
I was told today that my diet consist of too many carbs and in order to loose weight i need to cut out carbs completly and then bring them back into my diet once i start seeing some weight loss. What are everyone elses thoughts on carbs and what you think is best things to eat to loose weight?


  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I don't like it when people suggest cutting out carbs altogether. How can you? Everything has carbs, even coffee. I'm on a low carb diet, and I cannot imagine zero carbs. You could never eat a vegetable! I wouldn't recommend this. But if you want to lower your carbs, that may help. Lots of people have success lowering their carbs, either to just 100g a day or even lower. But you need to do the research.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    Well first off, I looked at your profile and saw that you've lost 12 pounds so far so I'm guessing their comment that you "can't" lose weight is incorrect.

    I do a reduced carb diet (under 100 grams). It works better for me than a higher carb diet but years ago I did lose almost 50 pounds on a low fat, high carb diet. It can be done, I just feel better and am more satisfied with my current diet. Try reducing your carbs (but don't cut them out completely!) and see how your losing is affected and how you feel.
  • katheern
    katheern Posts: 213 Member
    Yeah, I hate when people say "cut out all carbs". That's incredibly unhealthy. I follow a low STARCH diet which means all my carbs come from veggies, fruit, and whole grains and I avoid high starch things like potatoes, white bread, etc. I aim for 80-120g of carbs a day and have found this to be very effective for my weight loss. To be clear I try to eat a LOT of veggies every day. Feel free to look at my food diary for ideas.
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    It works if you cut carbs and increase your protein. I do think if you workout you will need some carbs to fuel it. There are so many diets out there that are low carbs - south beach, dukan, paleo. I have done dukan just the 1st phase and got some surprising results to break a plateau. I really like paleo as well b/c you can have veggies even when you start. Another thing is to focus on eating clean and maybe limit carbs to see how it works with your body.
  • nukehiker
    nukehiker Posts: 457
    you need a certain percentage of good carbs to help fuel your body for the day. clean eating, whole grains, veggies, fruits etc
  • KatManx
    KatManx Posts: 168 Member
    I have today started on a Low Carb diet, as i found i was eating far too many. I am going to do it for 5 days and see how i feel.
    I am sticking to 5g of Carbs in 100g of food for a guideline. And Cutting out milk in my coffee, no potatoes, pasta, rice or bread and drinking serious amounts of water :)
    I am hoping that this will help kick start my weight loss again (hit a bit of a wall!), but as Qarol says, its impossible to have NO carbs.

    Good luck!

    TLRAAB Posts: 16
    It's hard to say what will work for you. I happen to be EXTREMELY carb intolerant. I can't even look at someone else eat a piece of bread without gaining weight~! But I can't live without them, so here's what I do. Every 2-3 weeks, I purge the carbs out of my system. During that time I follow the first cycle of the 17 day diet. Basically that is cutting out almost all carbs. It consists of eating mostly lean meat and low cal veggies, 2 fat free, low sugar yogurts, and 2 fruits along with as much water as I can stand. Every time I've done that I lose between 5-8 pounds in just a few days (usually 4 or 5 days). Then I go back to eating a more "normal", but healthy diet. When I find myself slipping back into my old unhealthy patterns, I go back to cycle 1 for a few days to reset my body and my mindset.
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    I have a hard time getting on board with this. I was told the same thing, but then I spoke to my OB about it and she suggested just cutting out processed carbs. So, anything that has to be processed before you eat it; bread, pasta, white rice, white sugar. So, I worked to get those things out of my diet. I don't cut them out completely, sometimes that is impossible to do. But, I have replaced all these processed carbs with unprocessed ones. I bye whole grain foods, eat brown rice, sprouted wheat bread, steel cut oats, etc. I think that it is much more filling than the empty carbs you get in everything else, and I lose weight this way. If you don't want to cut out all carbs, research the benefits of cutting out processed carbs.
  • rockersbaby1
    rockersbaby1 Posts: 15 Member
    Thats how I had to do it when I started. I didnt eat enough and most of my calories came from carbs and regular soda. So I cut out most carbs, esp bread and cereal and all regular soda. I started having egg whites scrambled with one piece of turkey bacon for breakfast. Eventually added a glass of almond milk, which I now totally love! Added a turkey, cheese and lettuce wrap with my lunch too. These kinds of changes made all the difference for me. If I dont eat enough I do not lose weight. Its as simple as that. If I get my calories from carbs and dont get enough protein I dont lose either. Hope this helps :)
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I recently cut my carb intake to around 50-80 grams per day and broke a 6 week plateau. I'd suggest giving that a try and see if it helps you. Keep your calorie intake the same but cut out almost all breads, white rice, pasta and high sugar fruits. Completely avoid sugary treats (no candy, cake, cookies, etc.). Get your carbs from vegetables, berries and nuts. Give it about a week and see if that doesn't help get the scale moving again. You can then adjust the carbs until you're at a level that's right for you.
  • I think it is all about moderation. I recently have cut out blatant carbs with some success in getting the scale back to being my friend. Examples would be not to have rice, potatoes as a side dish with dinner. Pasta has gone from a main dish to side dish, but we tried to avoid it all together, but sometimes you can't.

