Scared of maintenance!!

ShayCarver89 Posts: 239 Member
edited January 2019 in Health and Weight Loss
I am 1.2 pounds from my goal weight, so any time now I’ll be there.
I am scared to death of maintenance. So much so that I don’t want to do it. I’m scared of gaining weight.
Anyways, what should I expect and how often should I weigh myself to keep myself from freaking out?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    how large is your deficit currently?

    weigh yourself as often as you do now would be my advice.
  • ShayCarver89
    ShayCarver89 Posts: 239 Member
    Currently I’m at 1250. I checked my maintenance calories and they’re 2250 - that’s what scares me!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited January 2019
    'Scared to death' - strong words.
    why scared? maintenance is no different than when we were losing, we just get some more calories to work with. If you're worried about regain you needn't - not as long as you continue to be mindful of your calories in/out, just like you have been when losing.

    How often do you currently weigh yourself? alot of us weigh daily and use weigh trending apps, that helps us see the general trend of our weight and that is where it should be. It also helps you get used to the normal weight fluctuations, we are never one consistent number.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Currently I’m at 1250. I checked my maintenance calories and they’re 2250 - that’s what scares me!

    only noticed that reply now! 2250 is a realistic number, I'm petite and maintain on around 2000. As @TavistockToad suggested, increase your calories slowly, ease in to maintenance.

    Congrats on being so close to goal, well done :smile:
  • Lolinloggen
    Lolinloggen Posts: 466 Member
    Don't be scared of maintenance - @TavistockToad is totally right in how to approach it. Find a maintainers thread for support in easing into it and enjoy that journey too.
    Maintaining is not that hard but like loosing weight does ask for focus.
    Personally I weigh myself once or twice a week for monitoring. Whenever I reach there higher end of my maintenance range I tighten my diet up a little and I move down again.
  • zeejane03
    zeejane03 Posts: 993 Member
    edited January 2019
    First, realize that you'll have a maintenance range not a set number. Many people chose a 3lb-5lb range. Your weight fluctuates daily for all sorts of reasons, not fat gains related, and it's very normal to see upticks and whooshes on the scale while in maintenance.

    Over time you'll start to learn your body's patterns and will recognize the difference between normal fluctuations and actual gains. If you don't already use a trending app I'd recommend getting one-it's been very helpful for me in maintenance to learn about my body's natural fluctuations (for example I'm always at my highest weight on Monday mornings etc). Libra for android or Happy Scale for iphone.

    Secondly, you might find it helpful to create new goals for yourself. One thing I've realized about maintenance is that it can get boring quickly, which leads to sloppiness. A new fitness goal, or maybe a new nutrition focus will help keep you focused.

    Congrats OP for getting to this point in the process :)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,735 Member
    If you haven't yet, start reading the "Goal: Maintaining Weight" part of the forum, starting with the "Most Helpful Posts".
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    I think it's common to be worried about maintenance. You put a lot of time and hard work into losing the weight, and now you don't want to undo it.

    It helps me to remember that I'm not going to gain the weight back unless I just stop my normal routine. I still log calories as accurately as possible, though not everyone in maintenance does. I weigh every day, but that's also what I did while I was losing. My weight fluctuates within my maintenance range, and that's normal. Knowing your typical range of weight fluctuation is really important to keep yourself from worrying about every change on the scale. However, unless I either really overate or have let the scale creep up gradually, I know those fluctuations aren't fat gain.

    If I do happen to go outside my maintenance range, I look for explanations first and give it a few days. It's probably not fat. But if I stay outside my range for more than a few days, then it might be fat and all I need to do is go back into a deficit temporarily.

    Once you understand your normal weight fluctuation and trust your routine, I think maintenance becomes less scary.
  • ShayCarver89
    ShayCarver89 Posts: 239 Member
    I probably seem a little ridiculous being so worried about it. I remember seeing someone post not that long ago that maintenance was harder than losing and from that moment on I've been scared.
    I don't plan on stopping logging everything. I'm a daily weigher (sp) I think I might take it down to twice a week if I can help myself.
    I have absolutely no plan to stop tracking and I'm getting a gym membership Friday when I get paid, so I plan on keeping it..actually doing more than I did to lose in the first place.

