JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Maryrobinson40- Great news your daughter is coming home. Does she live alone or have someone with her?
    Your post about Belief really struck a cord with me. I picture you in my head standing on a stage in front of 1000’s preaching it. Thank you, I can’t find the words to say what it meant but I’m going to screenshot it so I can read it over and over. Love you!!!!

    Bex953172 - it’s great that Ash is improving. Have you hear anymore about his disability payments or is that a long drawn out ordeal like it is here?

    Cory17 - it sounds more impressive than it is. We love in a small 1970’s mobile home. It has had quite a bit of updates but it’s still tiny. I find if anything is out of order or looks cluttered and messy very fast. I’m also extremely bored right now. I just want to be working. Last year when I was off, I needed that time to recharge and recoup from the stressful years I had had leading up to it. This last job was so dead that I don’t feel like I actually worked.

    Toaljasa - sorry you had to attend the funeral. I find every time I am out of routine I suffer with my eating.

    AJB1014 - That scale and I have a love/hate relationship. It’s good to remember it is only data.

    Hegoddard0928 - you have the dishes done!!!!!! Woohoo!

    Faebert - good luck today on your observation. How many times a year does this happen? I remember the last time how nervous you were. I remember as a student this happening, I don’t think is students were warned but I remember sitting up straighter and paying more attention on those days. When my daughter was in Grade 2 she was reading at a Grade 5 level. One day the principal was observing her class and the teacher was having each student read, Lauryn wasn’t asked. I got a call from the school apologizing, the teacher didn’t think Lauryn had to because she was so good. That teacher should have been retired she was a miserable old thing and shouldn’t have been teaching that age group. The principal asked Lauryn to read for him regularly to try to make up the difference. It was a terrible school year and really put Lauryn on a bad footing with school for years to come.

    Slittlemeister - sorry work is so chaotic right now. I will definitely pray for you. I stuck with two jobs much longer than I should have because it was too busy to look for something for me. Don’t let yourself linger for a company that doesn’t treat you properly, the company won’t worry about you in the end.
    I have been trying to cutdown on my phone time. Last week was 6% less than the week before. I need to improve more. Unfortunately i need to use my phone/iPad to look for work and to use my Cricut so that doesn’t help a lot.

    Zizzybumble - I just love the screen name you chose. Getting back on track is hard but it’s the important first step. You can do it.

    Littleblackskirt- can your son take in a roommate? That helped me out several times over the years. I understand your worry and I understand how down he must have felt. Get a little extra coming in and something increases.

    Clicketykeys- I told my Son in Law about your D&D assignment, he said he wishes he had great teachers like you. My Grandson got his first set of die for Christmas he is so excited. He has really been practicing math and reading so he can play D&D with Dad.
    I always wondered what my teachers did on snow days. I imagined them being at the school. LOL. It will be good if you can get caught up on some things though.
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Just For Today
    Already walked the girls to the bus stop👍
    Already finished one laundry load...got interrupted 👍
    Already read a chapter in my book 👍
    Enjoying Soundscapes with a cup of coffee and its 10:30 a.m.
    So not too bad of a start today.
  • namelesshere
    namelesshere Posts: 334 Member
    A quilt retreat sounds lovely right about now! What do you do? Are there classes or sessions? Is it just you and some friends who get together, or is it a quilt store or group that puts it on? Have a wonderful time!
    The quilt retreat I go to is put on by a Bible Camp. They do about 5 a year. It seems the same people go to the same ones so after a few years they have become friends. We work on our own projects although sometimes they have quick projects for us to do if we want.
  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 1,041 Member
    @Snowflake1968 , my son IS the roommate in the spare room! :) That's a big part of his problem, he can't afford the rent on a place of his own. I'm sure it will work itself out, it's just the constant discussions about it which are depressing. I'm grateful that my sons do discuss things with me though :) Their father (my husband) died when they were very young, so I'm the only one they have.

    I'm so hoping you get the job, when do you think you will hear if you have an interview?

    I've been out for a walk. Cold but nice to be in the fresh air.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,598 Member
    Holy mackerel there are 72 posts since I looked Sunday evening! I'll read later...

    Recap Sunday 1/27
    1) Bible class / church = :smiley:
    2) Errands: gas in car on way home :smiley: / quick grocery stop for items needed since last trip :smiley: / go w/ hubby to run his vehicles & get gas for snowblower (if we get predicted 6-12", we will need more gas) :smiley:
    3) Treadmill 3 miles or Sweaty Betty = It was Sweaty Betty, and I am still very uncoordinated, but I try! :smiley:
    4) Bake chocolate cake, make frosting & cook spaghetti meat sauce (family recipe) ~ Tradition! I've been making this birthday meal for hubby every single year since we started dating in 1995. <3:smiley:
    5) DO NOT eat more than 1 portion :smiley: / log all meals & snacks / 12c water = Snacked too much on chicken salad while waiting for supper... oops. Net calories -350 :/ , sodium -1,392 >:) , sugar -6, fiber & protein good, 10c water :/
    6) Unplug 9:00 :smiley: / floss :smiley: / retainers :smiley: / set/verify alarm, bed & tv off 10:30 :neutral: FB & tv had that workplace was on 2 hour delay M due to pending snowstorm ~ really?!? Then texted w/ several co-workers. We were all thinking, with forecast & all the school / business closings already posted, why delay? Just cancel!!!

