JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019

mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
edited December 2018 in Motivation and Support
Today is the last day of the year 2018, and tomorrow will be a fresh start.

A fresh year. 2019. A new beginning

A fresh year where we can strive to work on the unhealthy habits we want to change, and replace those habits with healthy, lifestyle changing habits.

They say it takes 21 days to set a new habit. This is a thread to set daily goals that you would like to attain, and to try and change those old habits into good habits. We do this ONE DAY AT A TIME, hence the name, JUST FOR TODAY.

Each day, come on here, post your goals, and then the next day, report back --- tell us how you did, and list again the goals for that day ... you know, be accountable. Your goals can be very simple ... like drinking 8 glasses of water, or use this as a to-do list to improve your life in other ways (like mediation, using a calm app, etc.) This thread is kinda like a weight watcher meeting ... it is all about being accountable, and not giving up. I also plan to post my weight each week .... to be truly accountable.

This is not a group, so anyone is welcome to join me.
But remember ... it only works if you keep coming back, no matter what kind of day you have had. It is work to change habits, and it takes time, and daily commitment. And it is even harder when our day did not go as planned.
This is when this thread is so wonderful.... because of the support, motivation, encouragement, and friendships.

Anyone can join!

Changing old habits, one habit at a time, one day at a time, for just one day



To bookmark this new thread, just click on the little yellow star. That will bookmark the thread, so you can find it easy. When you go to post again, to the right at the top of your page is a bell, a star, and a little flower. Click on the star, and it will show your book marked threads.


  • losingit4G
    losingit4G Posts: 13 Member
    I’m in! I’ve lost around 80 pounds (after foot injury/surgery) but still want to try for at least another 40 this year. My goal for today is to log all my food.
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    So I hit all my goals yesterday but they belong in the previous year and thread so starting today...

    Goals for Tuesday
    - Portion and freeze batch cooked meals
    - Finish cleaning
    - Laundry
    - Morning jog with the kids
    - Afternoon visit to parents
    - 2ltr water
    - Log all food and stay in calorie goal
    - Re read 2019 goals - stay mindful
    - Early night

    Have a great day everyone x