    I think I'll be ok. I'm still nervous. And I feel a little silly for it. Most people would be very happy right now. I'm terrified. :D

    But its just another chapter. I absolutely refuse to let myself go and regain the weight now that I'm here!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I probably seem a little ridiculous being so worried about it. I remember seeing someone post not that long ago that maintenance was harder than losing and from that moment on I've been scared.
    I don't plan on stopping logging everything. I'm a daily weigher (sp) I think I might take it down to twice a week if I can help myself.
    I have absolutely no plan to stop tracking and I'm getting a gym membership Friday when I get paid, so I plan on keeping it..actually doing more than I did to lose in the first place.

    I think I'll be ok. I'm still nervous. And I feel a little silly for it. Most people would be very happy right now. I'm terrified. :D

    But its just another chapter. I absolutely refuse to let myself go and regain the weight now that I'm here!

    It's a normal fear I think for people who have lost a lot of weight.

    If you weigh every day then you'll have a good understanding of normal fluctuations so you have nothing to worry about.
  • JennJ323
    JennJ323 Posts: 646 Member
    edited January 2019
    I was nervous about maintenance too! I did good for a while (several months) maintaining between 124-127lb, keeping at the lower end at 124lb which is what I preferred. Then the holidays came and I bounced up a bit higher, ranging between 126-129lb. But after the holidays I got back into the groove and am slowly making my way back to the lower end of maintenance. Like everyone said, it's just like losing, but with more calories allotted for the day. So I still logged everything, weighed everything and kept up with my workouts. Best of luck! I also weighed in weekly when I was in maintenance, now that I'm trying to lose a bit to get back into 124-127lb range I'm weighing daily again.
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    I probably seem a little ridiculous being so worried about it. I remember seeing someone post not that long ago that maintenance was harder than losing and from that moment on I've been scared.
    I don't plan on stopping logging everything. I'm a daily weigher (sp) I think I might take it down to twice a week if I can help myself.
    I have absolutely no plan to stop tracking and I'm getting a gym membership Friday when I get paid, so I plan on keeping it..actually doing more than I did to lose in the first place.

    I think I'll be ok. I'm still nervous. And I feel a little silly for it. Most people would be very happy right now. I'm terrified. :D

    But its just another chapter. I absolutely refuse to let myself go and regain the weight now that I'm here!

    It's not ridiculous. Maintenance is a new experience for most people and it's normal to be scared of the unknown.

    I think that claims of maintenance being more difficult than weight loss need some qualification. I don't think it's more difficult. Some people say that because there's no longer a goal weight number, maintenance gets monotonous and they find it harder to stick to it. If that's true for you, then you can set other fitness goals that aren't related to the number on the scale.

    You don't have to stop weighing every day unless you want to. I would actually recommend continuing to weigh every day, at least for a while, so you understand what your normal fluctuation looks like as @TavistockToad said. Many people use a trend weight app like Libra or Happy Scale.

    Keep in mind that if you increase your exercise, you may gain temporary water weight, and you will need to increase your maintenance calories to eat back what you burned.
  • garystrickland357
    garystrickland357 Posts: 598 Member
    I had the same fears and ask basically the same question. You might want to read through this thread:
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    You are not alone.

    I am also fearful of maintenance. Fear of failing I guess, of not having the "reward" of having lost weight to keep me going.

    I don't think i am ready to go there now though should at least read up on recomp and maybe try that.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    Be afraid, be very afraid. lol. It is tricky. It is actually good that you're freaked out. Better than being over confident. My goal this year is to tackle maintenance. I did great at losing ..and maintained pretty good all summer into the fall...until the holidays. I'm just now almost done losing the weight I gained, I think I'll have it all off by Valentine's Day. But, I've been so friggin mad at myself.

    All I can say.. is maintenance is like losing weight.. in that it is a journey..but its own journey. So if you approach like a new chapter with things to learn... you'll be fine.

    The way I see it, you have to under eat to lose weight.. you have to overeat to gain it. But, you have to eat just exactly right to maintain..
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I've been in maintenance going on 6 years...there's nothing to be scared of if you maintain the healthy habits that you hopefully have formed while you were losing weight. I do the same things now as when I was losing weight...I eat healthy for the most part and exercise regularly. I weigh myself one or two times per week just when I was losing. The only difference between losing and maintaining is a handful of calories