I need a new video or something to try?

Well considering all the holiday's coming up and me being out of the house alot, I might have to wait to start 30 day shred until a month or two (I just realized you have to do it all 30 days in a row or close, silly me thinking it was 3-4 days a week).. but I need something in the mean time to start doing strength.. suggestions? (If it costs money it needs to be less than $20, I am broke saving for 3 birthdays coming up and Christmas)... I have a squishy exercise ball, weights, and a resistance band already)

I'm looking for something for beginning people in strength. 3-4, 5 days max of workouts in a week. The only strength I have done so far is EA Sports Active and not sure that's much? But I don't know much about it!

Looking for a cheap video or something.



  • g8rlex
    g8rlex Posts: 20 Member
    Try Bob Harper's Yoga for the Warrior! It's fantastic for cardio and strength training.
  • ewejewel
    ewejewel Posts: 36 Member
    I just got the Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred DVD...I haven't used it yet (sorry, not helpful) but it was economical....got in for $10 (Cdn) at Walmart....I bought it because I noticed a number of people discussing it's benefits on other message boards on MFP....Also check out You Tube....there are some Kettle Bell videos online (free) but you need to purchase the weights (which are pretty inexpensive)...one way or the other it's gonna cost :wink: I hope this was helpful!