    Recap M 1/28 ~ Hubby's birthday & snow day! Kitty woke me up to be fed, then I realized boss lady texted at 8:04 a.m. that offices would be closed for the day... no kidding, no one should be driving in that snow! I relaxed while hubby slept, then we continued his bday celebration with opening of cards & presents. Happy I could be home to see him before he left for work mid-afternoon in his 4WD. At 12:30 snow seemed to be winding down a bit, so hubby snowblowed driveway while I shoveled front walk, steps & patio ~ maybe 9" of light fluffy snow, and lots of wind blowing it around. After hubby left for work, I washed sheets & two loads of clothes, and went out in evening to shovel last bit of snow plus all the drifting. I snacked too much >:) net calories -220 :( , sodium -870 :( , sugar -37 :( , fiber good, protein ok & 8c water :( kind of lost count

    JFT T 1/29 ~ Back to work & Wind Chill Warning from 6 p.m. today until noon on Thurs. Baby, it's cold outside!
    1) Treadmill before work / 3 mi 50:33 / cool down + stretch = happy me :smiley:
    2) Move hourly including noon webinar in office / stairs breaks / 5 somethings
    3) Brought lunch to work / meals & snacks prelogged / stick w/ plan / net calories zero / 14c water
    4) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / set/verify early alarm, bed & tv off 10:20
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,249 Member
    I have not been on here since I think friday... can't even remember when. And I am doing terribly again, so I need to get back focused. As much as I love our daughter, it is a hard adjustment. Dirty dishes ALL over the place. I am going to start sounding like @HEGoddard0928 in doing dishes!!! I get the kitchen all cleaned up, and my daughter will not eat all day long, but in the evening, she just grazes. Her doctor told me to make sure she eats 3 meals a day ... how am I suppose to do that without causing a fight. So I try and have very healthy foods around for her , but its still a mess. And then ... even though its healthy foods (Like a fruity, nutty trail mix), I find myself getting into it. So my weight is way up ..... and I am so depressed myself.

    So last nite I got on the keyboard ..... and just practiced. This does help me some, and I just have to use my word " DISCIPLINE"

    SO JFT, Tues
    2. USE DISCIPLINE. Do not live to eat. Just because I have a mouth I don't have to stuff food in it.
    3. concentrate on water
    4. plan healthy meals/snacks.
    5. mindful eating
    6. get back on here ... be accountable.

    @Maryrobinson40- -- thanks for your posts!! Your words stuck me!! I hope your daughter is doing well, and you can have some peace and rest now also.

    @snowflake1968 - I hope you find the job you love soon. It is very hard when you have to try and stretch out paychecks and figure out which bills to pay first. Hang in there. You have so many talents, and usually employers don't hire at the end of the year. Saying a prayer that the right job will show up for you.

    @namelesshere .... I've been on about 3 quilt retreats ... I loved them!! I just don't go anymore because they are kind of expensive for me... its like $300 for the weekend. Our quilt guild plans it, and usually around 75 people go. But when I was first learning to quilt.. I learned So much! Have fun!

    @slittlemeister - you are doing SO great! You are following the Beck Diet Solution ... so proud of you! COngrats on the weight loss again .. you are almost there! And good luck in the marathon. Isn't it amazing when we feel good what we want to do. I need to get back to that feeling.

    So many others to respond to ... but I need to get to work. I am so far behind... hubby says he doesn't want to put pressure on me, but he does in just mentioning what all needs to be done. I lost about 3 weeks just working on tax stuff. But you are all doing so great! I love how supportive this thread is. Now ... I need to step up to the plate, use my discipline, and turn things around for me. Starting today ... no sugar... no trail mix snacks!
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    edited January 2019
    @Snowflake1968 - Oh my! That reminds me that I need to see how many d20s we have! hahaha I may need to put out an emergency call on Facebook. I think I'll need about 15-16 to minimize waiting. I doubt we have that many.

    I did the first part D&D assignment (see below for explanation) yesterday. It seemed to go really well! I got in a lot of steps that class period because I had to continually circle through the room to make sure everyone knew what they were doing!
    Awhile ago, I woke up an hour before the alarm with an idea for an assessment for the freshman mythology unit - creating D&D-lite versions of the Greek gods. They'll be in groups, and each member of the group must choose a different deity. I may give each group a city-state name: Athens, Thebes, Sparta, Corinth, Argos, Delphi, Rhodes, though I won't require them to limit themselves to the patrons of their city. 

