Binging on maintenance

Hello! I recently lost 100 pounds (from 265 to 165), and I did it possibly “too fast” in about eight months. I didn’t necessarily mean to go so fast, but by cutting out carbs and desserts during weight loss phase and going to gym and weight training 6x a week, it came off quickly. I have been trying to be in maintenance since Thanksgiving, and sporadically do have dessert and white carbs again, though not daily. I also started to have pretty big dessert binges once or twice a week and I feel awful about it. At first I was worried I would gain weight from that but the two months in maintenance even wth the binges I have lost another 8 pounds. So I want to maintain, and have consistent eating patterns that are healthy, but am still scared that permanently adding back in carbs will make me fat, and want to stop binging but seem out of control now that I’ve started doing it again.

Sorry these topics are a little all over the place, but would love any advice and help from the community. Anyone else lose a big amount of weight and have that weight gain fear, fear of certain foods, struggling with binging, etc?



  • thaliamarini5088
    thaliamarini5088 Posts: 8 Member
    Oatmeal in morning is only consistent carb carb I have. But I do have plentiful fruits and veggies a day. Also either a bean, hummus, or nut daily. Otherwise most of my calories come from protein and dairy.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Oatmeal in morning is only consistent carb carb I have. But I do have plentiful fruits and veggies a day. Also either a bean, hummus, or nut daily. Otherwise most of my calories come from protein and dairy.

    From your diary, how many grams per day out of how many calories?
  • twdlove89
    twdlove89 Posts: 95 Member
    I had a binge last night and the night before. As long as it fits into your weekly calories you should be fine. I’ve been maintaining since August and have a sweet binge once a week and even though I put on some water weight for afew days it drops off
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    twdlove89 wrote: »
    I had a binge last night and the night before. As long as it fits into your weekly calories you should be fine. I’ve been maintaining since August and have a sweet binge once a week and even though I put on some water weight for afew days it drops off

    What’s your definition of a binge?
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    oh brother dont set a big bag of haribo gummy bears in front of me because I will eat the whole bag lol one reason I buy the small bags lol. that alone is like 400 calories. not to mentiont the other stuff i may eat when I "binge" and I dont have an eating disorder and never had. as I do it rarely and never to the point that I hurt afterwards or feel like vomiting which anyone I knew that had eating disorders would do
  • thaliamarini5088
    thaliamarini5088 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing this. I really appreciate it and if you ever need to chat in your recovery- I am here!