Not new - But never introduced myself...

Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
I've been on MFP for almost a year - on and off. Just got back on a few weeks ago. I have "number" in my head that I won't allow myself to get to, and a few weeks ago, I was 3 pounds from that number. My pants are all getting tight, and I'm uncomfortable in my own skin. I decided it was time to get back on track.

I don't have a lot of friends on here for support - and I think that's the greatest thing one can do to lose weight - a support system. Since I'm not obese, almost everyone tells me I don't need to lose weight, that I look fine. I may look fine - in clothes - but I hate the extra fat rolls.

I also don't do well with the extreme - people telling me what I NEED to do to lose weight. There are a few people in my life who feel it's their place to tell me exactly how I should lose weight, and the way I'm doing it is wrong (for example, I put Crystal Light into my water to help me drink more water - This apparently is NOT okay. This happened yesterday, and I about bit this person's head off!).

Everyone loses weight differently because our bodies are different. I'd love to build up a community of friends who are like-minded. Thanks!


  • Ann_Marie_76
    Ann_Marie_76 Posts: 152 Member
    Feel free to add me. Sounds like we are a like in a lot of ways. I only have 5-10 more pounds to lose and people tell me all the time I look fine. And the Crystal Light thing...I am with you. It's still water!!! =)
  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    You can only do it your way, if you try and do what "everyone" tells you too.. then you aren't doing anything that is sustainable.
    I like to see what others are doing and what works for them, I might try it. I know I have to do what I can keep doing on a daily basis. Otherwise the weight will come back when I stop.
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    Thanks Ladies! I also don't eat breakfast. *GASP* I don't care what people say, but two weeks ago, I started eating breakfast - and I gained 3 pounds. I ate HEALTHY stuff too - I've done this for years: Tried to eat breakfast, but I always gain weight. I am simply not hungry in the mornings, so I don't eat. I usually grab a light snack around 11 - and then eat lunch around 1. I have always been successful with weight loss when I do this. But the second I start eating breakfast, I start gaining. I believe in waiting until you are hungry to eat. And I'm rarely hungry before 10:00 am (I usually get up around 5:30 am for work). So there ya have it! This is why my food diary is empty at breakfast.
  • middleofseven
    I would encourage you to get as many friends as you can:flowerforyou: . I need to lose much more but I am still understanding in the difficulty of loosing the last 10-125 pounds. It makes no difference if it is small or large it is weight that does not belong on a healthy body. You are great to put yourself on the message board with your journey now. Something wanted you to have an army working with you to get rid of every last pound that you feel you need to lose. :bigsmile:
  • simone207
    simone207 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm on the site to lose 5-10lbs and also to maintain becasue I felt great about 2 years ago when I weighed 10lbs less. People tell me the same thing - "you don't need to lose weight"- but I want to fit into those sexy pants again. I use fake sweetners and see no shame in it. I try to eat organic and healthy- but when I want a soda- I do a diet one and sometimes regular soda. I try to be dedicated to the site, but I stray especially on vacations so I would love to create a support system as well- Please feel free to add me to yours
  • starkid120
    starkid120 Posts: 204 Member
    I am exactly the same way -- I started June 2010, did pretty good for about 1.5 months..and fell off the wagon completely. I had a number in my head that I said I wouldn'y reach (180), and I went over that by a few pounds... I restarted a couple times, but always fell back into old ways b/c I was lazy. This July 7th, I figured it was a lucky day, and started over -- and have lost the most ever so far on MFP and on any diet, so I guess it was a pretty lucky day!!

    Ad dme if you want -- I'd really like more support, and I'd love to support you, too!! :)