I've "attempted" to get healthy my entire life....and i'm convinced this is my last chance...

Hi, I'm Mark :)

In August of 2018 I spent a week in the hospital for Atrial Fibrillation. When I got out I was ready to turn my life around, but after one leg press I had a sciatica attack that would cripple me for two weeks and continue to flare up regularly until right before Christmas. In December I met with some physical therapist who gave me some exercise to combat the pain. I now do water aerobics three times a week and do everything I can to keep active and live a healthy lifestyle. I'm currently doing keto diet recommended by my dietitian and i'm excited to see where this takes me.


  • JohnnytotheB
    JohnnytotheB Posts: 361 Member
    Good for you taking the step to improve yourself! Good that you did not let the attack stop you. Water aerobics are great! Walking is too if your doctor permits it (check with them first if OK). You may also want to join OA (overeaters anonymous) for additional support. Check it out. Good luck to you. You will succeed.
  • myhealthdiarymark
    Thank you!