Looking for accountability buddies



  • pcbossack31
    pcbossack31 Posts: 20 Member
    Add me I have so much to lose and need motivation
  • Panther6583
    Panther6583 Posts: 2 Member
    Add me please and anyone else can as well. I want/need to lose 40/50 lbs.
    MFP works, I know. I lost 35lbs on it once long ago, but unfortunately it found it's way back to me.
  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    @Guy6583 I just sent you a friend request. I've only been active on here.....this go-around....since yesterday. I think these threads are the best communication. To be added I "think" is only for like emails.....not sure though lol still figuring it out.
  • dawnnewland1
    dawnnewland1 Posts: 13 Member
    I’m also looking for motivation. I’m fairly new here and not sure how to add new friends. So feel free to add me!!
  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    @dawnnewland1 You may already know this, but I just learned it yesterday, to follow this group click the star at the top of this page. It will mark it as your favorites. This thread...….from what I'm understanding, is basically adding someone to a group. That's all I've figured out so far...…..other then there are some really supportive people out there ;)
  • annshandle
    annshandle Posts: 68 Member
    Add me!
  • staciek1963
    staciek1963 Posts: 1 Member
    Please add me! I lost 10 pounds last year, I’m hoping to lose at least 15 this year. It’s so hard. I cannot keep myself motivated to exercise! I really need people in my life to encourage and motivate me!
  • proudmomma86
    proudmomma86 Posts: 48 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have around 35 to lose.
  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    @staciek1963 Today is the third day in a row that I have gone downstairs during my break to exercise. Today felt SOOO different then the huge struggle I had Tuesday to do it. I had not exercised in over a year, and 20 pounds later....on top of the weight I already needed to loose, I am at it again. The struggle is real, but so can the success be real!
  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    Good Morning, it's Tuesday Jan 29th. There's a freeze across the country. But we are going to be smoken hot with our healthy bodies!! Are you guys with me?? Where's my accountability buddies??
  • deanaslone
    deanaslone Posts: 5 Member
    I’m not sure how to add people but I would love some inspirational people to start this journey and beyond. This is a life long journey for me and a goal to be my diabetes. It’s manageable now but I want it gone! I like healthier foods and do well when my hubby is on the road. He is starting to be heather for me but would prefer pizza, subs and well, you know 😁
  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    A goal...….haven't put a number on it in a long time, because I have missed it so many times. I want to be successful this time. So I am going to try to be realistic. I think three pounds a month should be attained. What I really want though is to be down 25/30 pounds by my family reunion in July. So here it is...….my realistic goal is to be at 188 by end of June, which is 3 pounds a month. To break it down: 200 at end of Feb; 197 @ end of Mar; 194 @ end of April; 191 @ end of May; 188 @ end of June. Sure doesn't seem like much...….I really want to be much less, but I have to make it achievable. Hold me accountable!! :)
  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    @ deanaslone Welcome to this group, at least that is what I am figuring out. I've only been here, this go-round, for 2 weeks. I think what people mean when they say "add me" is as a friend. Then those people will show up on your home page and you can see their activity and they will see yours. I like these threads too. I need to communication along with it. So, I will add you :)
  • NattySchmatty
    NattySchmatty Posts: 103 Member
    Anyone in this thread is welcome to add me :)
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,725 Member
    To add friends:

    1) Click on the username in the left sidebar. A window will open.
    2) Click on the username again. The user's profile will open
    3) Click on the "Add Friend" button. (There's an option to send a note along with the request. Always a good idea - just let them know where you found them - some common interests, etc.)
  • Jeeplet18
    Jeeplet18 Posts: 57 Member
    Please add me! I am looking for some new friends that are active on the site. I have lost 7.8 since starting January 1 - looking to lose another 15(ish) pounds.
  • Benzaitenkami
    Benzaitenkami Posts: 1 Member
    Me too
  • dunenoret
    dunenoret Posts: 77 Member
    Add me - Encouragement given and expected!
  • JessT1299
    JessT1299 Posts: 25 Member
    Looking for motivational friends. I currently have a lot of weight to lose and tend to get discouraged easily! Please add me and let’s motivate each other on this long journey! 😀