Getting back on the weight loss journey. (Looking for people to motivate each other)


My name is Will from Birmingham, UK.

I'm 24M 6'1 and now 220 pounds was 223 couple weeks ago so at least a start :wink:

4 years ago I was also about ~220 pounds, with about 3 - 4 months of dieting and moderate exercise I got my weight down to 190 and was very happy with my weight. Over the past 2 years I have regained all the weight I previously worked hard to lose, I have gained bad habits from smoking and also a bad drinking habit.

I'm planning on quitting drinking for a few months (or cut down considerably). Drinking is what triggers me to smoke and make bad food choices, but cutting down on the drink has been very hard for me even for the first 3 weeks of January (wondering if anyone has also got a problem with calories coming from booze).

Just looking for a few mates on here to support with the weight loss journey. My goal is to be 220 pounds by the end of March, I think this is a realistic goal if I'm able to cut the drinking down.


  • pcbossack31
    pcbossack31 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Will, my name is Phyllis and I am back on my weight loss journey as well. I am 37yof and I had a sleeve gastrectomy back in 2014 and I lost a lot of weight off of it. Recently, I started gaining the weight back. I found out about 7 months ago that I have hypothyroidism which in turn has made me gain weight. I was put on medication to help with that, but for some reason, I can't lose weight anymore. My doctor put me on a 500 calorie diet about a few months after I had my surgery and I stuck to it. I exercise everyday and watch what I eat, but lately I changed my calorie intake to 1100 and I can't even eat that much. For the most part I can eat in between 300-800 calories a day. My goal is to get back down to about 100 pounds lighter than where I am now. Maybe we can share healthy recipes and share what we are doing to motivate each other.
  • heavymetal100
    heavymetal100 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Will, my name is Phyllis and I am back on my weight loss journey as well. I am 37yof and I had a sleeve gastrectomy back in 2014 and I lost a lot of weight off of it. Recently, I started gaining the weight back. I found out about 7 months ago that I have hypothyroidism which in turn has made me gain weight. I was put on medication to help with that, but for some reason, I can't lose weight anymore. My doctor put me on a 500 calorie diet about a few months after I had my surgery and I stuck to it. I exercise everyday and watch what I eat, but lately I changed my calorie intake to 1100 and I can't even eat that much. For the most part I can eat in between 300-800 calories a day. My goal is to get back down to about 100 pounds lighter than where I am now. Maybe we can share healthy recipes and share what we are doing to motivate each other.

    Hey Phyllis, most definitely, I'm up for that. I won't be making much variety in my meals for the first month as trying to keep it as simple as possible.

    What type of diet are you looking to follow or are you going to go for a Calorie in vs Calorie out approach?

  • JohnnytotheB
    JohnnytotheB Posts: 361 Member
    Good for you on starting up again. The drinking thing is a big thing. I got a habit of drinking soda (a few times a day) and drinking when social. I have cut all the soda out and only have one or two drinks in a social setting. It seems to work. Starting and being focused is the key in my opinion.
  • heavymetal100
    heavymetal100 Posts: 28 Member
    Good for you on starting up again. The drinking thing is a big thing. I got a habit of drinking soda (a few times a day) and drinking when social. I have cut all the soda out and only have one or two drinks in a social setting. It seems to work. Starting and being focused is the key in my opinion.

    Yeah man, I find not drinking incredibly painful. I think it's to do with not having a exact hobby and keeping my self occupied when not at work, as I finish work I'll find myself in the pub for few beers which add up in the week! Thinking about building my own PC and getting back into gaming again, what hobby's or things you do in your personal time to keep you occupied?
  • ca22h
    ca22h Posts: 4 Member

    I am Carrie - a little outside bham. Just turned 38 and I have also hit 220 pounds and I am determined that it has to come off! I am short and for a health BMI I should be more 120. But 100 pound seems a lot and so I have set a calorie in target and I can’t exceed 1200 a day. I have to say I’m not excluding anything - including wine and whiskey. I think if you exclude it makes you crave and if I am going to do this then it is about life style change and not a fad diet.

    I lost about 2 1/2 stone on the dukan so I bought some lovely clothes Then all that went back on when I started eating carbs - bye bye lovely wardrobe. I love carbs and I like a glass of wine at the end of a stressful day!! I just need to pick which of those I want more and moderation is going to be key if I am ever wearing my pretty dresses again.