No dinner for me tonight...

Having recently been attempting to overcome a compulsive eating disorder, I have been doing really well with MFP over the last couple of weeks.

However, with only one week to go until my holiday, today I have taken myself right the way back to square one.

Take a look at my diary to see for yourselves.

I make myself so mad!


  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Sweetie, one day doesn't define everything. The fact that you recognize it says a lot. Just jump right back on tomorrow with even more determination. You've been doing fine :)
  • kamula
    kamula Posts: 49 Member
    i had a bag of chips today and feel bad! but didnt eat much lunch. Just take it as 1 day and move on. think that tomorrow will be better. you can do this.
  • poledancing_ninja
    Don't beat yourself up over one day! Do you think marathon runners have sore ankles one day and go 'Hmmm now I'm never going to do it" and chuck their trainers in the fire? Eat your dinner, enjoy it and start again tomorrow
  • rhodesar
    rhodesar Posts: 43 Member
    Have a nice healthy dinner and start again tomorrow. We all have bad days!
  • jame_104
    jame_104 Posts: 57 Member
    Sweetie, one day doesn't define everything. The fact that you recognize it says a lot. Just jump right back on tomorrow with even more determination. You've been doing fine :)

    Couldn't agree more. Tomorrow is a new day.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    it's ok. hit the gym, eat a salad for dinner, and hit it again tomorrow. you will succeed.
  • mike737
    mike737 Posts: 68
    That's a fair whack of sweets !

    Hit the gym man. 2 hours on the cross trainer will get you enough for some soup =]


    just call it a blip and fix it the mora
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    We all have setbacks. I don't think skipping dinner is the answer, unless you just flat out aren't hungry. Try to work in extra exercise this evening or tomorrow to make up for a bit of today's snacking. Tomorrow is a new day to start again fresh!
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    Everyone is allowed to have days like this! Heck I had a whole weekend of that! it makes us stronger. just eat a healthy dinner and take today as a lesson. You dont want to feel this way again so do your best not to! If weight loss were easy wed all be super models...but its hard and we have lapses...take that and own it. Do not get down on yourself. Own it and grow from it. You deserve that much at least! You can AND WILL do this!
  • brucedelaney
    brucedelaney Posts: 433 Member
    Good heavens , don't starve yourself tonight, try and eat lost of veggies for dinner like Broccoli, Green Beans, Spinach and drink a ton of water to help keep you full as well.

    The veggies will give you lots of fiber, and have minimal impact on your colories, the water will also keep you nice and full. Whatever you do don't go hungry for too long because you're liable to end up eating more stuff that's just not too good for you.
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    We all have setbacks. I don't think skipping dinner is the answer, unless you just flat out aren't hungry. Try to work in extra exercise this evening or tomorrow to make up for a bit of today's snacking. Tomorrow is a new day to start again fresh!


    Do NOT skip dinner if you are hungry (and don't convince yourself you aren't out of guilt). That will do more harm than good (e.g. it could put your body into hoarding mode, make you sick, etc.). Just make sure it is healthy dinner. :)