    Taking the top off a burger or sandwich. Just yesterday, I had sandwich from Panera bread, took the top piece of bread off (and cheese), sandwich went from 800 to 500 calories, much more manageble caloric wise.

    If you have Netflix Instant viewing, check out the documentary, Fathead. It's really enlightening regarding this topic.
  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    I don't like it when people suggest cutting out carbs altogether. How can you? Everything has carbs, even coffee. I'm on a low carb diet, and I cannot imagine zero carbs. You could never eat a vegetable! I wouldn't recommend this. But if you want to lower your carbs, that may help. Lots of people have success lowering their carbs, either to just 100g a day or even lower. But you need to do the research.

    This is what I do. It works for me. cutting your carbs too much is not a long term thing, once you start eating more you gain the weight back. 100 grams or less gives you room to enjoy a serving of fruit, veggies, wheat bread, ect . much more realistic:)
  • rocketpants
    rocketpants Posts: 419 Member
    I think cutting carbs out entirely is nonsense. I don't even advocate severely restricting them. You will kill your energy level, and you will deprive yourself of something you love. Drastic diets such are effective at loosing weight. However, you will also eventually rebel against the diet and put the weight back on.

    What has worked for me is trying to reduce / eliminate refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup. I also avoid "bad carbs" in most situations, and instead choose more complex carbohydrates. Choosing foods with fiber, protein, and healthy fats, will keep you full and satisfied much longer than carbs.

    Picking when you consume carbs is also important. For example some simple carbs are ok before intense exercise. In fact if I am going on a 3 hour bike ride I will munch on high carb foods the whole ride. However, a big bowl of pasta before bedtime is not going to do you any favors.

    Basically I am saying you should pay attention to how much, and what type of carbs you are consuming, and when you are consuming them. Don't go on a drastic carb elimination diet!!
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    There are some very different ideas about carbs and both sides utilize science to back up their claims. I suggest you do your own research and determine what seems natural, doable, and effective for you.

    I keep my carb consumption close to 75% of my diet. I believe they are very important and I don't run away from starches either. I allow myself all the corn and potatoes I want. What I do avoid are processed and refined carbs (sugar, white flour, etc). I don't need empty calories that don't provide lots of nutrients. That means my diet is high in fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains.

    It's working for me. Since I switched over to this way of eating I can eat a lot more food, feel satisfied and lose two pounds/week rather than the one pound a week I was losing before. You just need to find what works for you and try to maximize the nutrient value of your foods.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    I was told today that my diet consist of too many carbs and in order to loose weight i need to cut out carbs completly and then bring them back into my diet once i start seeing some weight loss. What are everyone elses thoughts on carbs and what you think is best things to eat to loose weight?

    Sounds insane. I'm diabetic, so I have to watch carbs, and I still have 50 or so per meal, and 15-30 per snack, and I seem to be losing weight just fine. Watch out for people who tell you to completely cut out or drastically reduce anything. Unless you're eating mercury for breakfast, then, yeah, you should completely cut that out.


  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    My boss just went through a 'no' carb diet. It was a medically monitored one and she did great on it. But she got to literally counting the days until she could have carbs again. Not surprisingly, even with a monitored increase to brings her carb intake back to a more normal level, she gained wait, so now she's seesawing between no carb, and normal eating to keep her weight under control

    Personally, not certain that I'd want to live the rest of my life doing that.
  • Having a medical problem makes you look a little deeper sometimes.. I've got diabetes and was told the same thing by some people, cut all the carbs out then add back slowly.. NOT RIGHT!!!
    First off, you have to be aware that anything that's not fat (ie, vegetable oil, butter, or nuts) or Protein (meat, eggs, fish, most tofu) is carbohydrate. So that includes not only the breads, cereals and pasta but the fruits and vegetables as well. Most people only think about the breads and not the fruits n veggies.
    Your brain needs carbs to function and if you don't have enough stored in your liver and muscles you'll feel out of it, spacey. However what I've found is that with man maid products (pasta and bread etc) I end up with to much carbs which spikes my insulin and in turns tells your body to store the excess carbs as fat.
    What my nutritionist told me after everything was to aim for about 40% carbs and 30% each of fat and protein and to try and get most of those carbs from fresh veggies and a little fruit.
    Dunno if that will help you but I hope it does.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    Who told you this?
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Who told you this?

    I'm wondering this too.

    Like someone else who posted earlier, I did cut down (not out) the carbs that came from bread, pasta, potatoes, etc and this helped me a great deal and reduced bloating as well. But I wouldn't completely cut out carbs, you'd be doing more harm than good.
  • sanura
    sanura Posts: 459 Member
    a lot of great posts so far.
    I'd like to just add that we need carbs for energy and whether we need high carb or low carb should depend on how active we are rather than what some one else tells us. for protein we use a formula to create a percentage because the amount of protein we need is really based on our size and composition but it doesn't really work the same for carbs.
    you can try cutting out white flour products and other processed stuff, but keep eating fruit and veggies, not sure how anyone can expect to be healthy without them. see how you feel and how much is right for you.