Wat do I do? (Struggling to lose weight)

Sparkle097 Posts: 83 Member
edited January 2019 in Health and Weight Loss
Basically yesterday and today I binged. I hate myself. I was on a weight loss journey. For the past 2 weeks I’ve been eating good and working out well. Yesterday I ate so much crap and today as well. Tomorrow and Saturday I have parties to go to. I dnt want to but I’m being forced to go cause they are family parties. I’m assuming there’s gonna be a lot of junk food. On Sunday is my mums birthday. So there’s gonna be cake and we gonna have a mini party for her. I want to get back to track but it’s hard to continue in the next 3 days cause of all these parties. Idk what to do. I really wanna lose weight. I only have 20 pounds to lose. I keep losing willpower!!!!! When I see junk food, I wanna eat them.


  • Sparkle097
    Sparkle097 Posts: 83 Member
    It seems like this is a constant issue for you. How many calories are you eating the rest of the time?

    You may do better to raise your intake to a *reasonable* level -- AKA, none of this 1200 or less nonsense. That will help reduce the urge to binge, and will result in you taking in fewer calories overall.

    😔 Yeahh. Well currently I’m eating 1400 cals a day to lose 0.2kg per week. Mannn the struggle is real
  • FaithfuLEEfit
    FaithfuLEEfit Posts: 72 Member
    You may be emotional eating, or you may eat if you feel uncomfortable (such as in social situations like the ones you have coming up). I know that I like to eat when I'm bored. I'm not hungry...I just like to feel like I have something to do with my time. When you have the urge to binge eat, grab a notebook and pen instead. Jot down what you're feeling in that moment. This may help you to understand why you want to binge eat.
  • DoingTheImpossible
    I am an emotional eater as well. I also use it to avoid situations, kinda of how you feel about those parties. I don't know why or how to control it completely either but you are definitely not alone in this struggle. If just writing down how you feel does not help (because if you are like me you don't even know how you are feeling in that exact moment) then shoot me a message. Sometimes having a person who can actively listen and understand as well as give you interactive feed back may help.
  • alicemarshall2
    alicemarshall2 Posts: 11 Member
    I feel you completely Hun.. I had two parties to go to last week which involved alot of cocktails.. The day after was when I binged on junk.. Then my son and I got a cold and then came the binge eating to make myself feel better, then the guilt eating because I hadn't gone to the gym and I ate too much... It's such a tough road, I believe we have the power within us, we just have to really picture our goal every day...

    Anyone and everyone please add me! I'd love to have some more motivation and people to motivate ❤️
  • Sparkle097
    Sparkle097 Posts: 83 Member
    Thank u everyone for ur advices💗 I just need to eat these things in moderate. Hopefully I’ll lose 20 pounds end of April.
  • Opalescent_Topaz
    Opalescent_Topaz Posts: 130 Member
    Sparkle097 wrote: »
    Basically yesterday and today I binged. I hate myself. I was on a weight loss journey. For the past 2 weeks I’ve been eating good and working out well. Yesterday I ate so much crap and today as well. Tomorrow and Saturday I have parties to go to. I dnt want to but I’m being forced to go cause they are family parties. I’m assuming there’s gonna be a lot of junk food. On Sunday is my mums birthday. So there’s gonna be cake and we gonna have a mini party for her. I want to get back to track but it’s hard to continue in the next 3 days cause of all these parties. Idk what to do. I really wanna lose weight. I only have 20 pounds to lose. I keep losing willpower!!!!! When I see junk food, I wanna eat them.

    When I see junk food I want to eat it, too. I lost the bulk of my weight during what I call "the year of weddings." Everyone I know got married that year. Seriously, I had 4 weddings to attend, plus bridal showers, bachelorette parties, cake tastings, birthdays, Christmas, everything. Here are some things that helped me. They may or may not help you. The important thing is to figure out why you're feeling so out of control and adapt the various strategies that work best for you.

    1. Preplan parties and expect to have a taste of everything. I may not know everything that's going to be at an event, but I can expect certain staples at my friends' parties like cake, chips, buffalo chicken dip, etc. and log them ahead of time. This helps me to feel less deprived when I get there. I can still have all of these things, just not as much as I might have had. It helps me feel a little more in control, as well.

    2. Eat lighter on party days to leave room for treats or allow myself to go up to my maintenance level of calories on special occasions. It's your mum's birthday. One day at maintenance won't kill your diet.

    3. Log the good days and the bad. The idea is to break the all or nothing mentality. Sometimes I think I've ruined my diet and I log everything and discover that I'm right at goal or a little under still by the end of the night. And if I am over, I will know what my weekly calories look like and can make informed decisions about the rest of my days. I might eat a little less the other days to make up for it.

    4. Watch out for the binge/restrict cycle. You don't have to punish yourself for eating off plan. You don't have to restrict or exercise those calories away. It's just one day. It's just food. It's a normal occurrence. Forgive yourself. Keep moving forward. This one is hard for me but it gets easier with practice.

    5. Build some fun into my food plan. I get a candy bar every Monday. I get ice cream after dinner most nights. I include comfort foods like macaroni & cheese still. I add chocolate chips to my Greek yogurt. I figure that I'm going to have to learn how to moderate these foods eventually. I might as well include them while I'm losing and see how it goes.

    6. Delaying tactics. "I can have that, but not for an hour (or whatever amount of time works best for you)" Sometimes, the craving passes and I forget about it. Sometimes it doesn't, but I can eat in a more controlled manner when the hour passes.

    7. Craving redirection. "Sure I want a candy bar, but this pb& chocolate protein bar is going to be great, too." Focus on what you know you already have planned. Think about how it's going to taste, etc. It might help take the edge off of some of those cravings.

    8. Urge surfing: https://www.rasa.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Urge-Surfing_FINAL.pdf

    9. HALT: Don't let yourself get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired. These are times when our willpower is at it's lowest and you're less likely to make the best decisions.

    10. Set realistic goals. Are you trying to lose 20 pounds in 10 weeks or less? Are you trying to keep your calories as low as you can or skipping your earned exercise calories? I found that for me, the lower I tried to keep my calories the harder it was to make any food decisions. I was starving and hangry the whole time. Taking a time limit off of my weight loss was a game changer.

    11. Overall, be kind to yourself and take your time. Most of us don't get it right on the first try. These are all strategies you can learn and practice if they work for you. If these don't work, then other strategies will. Just keep going. Keep trying. Keep practicing. Keep learning. Eating is a lifelong process There's no rush to get it all perfect right away.

    This is fantastic and articulate advice. *claps*
  • rilesapp
    rilesapp Posts: 22 Member
    I personally struggle with the same thing...eating too much junk. I was obsessed with food. for my height I am suppose to eat 1200 daily and 1400 to lose weight. All I think about is cooking and trying new foods. Food was the only thing that made me happy. I have finally found a diet that works for me. One that I can actually call a life-style change. Im down 10 pounds already, sure its just water weight it has only been two weeks but I am very happy. Find what works for you