    We'll use the base D&D stats - Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Charisma, Wisdom, Intelligence - and I'm thinking of giving them 100 points to spend among them, capping each stat from 10-20. 

    Then, they will create battle abilities - up to 3 each of attack or defense. The catch is that each ability MUST rely on a different base stat, and they may not use Constitution as a base stat (Constitution score = health). So they might have 3 attacks (str, dex, wis) and 2 defenses (int, cha). Additionally, ALL abilities must show an understanding of that character. So, for example, Thor might attack with his hammer (str) but also be able to use it to block (dex). Loki, on the other hand, might use his silver tongue to cause his opponents to doubt themselves (cha).

    Then? BATTLE! I'll have a d20 for each group, and they'll roll for initiative. The highest two scores pair up first, then the next highest, etc. If the lowest score does not have a partner, they get a bye to the next round.

    Each round, the combatants roll for initiative, and the lower roll must declare their action first, but the higher roll acts first. To act, the player rolls the d20 and compares the number to the base stat for the ability they chose: lower or equal to is a success, higher is a failure (so higher stats are better). 

    A failed attack does no damage.
    A successful attack against no defense does 8 points of damage.
    A successful attack against a failed defense does 4 points of damage.
    A successful attack against a successful defense does no damage.

    All abilities have a "cool-down" - each must be used before any ability can be re-used.

    Damage is subtracted from the Constitution score. When a character is dealt more damage than the Constitution points remaining, that character is DEFEATED - whether they're unconscious, injured, or too discouraged to continue (etc.) is up to the player.

    I did NOT assign city-states to the groups yesterday. But we're supposed to be in the computer lab on Thursday, so if there's school tomorrow, I might punt the "battle" section to Friday and do their presentations tomorrow instead, and give them their city-state assignments as the closer tomorrow. And then on Thursday, if they finish their work, they can look for information on their city-state!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    The word for today is mindful: 1. conscious or aware of something. 2. focusing one's awareness on the present moment

    Being mindful can lead to weightloss. As we get in the habit of eating when we are truly hungry, considering what we are going to eat, and how much, savoring and enjoying our food instead of being distracted with phone/tv, we become more in control instead of food controlling us.

    Mindful eating may also result in a grateful attitude and also can get to root problems as we ask ourselves "why" we are wanting to eat when there is no hunger. It gives us an opportunity to really delve into the cause of our overeating (a traumatic incident? abuse? fear? anxiety? gluttony?) that we can then address. Because if we don't face the problem we are more likely to regain our weight. Acknowledging the root issue allows us to create strategies and solutions in overcoming what has shackled us and kept us from freedom.

    It takes practice and determination. But the results are tremendous!

    Something to ponder (larger version in the spoiler)

    Peace and joy!

  • Graceandmiracles
    Graceandmiracles Posts: 22 Member
    Help! The cravings for food are so bad. Day two of reboot and boy this is tough. I want sugar, chips, everything! I’m full from veggies, water, chicken salad so I’m not starving, just withdrawing. I can do this!
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member

    Zizzybumble - I just love the screen name you chose. Getting back on track is hard but it’s the important first step. You can do it.

    Thank you @Snowflake1968. I was lazing around after my journey and thinking about getting a snack (not a healthy one). Your post gave me the kick I needed to do some exercise instead. I now stand a better chance of meeting my goals for today!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,249 Member
    edited January 2019
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    Help! The cravings for food are so bad. Day two of reboot and boy this is tough. I want sugar, chips, everything! I’m full from veggies, water, chicken salad so I’m not starving, just withdrawing. I can do this!

    Reach for protein first! Nuts, lean meat and low-fat cheese give you a greater feeling of satiety than sugar and bad-fat chips. What do your macros look like? What do you have room for? Could you put shredded/diced meat on some rice cakes and micro-melt some low fat shredded cheese on top? (lower impact than putting it on toast)

    Do you have an Air Popper? (if you don't, think about getting one!) Air popped popcorn (PLAIN, or with Molly McButter butter-flavour sprinkles on it instead of table salt and/or melted grease) gives you the vision of a large portion (yet mostly air!) and starchy-satiety without "potato-chip grease" bad-fat levels and further fat-cravings. Yet VERY low-cal in comparison to a similar volume of chip isle snacks

    ~180 cals for 50 gms (~1/3 cup? if you don't have a scale) unpopped kernels = ~6 CUPS of air popped yummy. o:) Just 12 chips or so = more calories than that. And who only eats 12 chips? >:)
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,468 Member
    @snowflake and to everyone else interviewing/job changing and trying to get the bills paid, sending prayers for success, that this will be positively resolved soon! And that the stress from it relieved without emotional eating.

