your top 5 exersise dvds?

futurefitgirl88 Posts: 284
edited October 1 in Fitness and Exercise
This is my top 5 list which I LOVE:
1) Tae bo advanced by Billy Blanks (burns about 900 calories/workout. Totally worth the time)
2) Cardio-sculpt by BIlly Blanks (burns around 600 calories/workout. More strength training type...low weights high rep exercise)
3) Pump it up workouts by Ministry of Sound (burns about 900 calories/workout it is amazinggggggggg!!!!!)

The above three are the dvds I used regularly for losing weight... other dvds which I used and found good but never did it much:

4) The biggest loser (UK version) workout (found the above 3 so good that I never did this one much...did it only once. Thought it was brilliant though. Plus they have over weight people working out in the background which is comforting...compared to Jillians or Tony Hortons dvd's where they have super fit people doing it!)

5) Six week Six pack by JIllian Michaels....( I thought it was amazing, but I did not find motivation to stick with it)... I was pretty over weight when I tried this out. Maybe I should try it out now that I'm at a healthy weight range and who knows maybe I CAN get a six pack some day :P


  • babychoose
    babychoose Posts: 45 Member
    nice one
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    I do all my exercising to workout DVDs and I use these 5 in rotation:

    1) Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones - My current favorite, but would love to find some other good strength DVDs.

    2) Jillian Michael's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism.

    3) Tae Bo - Get Ripped

    4) Tae Bo II - Everybody Get Ripped

    5) Tae Bo - Advanced (great burn but not 900 cals for me unfortunately - more like 500)

    Tbh the 3 Tae Bo ones are VERY similar. I love Tae Bo and have been doing it for years. I would like to try something different but nothing seems as good. Any suggestions?
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    1. Plyo x (from P90X)

    2. Kenpo x (from P90X)

    3. Turbo Jam--Punch, Kick, and Jam (with sculpting gloves)

    4. Turbo Jam--Cardio Party mix 1

    5. All the rest of P90X
  • This PUMP IT UP dvd the one below in particular is AMAZING. I hate dance workouts because I wud rather be working out rather than remembering steps... the one below is hardcore old school aerobics with AMAZING music... its really so much fun (no stupid remember this super difficult step and repeat with me kinda ****) and I get about 900 cal burn as well on this one.

    I have two other dvds from this series which I do not like unfortunately. Because they need me to remember all these steps!! And I don't wan't to!!!
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    1. Plyo x (from P90X)

    2. Kenpo x (from P90X)

    3. Turbo Jam--Punch, Kick, and Jam (with sculpting gloves)

    4. Turbo Jam--Cardio Party mix 1

    5. All the rest of P90X

    Can I ask your opinion? I really like the sound of P90X but I am a bit hesitant about spending £100 in case I don't like it. My typical week at the moment is 3 strength workouts (JM's Banish Fat) and Tae Bo 3 times. Do you reckon P90X is for me?
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    This PUMP IT UP dvd the one below in particular is AMAZING. I hate dance workouts because I wud rather be working out rather than remembering steps... the one below is hardcore old school aerobics with AMAZING music... its really so much fun (no stupid remember this super difficult step and repeat with me kinda ****) and I get about 900 cal burn as well on this one.

    I have two other dvds from this series which I do not like unfortunately. Because they need me to remember all these steps!! And I don't wan't to!!!

    I have this DVD, it was the one I started exercising with. I find it is good for beginners but is not much of a challenge for me any more. I don't work nearly as hard as my other DVDs. I'm more likely to burn about 300 calories from this DVD.

    My faves are as follows:

    1) Jillian Michaels: 30 Day Shred - because its intense and you can add the workouts together to do 40 or 60 mins.

    2) Jillian Michaels: 6 week 6 pack - because I like to focus on abs at least once a week. I tend to team it with a shred workout too.

    3) Jillian Michaels: Australia's Biggest Loser Calorie Killer - great variation, cardio and toning.

    4) Jillian Michaels: Burn Fat Boost Metabolism - intense and does the trick

    5) Mel B: Totally Fit - Great toning, change the workout to what suits, anywhere from 10 to 70 mins.
  • Livingdeadgirl44
    Livingdeadgirl44 Posts: 264 Member
    I have all the Ministry of Sound ones. I think the newer ones are a lot harder and I really like the one that incorperates boxing. Also the sections to the workouts mean you can mix them up from DVD to DVD which can be fun.

