Need to lose 100+ pounds need friends + support

Honestly....just need friends and support. I've been logging my meals and staying at around 16-1800 cal day as that is what the app suggest I do to lose 2lbs a week to reach my goal in a year's time. I haven't started working out yet but intend too. I do have a relatively active job. I work in an Amazon wharehouses which requires a ton of walking. Other than that I'm honestly just trying to make new friends and build a support team. Please feel free to add me :)


  • ca22h
    ca22h Posts: 4 Member

    I am also looking at 100 pounds to loose. I am doing calories in and out. I have restricted to 1200 and seem to be seeking to it. But I need to get my body moving and start working out. I think we just need to take the plunge.

    How do you plan on working out?
  • suzabelle522
    suzabelle522 Posts: 34 Member
    Me too! my short term goal is to drop 40 pounds so I can have knee replacement surgery. In total I want to get down ~120 so I have a big goal. I started keto on January 2nd. My son has been on keto for about 3 years and looks amazing. I'm feeling great with the exception of a headcold today. No cravings and I'm full. I bought a new cookbook by Suzanne Ryan and it is helping me add variety to my meals. I'm eating better than I have in years even though I am not much of a cook.

    For exercise I am at the gym 4 days a week and I set a "move" goal for every day on my watch.

    Best of luck to all of you!

  • AvinashDB
    AvinashDB Posts: 15 Member
    Hey you can add me if you’d like and we can always stay in touch because my goal is to lose a little over 100lbs myself. I started working out at the beginning of fall with just running but I’m at the gym now 3-4 days a week and have lost about 27lbs. My goal is to lose an additional 80lbs more and together we can all achieve our goals. I will admit that my biggest problems is meal and nutrition and that’s where I need the help. Don’t hesitate to contact me and whatever we can do to help each other we’ll do it!
  • AngelFaithsLuna
    AngelFaithsLuna Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone I also have 116lbs to lose. Add me. I'm 35 and have major mobility issues but I'm positive and chair dancing for weight loss
  • beccapineapple8756
    beccapineapple8756 Posts: 56 Member
    Anyone can add me if they like. Im looking tobdrop a bunch of weight. Havnt decided on a goal yet. My main thing is that i can keep it off. Always looking for new friends .
  • mrcmh
    mrcmh Posts: 5 Member
    Let's connect!
  • Meredith2384
    Meredith2384 Posts: 1 Member
    I also have 100 pounds to lose! We can do this! Anyone is free to add me as well. The more the merrier!
  • fluffy48mfp
    fluffy48mfp Posts: 4 Member
    Add me