    I guess this is a open question to everyone about how are you handling that stress? Added or changed routines? @Bex the last few months have sounded just over the top. You are wonderful, still here

    fluids :)
    logging :)
    prep for tomorrow
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    cory17 wrote: »
    @snowflake and to everyone else interviewing/job changing and trying to get the bills paid, sending prayers for success, that this will be positively resolved soon! And that the stress from it relieved without emotional eating.

    I guess this is a open question to everyone about how are you handling that stress? Added or changed routines? @Bex the last few months have sounded just over the top. You are wonderful, still here

    fluids :)
    logging :)
    prep for tomorrow

    Oh thank you, tbh id miss you all too much if i left, i could say i *need* you all! Youre all my proper real friends!

    As to handling thd stress, id say that to some extent we all carry a low level of stress everyday, theres always something going on! Must be part of being an adult i guess!
    But when it gets too much, i forgive myself. Im not going to apologize for tending to my own needs. But there has to be a point where its reined in aswell.

    Kind of just go with the flow, but when its constant high level stress, i tend to ease the first day or so until i find a better way to cope. And then rectify it all later.

    It has been pretty rough for me yeah but nothing in comparison to others! So many people falling ill or dying, its so sad to read but im glad i can be here for those who need it

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    @cory17 - that’s a really good question. I personally am not a big stress eater. I am a boredom eater.

    I am trying to find things to keep myself occupied, hence cleaning the front of the cupboards yesterday.

    I am crafting as much as I can afford. I said to my daughter today that I would really be enjoying this time if I had money to go with it.

    I am also trying hard to keep some semblance of a routine and trying to keep healthy food options in the house. I find this hard though because the healthier food is really more expensive than the junk.

    I also practice Gratitude, by remembering what I do have instead of what I don’t is helpful. I believe there is a plan for me and this is a lesson in patience I need to learn.

  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Help! The cravings for food are so bad. Day two of reboot and boy this is tough. I want sugar, chips, everything! I’m full from veggies, water, chicken salad so I’m not starving, just withdrawing. I can do this!

    How are you doing??? Remember Just For Today! Concentrate on getting through Just This Day :) And look at the good choices you've made already today. Well done! Why are you wanting to lose weight? What is the ultimate reward?
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    6. Weigh in😢Done...but I almost cried... this is the heaviest I've been in more then a year

    9. Dinner/dishes 😁😀😇I did both!!! THERE IS NOT A SINGLE DISH IN MY SINK!!!
    10. Fold clothes😆Spent time with Matt

    I'm heavier right now than I've been in my entire life! So, I understand the wanting to cry. But we just need to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Always move forward. Drink our water and journal our food until we see what we need to tweak! It's all good!

    Happy nekkid dancin' !!!! NO DISHES IN THE SINK!!!

    Spending time with Matt is more important than a wrinkled shirt. You made the right choice!

    <3 Love to you, Hannah.
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT REcap
    1. Drink 2 more waters before leaving work - another 3 at home :)
    2. Make sausage spinach potato soup recommended by @cschmitz110515 :) Super yummy!!! Thanks for the rec! Aslo, super easy - didnt get home til 8:30 and almost went for the frozen pizza instead but this was ready in no time!
    3. Power bowl for lunch :)
    4. Bank to deposit check >:)
    5. Call car loan officer to check on pre approval letter :)
    6. Call to confirm interview tomorrow night :)
    7. Head home around 2 :)
    8. Log all food :)

    Oh my stars. So I told my stepdad on Sunday that I had a few interviews since I'm working part time and need to pay the bills. He said "Thats good...you should...be able to find something" So I'm like good, great, he gets it, no hard feelings. THEN, mom calls me up and says he is freaking about losing me! I'm like ?!!WHAT, he laid me off!!?!! So I called him up, and he's like "Well I just dont want to see you go back to your old job...and we still might be okay in a few weeks I just cant make any promises." So I'm like "yeah I get it, and I appreciate the opportunities but again, I gotta pay the bills." But its been weighing so heavy on me. And today I further explained to him my concerns about staying. I'm trying to be as transparent as possible with him since we're family, but its a tough spot since if I was just an employee I wouldnt even be having these conversations...blaaaaah

    1. Drink 3 more waters at work
    2. Leave work by 5:30 latest - change by 5
    3. 6 PM Interview
    4. Cook dinner at home
    5. Log all food
    6. Tea and TWO cookies
    7. Wash blouse
    8. Bed by 10

    JFT Weds AM
    1. Smoothie
    2. Fish Oil
    3. Leave for interview at 12 by 11:15 LATEST - 30 minute drive time
    4. Second Interview at 2:00 - 25 minute drive time from 1st interview
    5. Pack some snacks for the road