I always get stuck in the 330s... Help?

So I was looking through my weigh-ins on MFP and came to the realization that this is my fourth time trying to lose weight in the past year and a half. Each time I start at around 350 (I'm 5'8'', female, and sedentary for reference). The first 10-15 lbs comes off in a few weeks, then I get stuck somewhere in the 330s for weeks on end. I get discouraged, give up, and gain back the weight I lost -- only to try again a few months later.

And I think it's happening again! I've been hovering around 338 for ten days -- with the exception of a single 335 thrown in there. My trend line of daily weigh-ins has stopped moving downward. I'm eating 1900 NET calories this time -- trying to do it the right way instead of starving myself. Everything seemed promising given that I still lost that first 10 lbs. (And I know 10 days isn't that long, but I don't want it turn into another 10 and another and another at the same damn weight.)

I just feel like giving up again. I didn't have the greatest week last week, but I still was in a deficit. Plus I weigh all my food down to the gram and round up when feasible. What am I doing wrong?


  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    @Chunk2Chuckk selling and advertising isn't permitted on the boards.
  • RunnerGrl1982
    RunnerGrl1982 Posts: 412 Member
    emmylootwo wrote: »
    Thanks guys... but I'm like 2 seconds away from deleting my account, throwing away my Fitbit, and never trying to lose weight again. I'm downright depressed.

    Hang in there! It’s tough sometimes, but you CAN push through this. You just have to trust in the process and believe in yourself. Take it one day at a time. You will get there and you’ll look back one day on how much you accomplished through patience and hard work. Lots of hugs!

  • chris02jaliyah
    chris02jaliyah Posts: 8 Member
    Don’t give up. I know it’s easier said then done but just keep at it. Choose a healthier lifestyle and stick with it. I know you want those weight but focus on being healthier. Also make sure you are exercising and challenging yourself. Get a workout buddy and hit the gym. Make sure you workout with someone who is going to push you to do your best and hold you accountable when you slack off. Good luck.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    There might be something that triggers this response to specific situations. You may just have some kind of mental roadblocks. Pay attention, or even take notes, or your circumstances, thoughts, and feelings, and see where the similarities are. If you can figure that out, you may be able to develop techniques to overcome whatever's stopping you.
  • tracybear86
    tracybear86 Posts: 163 Member
    What was your motivation for starting your weight loss journey? Maybe write down your "whys" and post them somewhere you will see them everyday. My dad always used to say "If you are tired of starting over, stop giving up.". You will slip up. You will have good days and bad days. The important thing is that you keep trying.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    emmylootwo wrote: »
    Thanks guys... but I'm like 2 seconds away from deleting my account, throwing away my Fitbit, and never trying to lose weight again. I'm downright depressed.

    I feel like that when I'm depressed too (and also when my anemia is not controlled.)

    Have you seen a doctor about depression? I tried a number of anti depressants before settling on Wellbutrin, which I love. It is a tiny bit stimulating, which really helps me get out of my chair and go exercise.

    Speaking of exercise, this has been shown to be just as effective as anti depressants for mild to moderate depression. I often have to force myself to start exercising, but am always glad I did.

    At your weight it is important to start slow. "Just" walking is a great way to start. Invest in some good shoes.

    You might find this thread helpful: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10721471/can-t-get-excercising-depressed/p1
  • thisPGHlife
    thisPGHlife Posts: 440 Member
    A few other things I thought of that everyone here jogged my brain about:

    Do you have a support system? Anyone you can talk to about this in your life? Anyone to cheer your successes? If not, let me know. I would love to be your cheerleader.

    It's really easy to have a slip up meal and feel like the whole day is ruined. Or have a slip up day and feel like the week is ruined. Or slip up well and feel like the month is ruined. It's not. I promise. People slip up all the time and it doesn't mean you failed, you just feel down. If a musician plays one wrong now, they don't give up being a musician. It's party of learning how to be a musician. They don't off, start playing again, and learn how to be a better musician. In the same way, your learning what works for you. If you have a day where the stress gets to you and you overeat, it doesn't mean your not still trying to lose weight. You just found a way to deal with stress that doesn't work for you, and a way of eating that doesn't work for you. So your fist yourself off and find another way, make a new plan, and start over at the next meal.

    You can lose weight. You've done it before. Even if it was "just" water weight, you can't lose water weight without making changes. Now you just need to work on creating habits around those changes. So really, when you think about it, your not trying to lose weight. You're trying to create positive habits that let you live the kinds of life you want to live. You can do it.