby before I go to sleep. Truly, I need sleep more.

    Thank you all for the wonderful support!
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Saturday night check in:

    1) logged everything--even got to reduce a couple of items that I had pre-logged for dinner when I only ate 1/2 of what I expected to have
    2) sodium did not stay under 2200, more like just under 3200; however, I decided to use today as my treat day & we went out to dinner, so again, I'm not upset about it. I've been tracking my weekly averages for my main nutrients, and for the week, my avg sodium is right about 2500/day--still on the high side, but so much better than when I had NO CLUE what was going in my face.
    3) I did consume more of my exercise calories today (and specifically exercised more because I wanted to enjoy my dinner out without worry), but I swam so much that I was still in the green even after dessert. I claim this as a win.

    Happy Saturday & I'll roll to the new thread tomorrow. Night all!!
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Check in for the last 2 days:

    Friday - walking day, didn't get an official 30 min walk in but did have to walk between to venues for work so i guess I can begrudge that as my allocated walking for the day.
    Saturday, meant to do cardio, didn't happen, although there was a 20 minute walk along the beach, maybe that can be my other walking day, cardio for the rest of the mini challenge it is.

    I also ate 1000 more calories than I should have too which got me wondering, can I regain my calorie deficit by earning 1000 exercise calories (and not eating them obviously) over the next week?
  • marlymarly
    marlymarly Posts: 29 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Well, Friday, Sat and Sun - no cardio. We went camping - which was really fun, and I tried to fit some cardio in by playing tag, or frisbee with the kids. But really no game lasted more than two minutes! They are still really little! So all in all, I didn't meet my goal of cardio every day. Instead only 3 days this week, But I realize that without this message board and your support I wouldn't have even done that! So thanks everyone!