    Have been thinking of trying a yoga dvd for some extra flexability and strenght but I'm not sure it would be easy to get the positions right withour an instructor. Anyone tried a yoga DVD?
  • ekicinsk
    ekicinsk Posts: 92 Member
    1) Kick boxing for dummies
    2) 10 Minute Solutions - Kickboxing
    3) the unnamed kettlebell workout that came with my kbell
    4) Cardio X (p90x)
    5) Crunch Super slimdown

    If you're interested in p90x, i'd find someone who is willing to share the dvds with you (or make copies of their own)
  • navyw1fe
    navyw1fe Posts: 313 Member
    Starting level 2 of 30 DS today..also i walk 5/days for 30mins..after i finish 30ds ill be moving onto RI30 then 6week 6 pack,all 3 by Jillian Michaels! Has anyone finished 30ds and got some great results? havent lost barley any weight so far but i can see my stomack getting toner:)
  • ShannonWinger
    ShannonWinger Posts: 309 Member
    1. Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 (intense but a great workout) If you aren't feeling it enough, up your weights.
    2.Tamilee Webb I Want That Body (this is a great workout for shaping, love it and never get tired of it.)
    3. Taebo Advanced (the music is a little cheezy but this is an awesome workout)
    4. Jillian Michaels Banish Fat Boost Metabolism (tough cardio)
    5. Jillian Michaels Shred it with Weights (this is another tough one. I use a 15 lb dumbbell rather than a kettlebell because I don't have one. I also pair it with her Yoga Meltdown afterwards for an hour long burn.)
  • dreamangel18105
    dreamangel18105 Posts: 115 Member
    Oh this is easy!

    1) TurboFire: Fire 45 EZ Class
    2) TurboFire: Fire 60 Class
    3) INSANITY: Cardio Power & Resistance
    5) Turbo Jam: Cardio Party Mix 2

    My list goes on and on, but those are my top 5!
  • these lists look great. I'm definately not considering buy JIllian's banish fat dvd and turbo jam dvds!! :)
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    bump! been looking for new dvds. Guess i'll have to check out more jillian michaels dvds and maybe try turbo jam. my tops:

    1)tracy anderson's metamorphosis dance cardio
    2)jillian michael's banish fat/boost metabolism
    3)mtv's power yoga (for alower calorie burn day of course. but still quite a challenge)

    ..... and that it! that's why I've been looking for different things. I like the old tae bo, I still have a vhs or two, maybe I should try the new dvds, huh? I usually exercise in my room, therefore no vhs player- only dvd so I haven't used my old tae bo tapes in forever.
  • I've heard yogalosophy is supposed to be real good!!! :) i hate yoga though. :P maybe i'll do it when its time to maintain
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I pretty much like all the Insanity videos, a lot of the Turbo Jam and tae Bo (though I haven't done them in a while) and Chalean Xtreme Burn it off, Get Lean Intervals (those "extra" ones) and a lot of my Jillian Michaels videos I also like.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    i don't like slow yoga much either, gets boring. I like cardio yoga though (there are specific yoga terms for the types... but I can't remember) so I really like mtv's power yoga- great music and you go through the moves faster to get heartrate up a little (mine only gets around 120, but at least it's something!)
  • bump
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    I love P90X. It is my absolute favorite workout. If you're willing to push pause and take breathing breaks when you need to, there's no reason to fear it. Pay attention to Tony's advice and follow the modifications when you need to. I noticed a dramatic increase in my fitness level in the first six weeks. Not so dramatic after that, but still noticeable. I would vote yes.
    1. Plyo x (from P90X)

    2. Kenpo x (from P90X)

    3. Turbo Jam--Punch, Kick, and Jam (with sculpting gloves)

    4. Turbo Jam--Cardio Party mix 1

    5. All the rest of P90X

    Can I ask your opinion? I really like the sound of P90X but I am a bit hesitant about spending £100 in case I don't like it. My typical week at the moment is 3 strength workouts (JM's Banish Fat) and Tae Bo 3 times. Do you reckon P90X is for me?
  • dabydabystar
    dabydabystar Posts: 5 Member
    omg,pump it up is my favorite!!!!!I love it!!!! i always go back to that one, i actually did it today.I love Zumba live too,and P90X.Don't reLLY HAVE TOP 5,BUT PUMP IT UP IS DEFINITELY # 1 for me!
  • ive just done the Pump It Up dvd today! cant believe its 10yrs old! How do you know how many cals youve burnt from it? xx
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