5 weeks in....finding it hard with baby!

Hi all
So im 5 weeks on MFP, ive lost 8lbs so far which im happy about, but my little one is nearly 6 months old and i am finding her to be so positive and healthy as she is demanding me constantly at the moment.

I try and walk every day but by the time she goes to bed in the evening im too tired to do any exercise!

Any tips or advice.........desperate new mum!

Any new mums out there can add me as a friend (or no new mums, just mums in general lol)


  • DonnaLFitz
    DonnaLFitz Posts: 270 Member
    Isn't it obvious? Put her in the sling or kangaroo pouch or stroller and take her for a long walk with you! If you are a runner, get a jogging stroller from your local consignment shop.

    Take the baby, too!
  • Twinmom1221
    Twinmom1221 Posts: 191 Member
    I toally hear you about being too tired after the little people go to bed to do much of anything. Do you stay at home with her, if so can you exercise while she naps? Is your partner able to watch the baby for a half hour or so each day so you can exercise? Usually on weekend mornings I just end up tossing the kids in the stroller and going for a walk. Good luck!
  • horsepullerlovesme
    horsepullerlovesme Posts: 228 Member
    i m new mommy of 5 months i do my 15 mintues exercise when morning nap comes. n make it a good workout so i no i m good for the day. (but mummy of 8)
  • bijalita
    Carry that baby everywhere in a sling or a backpack whatever! I started MFP when my baby was about 8 months. I used his weight as a weight while I walked, cleaned house, cooked dinner whatever. I'm down 40lbs and that's really the most exercise I've done.
  • PRbyLisa
    PRbyLisa Posts: 6 Member
    Totally look into a mei tei. It's a fantastic way to soothe the baby, get your workout in (and probably a nap for her!) I wore my youngest all the time--and trust me, she's not clingy now :)
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    I used to use my daughter for a weight during my workout. :) (That sounds so horrible.... haha!)

    I would hold her out in front of me and do squats, or sit on the couch with her resting on my shins (I'd hold her hands) and do leg extensions. I also did push-ups over her, so that my face would come right next to hers when I went down -- she thought this was hilarious.

    Playgrounds and parks are great workout areas, especially when your little one is that little -- you HAVE to climb and play and hold them!

    Just get creative with it. Have fun!

    Dancing is great, too.
  • candygirlbabyj
    I have a 3 month old and a 19 month old at home and on days they are home with me I get up an hour or two before them and do a Jillian Michael's workout DVD, some days I need more sleep so I do a workout DVD when they go down for their afternoon nap. It's hard sometimes because they don't always nap at the same time but I find a way to corral my toddler and put my little one in a swing or bouncy chair so they can play while I workout.
  • Ann_Marie_76
    Ann_Marie_76 Posts: 152 Member
    I know exactly what you mean!! When my little girl was that age, I thought I would never have the time or energy to work out again! But it gets easier. I used to sit my daughter in a little area with some toys and she would entertain herself while I worked out. Even if you do short workouts while she is napping. Any of the biggest loser workout DVD's are great because they have several shorter workouts ranging from 10-25 min. You can do 1 or multiple workouts depending on time. Also Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones is great because you can choose specific circuits to do. And walking is great too. And in no time, your little one will be right by you wanting to workout with you!! At least my soon to be 2 year old does! :wink:
  • nickising
    nickising Posts: 11 Member
    for the person who says "isnt it obvious" thanks............i do take her for a walk every day for a good 30-60 mins but surely i need to do more and i try and go to aerobics on a weds evening.

    When she naps, i run round the house for the washing, cleaning and everything else ha ha ha!

    weekends i try to take her swimming but that doesnt do much for me as im holding her up stopping her from drowning......he he he
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    I used to use my daughter for a weight during my workout. :) (That sounds so horrible.... haha!)

    I would hold her out in front of me and do squats, or sit on the couch with her resting on my shins (I'd hold her hands) and do leg extensions. I also did push-ups over her, so that my face would come right next to hers when I went down -- she thought this was hilarious.

    Playgrounds and parks are great workout areas, especially when your little one is that little -- you HAVE to climb and play and hold them!

    Just get creative with it. Have fun!

    Dancing is great, too.

    HAHA I've been donig that too along with jogging with her with our jogging stroller it's awesome!
  • jessienicole05
    jessienicole05 Posts: 83 Member
    Hello there,my name is Jessie and i have a little one as well(one of 5 kids that is) but she will be 7 months old soon and she is very demanding,so i know what you are going through! LOL. I finally resorted to buying a carrier and wearing her everywhere just to get my excercise in, and for the most part it works great! Feel free to add me,i'm always looking for new friends and more support as well as to support others! :happy:
  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    Haven't quite figured that all out myself. I try to workout while my 2 little ones are napping but they rarely sleep at the same time and sometimes not at all. So then I am left with evenings that I have to force myself to do because I would much rather get ready for bed myself and relax for the night. And as far as mornings, forget it! Too tired and my youngest is sometimes already up by 5am. If you find a way, be sure to let me know too!
  • ucaminax
    ucaminax Posts: 157 Member
    I agree with the previous poster about taking baby in walks-I highly recommend the ergo baby carrier. It works for infants up to toddlers (I cancarry my 2 1/2 year old on my back still). My big issue when she was so small wasn't finding the time to take her on a walk, it was eating poorly out of stress or fatigue. I wish I had spent more time planning my meals, recording them (I didn't know about MFP then) and keeping fewer fattening foos around. I think if you could find some time each week to plan meals, and maybe even prep a few so you have healthy meals and snacks during the week, that would help. Good luck! I will friend request you-we mamas have to stick together! :-)
  • nickising
    nickising Posts: 11 Member
    some gr8 tips there thank you so much as of tomorrow my baby girl will be used as my weight!!

    Thanks all

    Nicki x
  • GoyaMommy13
    GoyaMommy13 Posts: 80 Member
    i'm a new mom- my babygirl is 8 months and she is on the move!! she's crawling and walking her little shopping cart all over....so i get it.

    i work from home and she goes with the sitter. so i workout at my lunch breaks. my gym is about 5 mins away and have a good child care program. so i'll do that. once she goes down i'll throw in the Biggest Loser: Power Walk DVD - and that helps. I usually don't do all 3 - i alternate 'em. :)

    my biggest issue was food, and this tracker helps me a lot! it was so much easier when i was nursing...it was the best diet EVER. LOL
  • TipMcE
    TipMcE Posts: 158
    Hang in there! I found 6 months to be a real turning point. baby started solids and naps became more predicable. He's 9 months now and his sister is almost 3 years. I either drag myself out of bed after his 5 am bottle (yay me) for a workout or I do it during his morning nap while my daughter watches a video (bus usually dances around next to my elliptical). It's definitely not easy to take care of yourself and keep the house looking half way decent. Oh, and then there's feeding baby and yourself, laundry, showering, etc etc! I think any bit of movement you can do will help and don't believe the calorie burn MFP gives you for pushing a stroller! you'll start to see progress soon and that will propel you to keep going. There are lots of moms here for support.