Gaining Weight During Pregnancy and Losing It Postpartum



  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    trjjoy wrote: »
    You need only feed on demand to keep a good milk supply. Nothing else. I'm 1kg away from my pre-pregnancy weight at 9 weeks PP and my supply is insane.

    This is not true for everyone.

    Agree, I have seen several stories to the contrary, not everyone will react the same.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    trjjoy wrote: »
    You need only feed on demand to keep a good milk supply. Nothing else. I'm 1kg away from my pre-pregnancy weight at 9 weeks PP and my supply is insane.

    This is not true for everyone.

    How nice for that poster. Definitely not true for me! Magnesium sulfate plus a c- section at 37 weeks did a number on me. My milk never even fully came in :frowning:
  • nasima100
    nasima100 Posts: 13 Member
    Im 6 months post partum with #3 and still have 25 pounds to lose and im breastfeeding! Ughhh the first 2 pregnancies were so quick in weight loss, this one is completely different!! I hate that nothing fits me and some lady asked if i was pregnant :( so im watching my calories and taking care of a 5, 3 and 6 month old. I dont have time for the gym. I just try to dance at home with kids, we walk, im always going up and down the stairs. I hope it comes off!
  • workingmums2018
    workingmums2018 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm a single mum of two children. I had my second child almost a year ago. I have been eating healthy but not seen any of the pregnancy weight come off. it's been three weeks since I've been using MFP and this app is like the light at the end of the tunnel for me. I've been using this app since 10th January and I lost 6.5lbs in three weeks. I discovered I had to control my calorie intake. I've not done any exercise except the general walking and house cleaning around my home. I want to go gym but have no childcare. But I'm happy with these results as I've been advised steady weight loss is easier to maintain. So please feel free to add me as I would love to communicate/interact with anyone on the same journey as me. I'm jolly and easygoing. My diary is open for all to view. Wish everyone success in their journey x
  • workingmums2018
    workingmums2018 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm a single mum of two children. I had my second child almost a year ago. I have been eating healthy but not seen any of the pregnancy weight come off. it's been three weeks since I've been using MFP and this app is like the light at the end of the tunnel for me. I've been using this app since 10th January and I lost 6.5lbs in three weeks. I discovered I had to control my calorie intake. I've not done any exercise except the general walking and house cleaning around my home. I want to go gym but have no childcare. But I'm happy with these results as I've been advised steady weight loss is easier to maintain. So please feel free to add me as I would love to communicate/interact with anyone on the same journey as me. I'm jolly and easygoing. My diary is open for all to view. Wish everyone success in their journey x
  • slp1984
    slp1984 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi workingmums2018, you lost 6.5 lbs in 3 weeks it’s wonderful! Are you nursing? I read that some nursing moms have hard time losing weight since their body needs those extra calories for milk production. I started logging food since Sunday and Jane lost .2 lbs I know it’s not significant but small step. Keep up the good work!
  • dippy_duck
    dippy_duck Posts: 18 Member
    Hi all, I’m just starting out my weight loss journey after having my daughter 8 months ago. I’m breastfeeding so really not loving the idea of reduced calories! Would love to have some other mums for support - please add me!
  • wozniaks
    wozniaks Posts: 72 Member
    Everyone is different forsure but it made me feel better not that only one thank you
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,950 Member
    Another thing I would add is after the 8 week mark postpartum, you can try reducing your intake by 100 a day for one weeks, then another 100, till you get the loss you want. Its a bit slower, and takes some time but its easier for your milk to keep up with demands this way (its less shocking to your milk production).

    But yup sometimes its a black hole. I had no problem losing weight this way after my first, but even 100 calories not enough made me nearly lose my milk after my second so I couldn't start losing till she weaned. It was insane.