    Just call it a cheat day and move on! :D
  • sanura
    sanura Posts: 459 Member
    i agree with the others, have a small, healthy dinner and move on.
    one other thing I noticed in your diary, you didn't have any protein in the morning which may have caused your blood sugar to spike and drop. this can cause really strong cravings for more sugar. we can't rely on willpower alone so don't beat yourself up. you may want to check out some info about Glycemic Index and there is a great book and website called the G.I. diet. Its not promoting any particular diet or lifestyle (like high protein, vegetarian or whatever) but it helps to understand how to keep blood sugar stable which is very helpful for losing weight, reducing cravings and improving or preventing diabetes.
    best of luck to you!
  • Ann_Marie_76
    Ann_Marie_76 Posts: 152 Member
    Whatever you do, don't skip meals!! Just have something light or try to squeeze in a little exercise tonight. We all have bad days. If it makes you feel better, I went over my calories on Saturday by almost 1400!! But those mudslides were so worth it. =) It is just one day. Now I know doing this won't help me lose any weight, but you need to also live your life and enjoy it!! Yesterday I woke up and went for a long run!! Started my day out right and managed to stay within my calorie goal for the day! And now I am back on track. And I am sure that once you get through today, you'll be back on track. Don't give up and don't be so hard on yourself!!
  • fitacct
    fitacct Posts: 241 Member
    A large lunch doesn't necessarily mean no dinner. I had a calorie-packed steak lunch yesterday and thought for sure I had blown my meal plan for the day. Instead, I calculated everything here on MFP, hit the Wii Fit and recumbent bike for 72 minutes, had a light dinner and was still 5 calories under my goal for the day. Even if you're over your calories today, tomorrow is another day to get back on track. We all have our "off" days. That you're acknowledging that fact works wonders in how you will go forth. You CAN do it! : )
  • Angie80281
    Angie80281 Posts: 444 Member
    There are plenty of things you can eat for dinner that will fill you up without adding a massive amount of calories. Try some tuna or baked chicken and some veggies. A bad day here and there isn't going to derail your progress, so don't stress over it. You can get right back on track tomorrow. (By the way, skipping dinner tonight makes you more likely to go overboard at breakfast. Please don't skip a meal over this.)
  • aiyana1228
    aiyana1228 Posts: 100 Member
    I agree that one day is just that. I even plan for 1 day every other week to have a bit bore than usuall but looking at your food diary I think there may be a bigger issue here. I think you starved yourself into this day.

    Here is my observation and thoughts from the trenches. Hope these ideas help..
    You are eating very small breakfasts. 100 to 200 calories. I am a big believer in giving yourself a really good breakfast to get your metabolism going. I know if I eat a good breakfast I feel more in control the rest of the day. One of the things we can learn from nutritionists who work with diabetics is that things work best if the blood sugar is kept at a steady rate troughout the day. They are told that eating 5 small meals is better than 3 big ones. The point hear is to spread out the callories. 100 for breakfast may leave you a lot for dinner and snacks but you are not feeding your body what it needs. Try upping your calories here to around 300. Get more than one type of food. Avoid anything with sugar.

    Processed food. Lets be real here. Food companies want us to be fat. If it comes in a package you can bet that there are some chemicals involved. We all need some convienience foods once in a while but try to keep these to the exception not the rule.

    White sugar and white flour. Remember that your body sees white fkour as sugar. Try eating more whole grains. Once you have eated them for a while you realize that they are full of flavor and white flower is tasteless.

    Good luck, You have worked hard. If you blow it again forgive yourself andf eat a healthy dinner. Skipping a meal really never helps.
  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    I looked at your diary for last week. You underate by 500-800 Calories every day Monday-Friday. Your body is correcting that error for you. Eat your allotted Calories and don't try to rush the fat loss.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    My first thought was "holy *kitten*" my second thought was yesterday I ate:
    my normal omlette
    1 ounce sausage
    and then it all went to the sh*tter. I went to a 3 yo's birthday party that had no fresh fruit or veg (everything was canned and/or processed), came home and ate the cupcake, a pudding pop, 4 tbsp salsa with 10 quakes and washed it all down with a woodchuck cider . . . awesome. Sometimes it's not our weak moments that define our success, but whether or not we can pick ourselves up after those weak moments.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I looked at your diary for last week. You underate by 500-800 Calories every day Monday-Friday. Your body is correcting that error for you. Eat your allotted Calories and don't try to rush the fat loss.

    This. I have seen it compared to holding your breath, eventually you just can't anymore and you start breathing again, even if you have to pass out to do it. If you don't eat enough, your body will eventually force the issue.
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Don't beat yourself up about it. It is just one day..get up and dust yourself off....and start again tomorrow. :) You can do this!